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So, is it fun?

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I decided I wanted to homeschool a year ago when DD was 3.5. I'm glad I decided then because I think I need a full two years before she is in kindergarten to research all my curriculum options.


Anyways, it all looks so much fun! I can't wait to someday order curriculum and make lesson plans and buy some maps to hang on the walls and maybe even a cheesy calender. I almost wanted to be a teacher... and now I'll get the opportunity. I'm excited.


So, do you enjoy homeschooling for the most part? Or is it like changing diapers and cleaning house? Not horrible but just a task that has to be done? Does the fun wear off after the first couple of weeks?


Just wondering what it's like... And I don't know how I'll ever make final decisions on what to order, lol!

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At least most days it is fun. I have 6th, 4th, 1st graders (and a toddler) this year.


Make sure you keep it fun when they are little (fun for teacher and students). It does get harder as they get older. Burnout does set in. Don't make the early years harder than they need to be. There will be plenty of time for that.


Those early years homeschooling can be precious. It is still rewarding as they get older but less often the "fun" of the early years.



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I suspect you will get a lot of different answers to this. Personally, I love teaching my boys. There's nothing more fun to me than hearing one of them play the recorder and thinking, "I taught them that," or seeing Hobbes diving into books and realising that not only did I teach him to read, but we all modelled the love of reading for him so that, despite his abundant physical energy and distractable personality, he can sit and read for hours.


On a larger scale, I love that I can tailor their curricula so that, for example, Calvin is spending a full eighteen months on a classical civilisation course that he is passionate about, and Hobbes is diving into Ancient Greek.


And then there are the cuddles, and the long afternoons sitting on the lawn reading history out loud. And for me: pleasurable hours spent on planning.


As with any job, there are aspects that are less fun. I don't enjoy marking papers. It can also be hard to find time away from the children, which I do need. I take full advantage of their outside activity times to take long walks, and I often disappear for half a day at weekends.



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There are many days when I'd like to call in sick (and plenty when I do, lol) but, for the most part, I think it's incredibly fun!


Homeschooling has changed our family dynamic in many ways, 99% for the better. And watching that light bulb turn on over their heads is amazing. The 1% that I spend wishing to put them on the school bus is completely worth it, imo!

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It is not all fun, but for us it is a lot of fun with a few "must-do" things. I would say we spend about 80% of our time on fun and the rest on chores, grocery shopping, and other must do activities. But many of the must do activities would have to be done whether my kids got on a school bus or not, so I like to think that homeschooling has allowed us to have more fun as a family along with more time. I agree that the early years are precious - do not overplan them! I work very hard to not do everything that we could so that we have plenty of playtime while they are still young. Our oldest turned 8 last month so we are still in the grammar stage. Welcome to homeschooling, and I hope you find it fun, too!

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I decided I wanted to homeschool a year ago when DD was 3.5. I'm glad I decided then because I think I need a full two years before she is in kindergarten to research all my curriculum options.


Anyways, it all looks so much fun! I can't wait to someday order curriculum and make lesson plans and buy some maps to hang on the walls and maybe even a cheesy calender. I almost wanted to be a teacher... and now I'll get the opportunity. I'm excited.


So, do you enjoy homeschooling for the most part? Or is it like changing diapers and cleaning house? Not horrible but just a task that has to be done? Does the fun wear off after the first couple of weeks?


Just wondering what it's like... And I don't know how I'll ever make final decisions on what to order, lol!

I would have to say that hs my two has been very enjoyable/satisfying. It has also been very stressful a good share of the time but my youngest has had some major hurdles to get over and it has become much more enjoyable this last year.

For me the biggest thing that I have had to guard against is burning out. To prevent this I homeschool year around taking any where from one to 6 weeks off at different times during the year. We do school 5 days a week taking a week off every 5-6 weeks with 2 weeks off at Christmas and Easter and 4-6 weeks off in July/Aug. Taking these times off is burnout insurance for me. It gives me a chance to catch up on things in the house, paint that room, get that produce canned etc.

It took me a couple of years to find the rythm that worked for us and to realize that I even needed to do that.

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I decided I wanted to homeschool a year ago when DD was 3.5. I'm glad I decided then because I think I need a full two years before she is in kindergarten to research all my curriculum options.


Anyways, it all looks so much fun! I can't wait to someday order curriculum and make lesson plans and buy some maps to hang on the walls and maybe even a cheesy calender. I almost wanted to be a teacher... and now I'll get the opportunity. I'm excited.


So, do you enjoy homeschooling for the most part? Or is it like changing diapers and cleaning house? Not horrible but just a task that has to be done? Does the fun wear off after the first couple of weeks?


Just wondering what it's like... And I don't know how I'll ever make final decisions on what to order, lol!


I started out much like you. I am now entering into the realm of Kindergarten with my son.


It's still fun to teach my kids.


Not that it is fun every day. But, overall, even after the down spots, it's still fun.


Curriculum choices will get easier as you research and find your philosophy. They'll get 100 times easier when you actually start teaching your first kid and realize both how they learn best and how you teach best.


All the best - and eat two cookies everyday,


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Honestly? It's fun. Most days. But then there are days you want to scream and pull your hair out. I am learning those are the days to chuck school and go do something fun. It's easy to get slave to your planning ;-)


And in the beginning you may find your brand new curriculum is horrible and not at all what you really want and will need to start over, lol.


But yes, it can be fun. I have to keep reminding myself that if it isn't fun most of the time we need to change something. :001_smile:

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Most of the time it is fun, and I love the time spent with my kids. I try to laugh a lot, and smile a lot, and tell them often how glad I am they are home with me. I love going on field trips to places the ps wouldn't take them and watching their faces light up. Homeschool is more than how to school, for us it is a way to live-a lifestyle.


However, reality is that there are some really tough days, weeks, and even months. There have been times my dh has come home finding me crying because we have really struggled with disobedience, tough but necessary school work, and fatigue. The last 2 years have been very hard because I had a dd born at 26 weeks with special needs and we began discovering that ds was having serious learning problems as well. Those things make learning not so fun. And they were totally unexpected. But, all in all we still liked being together and working together. We wouldn't change it for anything right now.

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Yes, it's fun, but it's also refining. Some days it's more about me and my attitude than about dd and her learning. That's not so much fun, but it bears fruit, and I love fruit! lol

I like to plan and research curriculum, and I like just about everything associated with history and reading aloud. It's doing the things that are needed but you don't find fun that takes self-control and discipline. Be prepared to grow.

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It's always educational (for the teacher anyway :tongue_smilie:), sometimes it's so much fun you wonder what the catch is, other days are the catch. I have yet for a truly ho-hum day. For the most part, it makes me feel closer to my kids and there's a sense of being the very essence of parenthood (I'm not just raising my kids, I'm raising my kids, iykwIm).


Even the bad days carry their lessons :)

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I love it.

But we unschooled for a long time and slowly worked into formal lessons with worksheets.

Science is still unschooled.


I have very little pressure now that dd can finally read. (Outgrew dyslexic issues).


My advice - just go slow. Don't burn out. Relax a LOT for kindergarten.

Your enthusiam is awesome.

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