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Anyone else go over budget for this school year?


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My hope was to come in right at $1000 for 4 kids ages 3 (minimal preschool stuff) through High School. Well I still have Math, Science, and a few little things to get and I am almost at $1800 :w00t:


I did buy SL new, but otherwise have been really watching $$. I feel guilty, mad at myself, something. I just keep telling myself, the others can re-use, the resale is high, etc, etc. And as "cheap/frugal" as my dh is, he is actually ok with it, since we would be paying $17,000+ a year if they were still in private school.


Anyone else blow their budget?

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My hope was to come in right at $1000 for 4 kids ages 3 (minimal preschool stuff) through High School. Well I still have Math, Science, and a few little things to get and I am almost at $1800 :w00t:


I did buy SL new, but otherwise have been really watching $$. I feel guilty, mad at myself, something. I just keep telling myself, the others can re-use, the resale is high, etc, etc. And as "cheap/frugal" as my dh is, he is actually ok with it, since we would be paying $17,000+ a year if they were still in private school.


Anyone else blow their budget?


I've totally blown mine. I can't even bear to look at the Education category in Quicken because I'm afraid to know the total. It's a good investment though, don't you think?



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Well yes and no. I ended up bying almost 3 full cores used plus other materials so that all came out of pocket which I was not initially expecting to do, BUT I have not gotten my funding yet, I get that mid august and have every cent pre-spent in my online shopping carts, including some fun extras I didn't think I would be able to get before. So it was well worth the money I have spent out of pocket over my budget. (To realize what I have spent my funding coming is is for $3700 CDN and I have managed to spend another $650USD ($760CDN) or so. For a grand total of $4460 for the coming year on school materials (though a good chunk of that is shipping fees). Everything I have already bought or have in my online carts already I planned to buy with the exception of new paints, coloured paper and other such art supplies. Normally I buy those throughout the year instead. Also I added some fun/educational things for the youngest 2 to my cart that I would have saved up for over the year but can now buy right away.

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Sort of. I keep buying things for the kids' schooling for this year out of my "fun" money. So I didn't technically go over the amount of money alotted for school materials. At least, that's what I tell myself. It's not like I have time for any hobbies at the moment anyway. I will quilt again....one day.



Yup. And, I just discovered that when our basement flooded, it got the corner of the bookshelf and ruined $200+ in brand ner science books. So, a change of plans and another $75. Sigh.

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I have not added up how much I have spent. I don't want to know.




It seems like this year I keep finding things that "oooh, we could really use!" I was going to put off logic for another year with my oldest, but my husband said he needs all the logic help he can get. :rofl:

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We were over budget because originally we were only going to homeschool our youngest for Kindy this year. Then some changes happened with our older three that made us decide to homeschool them as well. So we had to quickly get materials for 3rd, 5th, and 6th.



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