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Are there any Doctor Who or Torchwood fans on this board?

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My family and I are big fans of the new Doctor Who series. We have watched Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 just arrived in the mail the other day. My kids have been begging me to order season 1 of Torchwood since there are so many references to Torchwood in the series and there are supposed to be Doctor Who and Torchwood crossovers. Yesterday, Season 1 of Torchwood arrived and last night my family sat down to watch the first Torchwood episode. Before the show was even half way over my husband got up and turned off the DVD. My husband and I were totally shocked at the sexually explisseveness of the show. We thought it would be kid friendly like Doctor Who. For those of you who have watched Torchwood, did you find this shocking? Also, why would they promote Torchwood in the Doctor Who series when this show seems so kid unfriendly? When the kids went to bed my husband and I previewed two more episodes and could not believe what we were watching. This DVD is definitly going into the trash.





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My dh and I are watching season 1 of Doctor Who together right now. My 7 year old came in for a second to get a drink of water and said the show was scary and asked him to pause it until she could leave them room. I didn't know it was a family show.


I'll look into Torchwood. I've never heard of that show, but if it's similar to Doctor Who I'm sure my dh will like it.

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Even though Dr. Who is OK for kids, Torchwood was never intended for kids to watch.


Whilst Dr. Who is light and fun, Torchwood takes the concept of Dr. Who to places where Dr. Who could not go.


Torchwood is a very good series and well worth watching, even if it is only to stare at Captain Jack Harkness.

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Even though Dr. Who is OK for kids, Torchwood was never intended for kids to watch.


Whilst Dr. Who is light and fun, Torchwood takes the concept of Dr. Who to places where Dr. Who could not go.


Torchwood is a very good series and well worth watching, even if it is only to stare at Captain Jack Harkness.


:iagree: Especially the last part. :D


There is also the Sarah Jane Adventures, which is aimed at younger children.


We all watch Dr. Who and SJA, but dd is not allowed to watch TW yet, much to her disappointment as she likes Jack from watching DW and now Gwen from watching the cross-over shows. But, yeah, the graphicness, both sexually and violence wise, is way past her.

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We quit watching Torchwood after a few episodes. My husband and I aren't old enough for that stuff. :glare:


Torchwood was made for the later-evening slots and was never meant for kids. Sarah Jane Adventures, though, is a lot of fun and I bet your kids would enjoy it.


I'm a big Doctor Who fan and we're re-watching the whole thing right now (starting with Christopher Eccleston, that is, not the whole dang show--I love Tom Baker episodes though and we watch those too).

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We are big Dr. Who fans and are trying to work our way through them relying on our library system. My dh and dd age 11 look forward to Sat. night when we watch Dr. Who together. Thanks for the warning about Torchwood. I think Dr. Who is enough for now.



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All of my kids love Dr. Who, and they enjoy Sarah Jane, but Torchwood would be out of the question. On Dr. Who they made it clear that "he went both ways" and it seemed pretty clear that his series would have a lot of sexual references. We don't watch it. I also don't want BBC America for this reason. Not only Torchwood, but a lot of their shows are very inappropriate. Normally that issue is easily solved by not watching the shows, but they have explicit commericals on during Dr. Who.


I really hope Sci-fi picks up the next series of Dr. Who. :)

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I love Torchwood... but it's not for kids. It airs in Britain during the "adult viewing hours", after what we would call prime-time---can't remember what they call it there. My kids do watch some Dr. Who, but there are some episodes I think are too dark/too much for them, and we skip those.


Sara Jane Adventures is great for kids.

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It's called the 9 O'clock watershed


Watershed policy


From 9pm the TV watershed helps parents protect children from unsuitable material. In all but exceptional circumstances, programmes before 9pm are suitable for general audiences including children. From 9pm they are progressively suitable only for adults.


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Lurve Dr. Who. I'm just waiting for the doctor to show up on my doorstep and take me away on an adventure.


Torchwood is waaaaay too adult for kids. I'm pretty sure that someone dies in every single episode. I can't think of one where someone doesn't. It's dark and Jack is very gay, so if you don't want your family watching him kiss other men (very passionately, with tongue) then you do not want to watch it. Lots of kissing scenes like that.


Though we watched Torchwood at first, my dh and I both agreed it wasn't a good show for us to watch and we're not watching it any more. It was dark and some episodes were somewhat disturbing.


Too European for us!

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I would venture to say Torchwood is advertised during Dr. Who because there are character and plotline crossovers. There is even some crossover with the Sarah Jane Chronicles. Having seen many episodes of all the different doctors, I believe the more modern Dr. Who series is written more for an adult audience than the older series. My family watches anything Dr. Who related, even Torchwood though I can see where it can be shocking to some people. We haven't seen an episode yet that we didn't think very well done.

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Torchwood is shocking compared to Dr. Who. Season 2 is even worse. Definately not for kids. One of their goals inmaking it was for it to be edgy. LOVE Dr Who, though! And Torchwood was enjoyable, though I did often feel like I needed to go scrub my brain afterwards. Sarah Jane Chronicles is more for kids. DH didn't like at all as it was too childish.

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We love all three (Dr. Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures). My daughter, who is almost 9, has watched the SJ Adventures, I'm not sure she's ready for the new Dr. Who yet (though we are planning to get some of the old adventures when Sarah Jane was in initially) maybe in a year or so, and she might get to see Torchwood when she's 35 ;).


Torchwood is not just sexual references, it's got a good bit of very overt sex with anyone and everyone/thing (thinking particularly of the second show in season 1---well, *that* was an eye-opener!). Definitely very R-rated IMO.


Can't wait for the next ones to come out on dvd!

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Love both Dr. Who and Torchwood. Torchwood has the mini-series coming July 20 that looks very interesting.


I'm rewatching Dr. Who series 4 and am starting to develop a little crush on David Tennant. It took me many episodes to not be upset about about Eccleston leaving. I knew as soon as I got used to Tennant he would be ripped away from me.:glare:

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