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Starting a pregnancy overweight...

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Do you think it is possible for a person to start a pregnancy 20-25 lbs overweight, eat healthy, exercise, and reduce in other body areas while the baby gains healthily? Does that make sense? Maybe gain 10-15 lbs during the pregnancy versus 30. Is it possible to end the pregnancy either at or smaller than the beginning if the right steps were taken? I know that is a long shot, but I'm just wondering if it can be done while still having the main focus be a healthy baby??

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Do you think it is possible for a person to start a pregnancy 20-25 lbs overweight, eat healthy, exercise, and reduce in other body areas while the baby gains healthily? Does that make sense? Maybe gain 10-15 lbs during the pregnancy versus 30. Is it possible to end the pregnancy either at or smaller than the beginning if the right steps were taken? I know that is a long shot, but I'm just wondering if it can be done while still having the main focus be a healthy baby??


I don't gain weight when I am pregnant, but I am very overweight. I always end up 20-30pounds lighter after having the baby (but it just comes right back!:glare:)

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I did with all my kids, most esp with dd. I was about 70 lbs over my most comfortable weight when I got pg with her. I gained about 15 lbs, and lost most of it at delivery. Unfortunately, I always gain a bit when nursing--so I didn't really lose weight or anything after.

You have to be careful because of g-diabetes when you are overweight--risks for other things occur, too. I do think that eating healthfully, exercising appropriately, and letting your body determine when to put on the weight needed for growing a baby are all important steps to staying well and having a healthy baby. You should definitely not diet when pg.

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I was 155 when I got pregnant the first time, lost 7 lbs cuz I was sick and then gained back up to 163. I had a 9lb 2oz baby, and within two months was way below the 155. I nursed whenever she was hungry and was 130 lbs when she was a year. With my son I ended up doing about the same. No desire to eat when first pregnant.

So, both times I lost a ton...too bad I can't be pregnant again! Take good vitamins, eat well, take walks, enjoy being pregnant! Nurse until they won't nurse any more!


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I think it probably depends on how your body responds to pregnancy. Do you normally gain a lot during pregnancy or just a little?


I typically gain a *lot* during pregnancy. For my last one I was 20lbs over going into the pregnancy and I gained at least 70 pounds. I really thought I could do it without gaining much and I was very careful with my diet during the first trimester plus I was out walking regularly. I still gained a lot of weight so eventually I didn't watch what I ate as carefully and then I was on and off bed rest from 29 weeks so...


I don't say this to discourage you. My mom gained a ton during each pregnancy and my sister - who started out at 123 pounds - has already gained 27 pounds during her first two trimesters. I'm sure I could have gained less than 70 but I don't think that it would have been physically possible for me to gain only 20 lbs.

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I was in your shoes-25 lbs or so over weight when I was pregnant with both my DC's. I gained 20 with DS and 16 with DD. They were both 7lb 11oz (yeah the nurses said they hadnt seen two siblings at the same birth weight). After delivery I maintained about 5 or so of the lbs. Flashforward 7 yrs and I am the same weight I was when I was pregnant---time for weight watchers. I did do some exercising while pregnant (walking mostly ) with my first but nothing with the second (of course I had a 13month old at that point)

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I don't gain weight when I am pregnant, but I am very overweight. I always end up 20-30pounds lighter after having the baby (but it just comes right back!:glare:)


me too. I only gained 8 lbs with my 4th (though I did lose 15 in the 2st tri due to morning sickness). I am always more careful about what I eat during pg etc and have lost weight while pregnant (weighing less after the delivery than pre-pg) 3 times. Though I always gain it back because I don't stick to my very healthy lifestyle once the baby is born.

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I lose weight when pregnant. I weigh either the same, or less at the last OB appt before baby's born than I do the first appt. I put it down to having a hypo active thyroid that's more closely monitored. I don't eat differently, since I always eat pretty healthy, the odd craving is indulged...*shrug* Its weird, honestly.

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It is possible. However, 25- 30 lbs overweight is not that much. What is much more important than the weight gain is the food that you eat. If you focus more on getting all the appropriate nutrients through healthy, nutritious, whole foods, you will do your body and your baby good in the short run and the long run. Not only will this help you grow a healthy baby with the least amount of stress on your body, you set yourself up for a healthy lifestyle in the future - leading to a healthy weight.


Whole grains

Plenty of high quality protein

leafy green vegetables


plenty of calcium rich foods (if you can't do dairy, look for other food sources of calcium)

healthy fats (including fatty foods like avocados)

plenty of water


The Brewer Diet is one place to look for information on eating well for this baby.

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With my 4th, I lost 10 lbs in the first trimester and gained back 26 and had an 11 lb baby.


I'd rather start a pregnancy overweight than lose 30 lbs, get pregnant, gain it all back plus the normal 25 lbs, and end up weighing what I weighed just before delivering my 7.5 lbs each twins! That's what just happened to me. :glare:

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I was more than 100 lbs overweight when I got pregnant with Schmooey. I didn't gain any weight, and he was still born at 9 lbs! I was less overweight than that with the girls (maybe 50 lbs), and the dr. still told me I didn't need to gain any weight. If you eat well, and get a reasonable amount of exercise, you don't have to gain a ton of weight with your pregnancy. If you eat better than you do normally, which I did because I had to follow a gestational diabetes diet, it will work wonders.

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I think it is possible, though my experience isn't an example of it.


I was 20lbs overweight with my first. I thought I was eating healthy (though I wasn't trying to lose weight): neither over- nor under-eating, some fat but not too much, granola bars and crackers instead of cookies and chips. And I only gained 10 lbs., all while thinking I was eating a lot, and fairly healthy at that. But I wasn't getting all that much protein, and, hey, turns out that's important. I ended up with pre-eclampsia and was induced at 35 weeks. R spent 36 hours in the NICU, but was otherwise fine. I did lose all the weight, though - left the hospital 12lbs lighter than my pp weight, and dropped another 10lbs in the next few weeks. Kept it off, too, till my next pg. But I don't recommend it.


With #2, I was more worried about preventing pre-e than anything else. I kept all junk out of the house (also made sure I ate lots of protein). Made it hard to eat enough, actually - I just don't eat much when I don't have junk available; I took to making whole wheat brownies to add calories :tongue_smilie:. If you really want to keep your weight gain down, safely, keep all snack foods out of the house.

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Usually, for me, pregnancy is a maintaining time and nursing is a losing time. With Gabriel, I gained 26 lb of which 21 are already gone, and he is 2 weeks old. My arms look smaller than they did prepregnancy. I know by the time I go to my 6 week checkup I will be back to my prepregnancy weight. However, I started my pregnancy 45 lb overweight not 20 or 30.

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I definitely think it is possible. I'm a size 12 and decided that I didn't need to gain heaps of weight when I got pregnant. My midwife assured me that the extra calories needed for eating for 2 could be achieved by eating 2 yogurts a day not platefuls of food. Actually I think I was at my healthiest during both my pregnancies as I really watched what I ate and exercised on a regular basis. Sad to say those healthy ways slipped once the babies came, but it did help a lot to not have any real weight to lose.

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