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People are SO nice to police officers

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My DH stopped someone to write a ticket and the guy starts arguing with him. He actually told my DH that the only reason he was stopped was because my Dh "needs more &*%$-ing doughnut money." :eek: LOL


Where do people get this stuff?



Really? Seems like your dh should be able to give people like that a ticket for being stoopid.

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Gee...I'm always nice and usually get less of a ticket or none at all.

Sometimes I just take it (like the one I got on vacation and totally deserved, but I WAS lost) and sometimes I just flash a smile because I'm in uniform with my stethoscope and cops love nurses.

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Did you see the news story a while back where a police officer was suspended (I think it was) because he physically touched a teenager who was disrespectful? I remember watching the video and, ignoring the issue of the physical contact, I could just not believe the attitude of the kids. Maybe it was because my father is a lawyer, but our repeated instructions growing up were always "be very polite to police officers, 'yes sir', 'no sir', and no backtalk."

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Same here.

And you can catch more flies with honey anyway.

I always ma'am and sir - I know I appreciate it from other people. If a kid says, "Yes ma'am" to me, I know their mom and/or dad is teaching them to show respect in that sweet southern way that I can not resist....and they're pretty much "in" with me.


I even ma'am/sir my daughter and other kids because I respect them, love how it sounds, and want to set an example.

ummmm-off the soap box now.

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Some people can be so rude. I'm always nice to police officers. They're work is vital to a well run society, and that requires following rules. If a rule is broken, then a consequence follows.


DH & friend each had full vehicles driving caravan. Both were speeding, so they both pulled over and took a LONG walk with the cop. They seriously came back 30 minutes later, shook hands, exchanged phone numbers, and walked away with a hunting date AND the speeding ticket :D


(Those of us in the car were a tiny bit frightened!!)

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I like Amy's idea. Kind of like when you have a kid who can't shut up, every time they make a snarky comment you add to their punishment.


Officer "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" as he writes the ticket

Speeder "&())*^%$#"

Officer "I am going to write a stoopid ticket to go along with your speeding ticket"

Speeder "(*&%$#@#"

Officer "Okay, that will be two stoopid tickets and a speeding ticket!"

Speeder "#%^&**"

Officer "Do you know that I would put myself in front of a bullet to save your hide, you loser. You get a stoopid loser ticket, too"


And so on. And so forth.

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I like cops. They used to bring ME donuts when I was working the late shift at a gas station years ago. Dunkin Donuts Bavarian Cream filled. yum. :D


I'm extra nice too.

I had one cop ask me why it took so long to pull over.

I had made him follow me all the way off the highway to a parking lot. With my blinkers on, going real slow :)

I told him that after a cop i knew was almost killed when a drunk driver slammed into him as he was pulled over on the side of the highway, i NEVER stop on the side of the road again. I value both of our lives more than a ticket!

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My DH stopped someone to write a ticket and the guy starts arguing with him. He actually told my DH that the only reason he was stopped was because my Dh "needs more &*%$-ing doughnut money." :eek: LOL


Where do people get this stuff?


I can see your dh responding--

"Yes sir. You are absolutely right. Whatever it takes. You betcha. Have a nice day."

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A second thank you, to your husband and to you, for what you have to put up with and worry about. I'm sorry people are so disrespectful to those who are willing to put their lives on the line for the rest of us. :(

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My DH got a ticket last year when he was kind of lost, and was driving a little over. He had our daughter with him at the time. He thanked the officer for doing his job, even though he was getting a ticket. I thought that was a good example to her.


It does go both ways. In my late teens, I was driving to work, turned left at a stop sign onto a street without a stop sign. I saw the policeman before I turned and didn't think twice about the turn. He pulled me over, saying I was too close to him (cut him off) which to this day, I think he's nuts, he had plenty of room. My mom had told me if I ever got a ticket, they'd take me off of their insurance, so I was so scared he was giving me a ticket, for a reason I didn't think was real anyway. So I started crying, nothing over the top, I was just crying, and he repeatedly told me to "shutup" while giving me the ticket. He was so rude! I wasn't trying to cry to get out of it, I was genuinely upset.


I can't believe someone would say that to your DH, though. It is too bad he can't give out smart mouth tickets.



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I've lived for such a long time in countries where most policemen are corrupt, that I love it when I'm back in the West, where you can actually walk up to them and ask for help:eek: rather than running a mile.

It's this old thing of one not realizing what one has, until it's gone.

I bet your husband is one of the friendly ones, too!:)



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I agree, that people shouldn't be rude to police officers -- however I've twice been on the other side of this issue.


Christmas Eve 2002... I was involved in an accident. Policewoman said there were "no witnesses" (I found a dozen who were across the street), and ticketed me for reckless driving. She also testified that I hadn't attempted to stop. Needless to say, I got the charges dropped -- and lodged a formal complaint. She just assumed I was in the wrong, and didn't investigate anything. BTW, my insurance refused to pay for the other car's damages, and when the other driver's family attempted to sue, the case was dropped because of the evidence I gathered, and their taped interview with the other driver.


Two years ago, while driving back home to VA from Orlando, FL I was pulled over. The first words out of the policeman's mouth were "no, you weren't speeding." Which I knew I wasn't. I was pulled over because a new law had just been passed which said that if an emergency vehicle was off to the side of the road with its lights on, you either had to move into the other lane, or slow down 15mph.


After that explanation, the police officer then said, "there were cars to your left, so I know you couldn't move over -- and you were behind a semi-truck which may have hindered your ability to see me more quickly, but you should have slowed down." After asking for my license, proof of registration and insurance -- and everything "checking out" -- He issued me a warning -- and after the shock wore off.


Sorry, but I got the feeling he was pulling me over for this because I was from out of state, and he was HOPING to find something to ticket me for. It was a royal pain, and even my 60yo mother was angry.


There are police officers out there who abuse their position -- and while it's not an excuse for being disrespectful, I can certainly understand where it may stem from.

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I value police officers and I would venture to say everyone I choose to spend time w/values them, too.


I don't like it when people are lumped together and painted w/the same brush. (how's that for mixing metaphors!)


And you know, I've been let down by police officers in the past (as a child, when they left my dad in the house to work it out when he was beating my mom...on more than one occasion)


I don't envy you being a officer's wife but please know many people are not all nasty about the police...it's just that the police are around the nasty people more than the nice people.

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who forget that their job is to serve the public and get off on the power trip. I have had words with officers like this. Most are wonderful, however - very professional and doing this most difficult job to the best of their ability. They are heroes in my book, and deserve way more respect and compensation than they get.

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I love police officers. At least, I love the ones in my town. A couple of years ago, EX had dd for the weekend. I called to tell him something and he didn't answer the phone. Normally, he'd call back within a few minutes if he missed my call, so after an hour, I went by his place. His car was there, so I knocked on the door. No answer. I banged on it. No answer. I called his cell again. No answer. I was in complete panic mode. I had no idea if he and dd were dead on the floor, if he'd had someone take her out of state (he has insane relatives and was hiding the fact he had the live-in boyfriend--a total violation of the separation agreement) or what. So, I called the non-emergency number and within 10 minutes, 3 cruisers met me at EX's apartment and interestingly enough, he did answer the door. They were SO kind and courteous and took my concerns seriously. I felt foolish for making a big deal out of it (EX left his cell in his car and "didn't hear" when I banged on the door), but the officers said to NEVER feel foolish if I'm concerned about my dd's safety. They said they much prefer to be called out for "nothing" than to be called out when it's too late to do anything about it.


I *heart* the police!

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Yes, there are lots of LEOs that are jerks on a power trip.


DH and I were cracking up about this. I asked him if he laughed when the guy said it and he said he is not really allowed to because he might get a complaint filed against him. :rolleyes:


The worst is when DH pulls a woman over and asks for her info. When he comes back to the car her shirt has very obviously been unbuttoned a little more *gag*

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I'm always polite to police officers. My dad, however, once beat a ticket in Germany (back before the officers all knew German) by speaking only English. Can you imagine what would have happened if the officer had heard me burst out, in fluent German (which I don't know anymore) "But daddy, why didn't you speak German? He spoke German?" The window was barely closed. I don't think my dad was right.


On the other hand, it was a Canadian police officer who shamed my dad into slowing down when he was pulled over for speeding at home. He pointed out his lovely wife and children, etc.

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The very few experiences I've ever had with policemen/persons has almost always been fine. However, since I'm pretty much a non-speeder (no more than 5 over), the first time in my life I've ever been pulled over for a ticket almost 4 years ago made me furious! I was on a highway marked for 65mph. When it changed to 2 lane, it went down to 55. I adjusted my CRUISE CONTROL accordingly. Then I went by one of the speed check signs that tells you how fast you are going, then I saw him pulling someone else over about 1/2 to 1 mile ahead on top of a hill. There's NO way I was speeding when I passed him like he said and he wasn't in his car anyway.


I cried after he left just because I was SOOOO furious! At least when I finally get a ticket I would have at least preferred to have deserved it! LOL He was a really cold jerk anyway. I think he just did it because I was from out of town. Ugh!


Other than that, THANK YOU to your hubby for working to keep us safe!

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The worst is when DH pulls a woman over and asks for her info. When he comes back to the car her shirt has very obviously been unbuttoned a little more *gag*


Remember the ad with the woman getting all spiffed up, tossing her hair and looking vampy, and then the highway patrol cop walks up and it's a woman!


Might've even been Danica Patrick (?) the racecar driver who was speeding. It was just a funny commercial.


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