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I HATE moving!

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Well, I hate packing really.


The furniture that we are taking is mostly packed and I am making a dent in the stuff. We just moved 9 months ago and it was a bad move - no decent packing or sorting. I haven't even unpacked all the way!:lol:


I keep telling myself that by doing all this work now, my life will be much easier when we move. We are downsizing, decluttering, and organizing all in one job.


Anyone else want to move?:lol:

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No Thank you. We have moved 4 times in the last two years. I have had enough. I am hoping that we won't move again for a long time. But being married to a gypsy doesn't give me any guarantees.:D


I feel for you though. We did the purge thing a couple of moves ago and it does make for much easier and quicker moves after that.

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Anyone else want to move?:lol:




But we are in about a month, then again 11 months after that.


We're very good at it, but it still is not fun and still takes a while.


We're currently downsizing, what we can afford in LA is much smaller than what we can afford here.


We try to get rid of junk each move, but it seems to multiply, especially the toys. (And the books, but we don't consider those junk!)

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:glare:Um, no thanks! Moving can be an adventure but man I dread, dread, dread, the packing! I get to the point where I am so sick of packing that things end up getting tossed, donated, or given out to friends :tongue_smilie: Good luck with the move though!





Well, I hate packing really.


The furniture that we are taking is mostly packed and I am making a dent in the stuff. We just moved 9 months ago and it was a bad move - no decent packing or sorting. I haven't even unpacked all the way!:lol:


I keep telling myself that by doing all this work now, my life will be much easier when we move. We are downsizing, decluttering, and organizing all in one job.


Anyone else want to move?:lol:

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Unfortunately, we are pros at the moving thing. In the past 12 years, DH and I have moved 12 times - ridiculous! We don't even buy boxes anymore, because we have those plastic bins for everything. DH is a purger extraordinaire. There were a few times that we had to move from house w/basement, barn, and 2 outbuildings down to a 2 bedroom house on post with NO storage. It has been an adventure to say the least. The only things I won't let go of are books :D... it has been a struggle at times, but I am glad we kept them! All I can say is, put in the work now (organizing, decluttering, throwing the junk away), and you will be happy that you did!

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No, but we are probably going to in about a year from now.


We haven't moved nearly as much as some of the rest of you! But we feel we move frequently. We are on our 5th house in our 14 years of marriage.



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Listen, I hate moving and we don't even pack or move ourselves. However, we still have to sort everything, purge, watch movers,etc.

In our last move, which was right before Christmas, the girls and I were in the Christmas Cantata and we had our dress rehearsal the night of our last move day. SO I had to take them and check into our hotel while dh stayed with the movers so I could drive us later to the rehearsal. We thought he would be coming at a certain time to the hotel. He wasn't. Why- cause we had ambulances out twice after I left for one of the movers was having seizures. Since he had track marks, they figured he must have been having withdrawal. THe first time, the ambulance left after checking him out and telling him he was done moving for the day. He kept sitting there and about an hour or so later he had his second seizure. This time he went to the hospital. Turns out that the driver had hired two guys from the truckstop that day. THankfully, neither of them stole anything.


Or I can giving you our previous US move where we had convicts from a halfway house moving and packing us. Or our second movers in the military who didn't speak English and tried to disassamble our fixtures in our apartment. How I love US movers (not). On the other hand, our movers in Europe were spectacular.

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Do you really live on the lake? That has always been a dream of mine, to live on a lake!


Can I ask why you are moving?




Well, I live within walking distance of Jordan Lake in central NC - my dirt road is off of another road that borders the lake. My dc walk to the lake to fish sometimes, but we have to drive to get to the recreation areas (I have to go up and around the section of lake we live on.)


We are moving to FL because my dh has taken a job there. He is coming this weekend for my 16yo's birthday party and taking the trailer back with him (with all of our stuff.) The dc and I will camp out for another 3 weeks - we are actually leaving on June 29th.

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Thanks for the encouragement! The packing is starting to really accelerate. The kids rooms are done (except for the oldest, but he is staying in NC with his Dad so we will move his stuff later.) The kitchen cabinets are packed and most of my room as well.


We really don't have all that much stuff for 9 people, but it is enough! My 11yo is the world's worst packrat and I did his room yesterday and last night. I found all KINDS of stuff in there. I threw a lot away (just plain trash) and got more together for the thrift store. The other two bedrooms were much easier.


My 11yo and I are good at playing "Tetris" with the boxes and furniture in the truck. I do have to say that it is a good thing we aren't taking the couch and recliner as I don't know that it will fit!:tongue_smilie:


The stuff will be packed in the trailer for at least the next almost 2 months. We will move at the end of June, but the trailer we are moving into won't be empty until then. Once it is empty we have to replace flooring, paint, and clean. We'll move in once all that is done.

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Oh, I *really* feel your pain! Our house went under contract late last week and we have until next Wednesday to be out. So, I basically have 2.5 weeks to pack and move our family of 6. Of course, we don't have a house to go to yet, because who sells their house and has two and a half weeks to be out? Apparantly, we do! Anyway, I'm thankful for my very generous mom and her large basement with a full kitchen, and extremely grateful to have sold our house that has been on the market for 8 months. It's a problem and stress I'm so thankful to be having! My current goal: 10-15 boxes per day + several loads either to the garbage or the DI (our local equivalent of Goodwill).

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YUCK!! We just moved last week only 8 minutes away. We went from a small house on one side of the lake to a larger house on the other side of the lake LOL.


We are remodeling also, so we are not likely to get the boxes all unpacked anytime soon *sigh*. It is nice to be in a bigger place, but yeah we won't be moving again anytime soon if we have anything to say about it!


I don't know why I am complaining since this is our first move in 9 years, but yuck I still don't like it!

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Moving is second nature to me. As a kid, my family moved 16 times by the time I was 16. Between then and my wedding, I moved 3 times. After getting married, I have moved 13 times in 25 years. Gosh, I would love to be done, but I hate the house I'm in right now so at least one more move is inevitable. We will either build a new house or buy my IL's house on the same property.


I don't get stressed out about it though. I could pack up our house in my sleep! And I love organizing a new home. I'm just getting older and I don't have the energy anymore!

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All I can say is, put in the work now (organizing, decluttering, throwing the junk away), and you will be happy that you did!


This is the only good part of moving! I love being able to get. rid. of. stuff.


We get to do that again this summer, between 7 and 9 months of this pregnancy. :001_smile: But at least we'll be able to weed out and cut down.


Sorry that you have to go through this!!


Mama Anna

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Suffering the consequences of not properly packing myself, so, um, no thank you. We've been here a week. I'm ready to quit. I did purge and declutter and all that, but, not enough, evidently. And our storage space decreased here. I'm still trying to figure out where all our school stuff is going..and I don't think we have a lot.


Yeah, I'm just ready to quit.

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I feel your pain. We're moving for the second time in a year, but this move will be to our retirement home after moving the with Marine Corps for 22+ years.


The military usually moves us, but we've done a few moves ourselves and both of them suck. We're doing this one ourselves. The house is on the other side of town and we're going to take a week to move things over a bit at a time, so we'll be stretching out the pain. My plan is to unpack boxes as we take them over; maybe that will help ease the stress of living in an unorganized house for days on end.


We've been decluttering and purging for a couple of weeks now and I'm wondering how we could have so much to get rid of when we did this only a year ago?


I'm trying to be positive about this move as it's going to be our last, but I'll be happy when it's all over.

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We will have moved 3 times in 1 1/2 yrs by the end of June, when we make the 3rd move. I do everything. My poor dh is organizational challenged, and has a hard time getting rid of anything. So, I the toss it lady moves in. I have found Freecycle.org is a wonderful place to get rid of stuff I would otherwise have to haul off to the Goodwill. I post what I'm giving away, and people come right to my door. Doesn't get much better than that.

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Suffering the consequences of not properly packing myself, so, um, no thank you. We've been here a week. I'm ready to quit. I did purge and declutter and all that, but, not enough, evidently. And our storage space decreased here. I'm still trying to figure out where all our school stuff is going..and I don't think we have a lot.


Yeah, I'm just ready to quit.


I didn't properly pack last time but this time I am doing a much, much more through job. The biggest reason is the lack of space in the trailer. I hope to have a much easier time unpacking by doing the work now.

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