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It's official: I must be a PRUDE.

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Wow!! I've never heard anything like that before. If anything breastmilk is God's plan for feeding an infant. I can't think of anything more natural, but to think of breastfeeding as child abuse is completely bizarre to me!! :eek:


I probably would have given that lady a heart attack if she knew I breastfed my son until he was 5 years old! :eek: It wasn't my idea to feed him that long, honestly, I didn't want to go longer than a year, but he has Autism and he wouldn't drink ANYTHING other than breastmilk or apple juice. No formula, goats milk, chocolate milk, stawberry milk, soy milk, rice milk... nada. So I fed him until he weaned himself. He only drinks juice and occasionally water now. Even though I never wanted to nurse that long, I'm glad that I did for his sake.


Nah, you wouldn't have given her a heart attack but she would have attacked you pretty harshly had you said it on that forum.


I've actually run into that thought more than once, especially when referring to older kids, say age 2 and older. It gets MUCH more common as the age of the child goes up.


I think it is great that you were willing to keep breastfeeding as long as he needed it.

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Nah, you wouldn't have given her a heart attack but she would have attacked you pretty harshly had you said it on that forum.


I've actually run into that thought more than once, especially when referring to older kids, say age 2 and older. It gets MUCH more common as the age of the child goes up.


I think it is great that you were willing to keep breastfeeding as long as he needed it.



I'm glad I didn't meet her then! hehe Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I'm not a big fan of being personally attacked. ;) :D hehe


Thank you for your kind words. :) It is a long time to nurse, but I didn't see what else I could do. He just refused everything else. I'm sure most moms would do the same though in the same circumstance. :)

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Wow!! I've never heard anything like that before. If anything breastmilk is God's plan for feeding an infant. I can't think of anything more natural, but to think of breastfeeding as child abuse is completely bizarre to me!! :eek:


I probably would have given that lady a heart attack if she knew I breastfed my son until he was 5 years old! :eek: It wasn't my idea to feed him that long, honestly, I didn't want to go longer than a year, but he has Autism and he wouldn't drink ANYTHING other than breastmilk or apple juice. No formula, goats milk, chocolate milk, stawberry milk, soy milk, rice milk... nada. So I fed him until he weaned himself. He only drinks juice and occasionally water now. Even though I never wanted to nurse that long, I'm glad that I did for his sake.


I'm going to have to tell dh that our children were abused. One dd nursed for 4+ years. Comments like that are so ludicrous - they just make me shake my head.



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Breast cancer isn't about loving boobs and saving "ta tas." It's about saving the lives of women who don't want to die - women with children, husbands, friends, parents and siblings who love them.


I think it's tacky. I think it's stupid. And I think it's insulting.

:iagree: I could not agree more! :iagree:

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The message of these shirts is offensive, counterproductive and inaccurate. Sometimes/often breast cancer treatment means giving up the ta-tas in hopes of a long life. Those who are inordinately attached to the ta-tas are going to avoid cancer screening and treatment, to the detriment of their health.


Speaking as one who had to make such a choice.

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The message of these shirts is offensive, counterproductive and inaccurate. Sometimes/often breast cancer treatment means giving up the ta-tas in hopes of a long life. Those who are inordinately attached to the ta-tas are going to avoid cancer screening and treatment, to the detriment of their health.


Speaking as one who had to make such a choice.



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I can understand that, but what about the survivors who wear them? I know quite a few, myself.


I've seen the "save the ta ta's" only once. I've never seen "save the b**bs" The one I saw was on a car in a medical office parking lot, but I've never seen anyone in the oncologists' office wearing anything like that.


And as a breast cancer survivor, I still find it tacky.

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Breast cancer isn't about loving boobs and saving "ta tas." It's about saving the lives of women who don't want to die




I can understand that, but what about the survivors who wear them? I know quite a few, myself.


being a survivor of a horrific crime or tragedy does not make one right about everything concerning that subject. It simply makes you a survivor.


*sigh* What a shame they couldn't come up with a classier way to be clever about it. It's a good cause, and it deserves better than a cheap joke.




we save the cheap jokes for other items:


my kids all had/have a Hooters shirt that says Life Begins at Hooters.


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