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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. My son was diagnosed with restrictive airway disease when he was nine months old which is a precursor to Asthma. The doctor said they don't want to label kids with Asthma so young. He was on Albuterol and Pulmicorteveryday. A friend of ours suggested a rainbow. I asked my doctor about it and she gave me a prescription so I could write it off on our taxes. Our insurance wouldn't cover it. We got it when he was about a year old. He has never had to use his nebulizer or any other medication. The doctor was amazed at home much he improved. To me a rainbow vacuum is worth its weight in gold! We have the attachment we vacuum the beds and the furniture. I sometimes let it run with nozzle of to cycle dust out of the air.
  2. Thanks for posting this my kids love the Leap Frog videos!!!
  3. Will do! I am going to speak to my friends at co-op tommorrow and ask them to write or email NCHE to see if we can get her on the list of speakers next year. Thanks Susan
  4. I messaged Susan Wise Bauer and ask her about attending NCHE and she said she had never been asked to speak at the conference. She told me to let NCHE that I would love to hear here at the conference. I think they will listen because she is a popular speaker and bring in more conference attendees. I think we should all write NCHE or email them and let them know we would love to see her as a conference speaker.
  5. I would love to go to the Greenville conference but it is about 5 hours from me. Last year we went to Midwest Conference and I loved all of SWB's talks. I am leaning towards attending NCHE. I wished SWB would be invited to speak at the NCHE conference.
  6. I am praying for you and your baby! :grouphug::grouphug: My little one Carson let me love and love on him last year when I had my molar pregnancy last year. Spending time with your children can be some of the best medicine.
  7. Yes, we spend more on gas then we do on food. We spend about 150-175 a week in gas. My husband works 45 min. from where we live. Our church is about 30 min. away. My doctors office is an hour away. We have started to combine trips and we only go out when we have to.On Tuesdays we have dance and soccer.On Wednesdays my son goes to speech therapy and OT on the same day and after that we go to church. On Thursdays I teach a co-op which is ending in 4 weeks. On Saturdays we have a soccer game and Sundays church. I don't go out any other days to save money.
  8. Should I get a place value pocket chart and use straws to illustrate. I have a set of farm animal manipulative from ETA Cuisenaire that we use for adding. I am going to try that tomorrow and working on a number a day. Tomorrow I am going to start with 15 and work my way through every day. Thanks for all of the great advice!
  9. How do you find a provider for vision therapy? How much does it cost? Thanks Susan
  10. Thank you for the links. I love the preschool corner blog. I am going to work more with him on calendar time.
  11. Thank you all for your responses. This all gives me alot to think about. Should I teach him place value and explain that 49 is 4 tens and 9 ones? Thanks again. Susan
  12. My son Jackson who is in kindergarten is having trouble with number recognition. He is doing well with telling time, basic adding, but number recognition gets him every time. A little background he turn 6 in January he was born at 35 weeks. He has some developmental delays. He has been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. He goes to Speech once a week and OT every other week. We do the one to one-hundred counting chart daily. I point to the numbers and say them this takes about 3 minutes. He can count to 100 by himself without the chart. He can recognize numbers up to 14 but has trouble after that. What fun activities can I do with him to help with number recognition. He had a review today we use Abeka and the number was 44 and he said it was 76. I also play a game where I say the number is 35 and have him point to the correct number he gets confused with this also. Thanks so much!
  13. My son Jackson who is in kindergarten is having trouble with number recognition. He is doing well with telling time, basic adding, but number recognition gets him every time. A little background he turn 6 in January he was born at 35 weeks. He has some developmental delays. He has been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. He goes to Speech once a week and OT every other week. We do the one to one-hundred counting chart daily. I point to the numbers and say them this takes about 3 minutes. He can count to 100 by himself without the chart. He can recognize numbers up to 14 but has trouble after that. What fun activities can I do with him to help with number recognition. He had a review today we use Abeka and the number was 44 and he said it was 76. I also play a game where I say the number is 35 and have him point to the correct number he gets confused with this also. Thanks so much!
  14. I vote brest friend. My lactation consultant had one and I tried it when I had Carson. I love love love it. I bought a new one yesterday for Grayson they don't slip and slide down like the boppy! I have both nursing covers you mentioned and I like both of them the same.
  15. That is so wonderful! I know you must be so proud of your son and his team! I hope they win!!!
  16. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I know this has to be hard! Sorry! I am praying for him!
  17. Audrey, I am feeling the same way you are. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Just know you are not alone. I just keep telling myself things will get better and the school year is almost over!!
  18. We have had some large medical bills. My friend who works at a hospital told me to write a letter saying how much I could pay i.e. $50 a month, and send a check. If they cashed the checked that constituted that they accept my terms and my payment amount and as long as I paid that amount every month on time that couldn't put it on my credit.
  19. I breastfeed all three of my children. I used Dr. Browns for my first two and Advent for my third child. I was wondering if anyone has tried the Born Free Bottles. I found them on sale 50% and I was going to buy some. I didn't save any of my bottle from last children and I want to buy bottles that are BPA free and reasonably priced. Thanks in advance for suggestions :)
  20. Amy, I am very sad to say she does have problems with the size of our family. She made a comment after we first found out we were pregnant this fall that she is going to have to buy another Christmas gift. She also said that we didn't need anymore children. I replied no you don't have to buy another present. MY husband said something to her and made her apolgize. I really wish I had a close relationship with my mother in law, and that she loved my children. I have told her ten years from now the kids aren't going to care what you bought or gave them they are going to care about the time you spent with them. We have had the flu this week and she is yet to call and check on us. My mom on the other hand lives 500 plus miles away and checks on the kids everyday. She teaches and is only able to come in the summer. Sorry to vent!
  21. I just started a bible study and I love it. It is called Knowing God Through his Names by Mariel Davenport. It is a great study! http://www.growingodliness.com/p/order-book.html
  22. My cousin wants to throw me a baby shower. I said nothing to her about it she offered about a month ago. I would love to have one. My MIL told me how tacky this is. I am having baby #4. She hasn't bought me a baby gift since my daughter was born almost 8 years ago baby #1. Its not like I am asking her to come or buy a present. It would hurt my cousin's feelings if I told her I didn't want a shower. She has really thrown herself into planning and is having it in June. What should I do?
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