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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. Thank you all for the replies and encouragement. We are going next week to get a second opinion. I just hope it is not so hard on Carrington. She is such a sweet and loving child.
  2. This is such wonderful news. I know you must feel such a sigh of relief. I will continue to keep them in my prayers!
  3. This has to do with her baby teeth. Two of the cavities are small to medium size the other few are very small the dentist says its not fair to her to have more work done, because if she fills them she will probably need more work on the same teeth. They want to place the crowns for prevention even though some of the cavities are small and don't need a pulpectomy. I was thinking about having the tooth removes and have a spacer placed has anyone had this done. Thanks for the responses thus far.
  4. My daughter had her dental check up the other day with a new dentist. She has good brushing but has cavities. We brush twice a day and use Act. My middle child has two cavities, and Carson doesn't have any. The doctor wants to put Stainless Steel crowns on each of her two back teeth including the top, the dentist won't fill them without the crown because he says it is just not fair because she will likely get more cavities because her tooth are so close together she has a constricted palate. Some of the cavities are teeny tiny. We don't buy soft drinks, or sugary juices. They do get candy but I try to limit them. My daughter left the office crying because she doesn't want people to laugh at her and she started crying. She is also going to need a 1515 with wire for a constricted palate, she has allot of overcrowding and it is hard to even floss between her teeth because her mouth is so small we think is why she has so many cavities. So should I get the stainless steel crowns what options do I have. If you got through all of this thank you. Please tell me what you suggest. My dentist told me to get a second opinion so that what I am going to do. I am heartbroken and I don't want this to affect Carringtons self-esteem. Thanks Susan
  5. Praying for her safety. I know your must be a ball of nerves! I am praying for you and your family. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. My son was born at 35 weeks and I recieved lots of cards. One of the gifts I got was a Bath and Body works gift set and it felt so nice to get something for myself. I had a difficult birth and I felt sub-human. I would fix a little basket with burts bees lip balm, a journal, pens, snack food, lotion, maybe a dvd or a book. Hugs for you and your friend. Thanks for being such a sweet and caring friend to her. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  7. Amber, My family and I am are praying for you, the baby and your family!! I hope your baby can stay inside a little longer. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  8. Sending my prayers Molly! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Some of these are more than one syallable but I like them. My son's names are Carson, and Jackson. I also like Ayden, Grayson, Avery, Hayes, John, Landon, Justin, Alexander, and Beau.
  10. This was my favorite book when I was a small child and when I got pregnant with my first child my daughter my mom bought me the book for her. I have read it to all of my children and they love it.
  11. I will be praying for your son and your family! I hope everything goes well and that everything is ok. :grouphug::grouphug:
  12. I am praying for him and your family! Poor guy! I hope it goes smooth and that everything turns out ok! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Have fun, take alot of pictures! I can't wait to read your blog posts :)
  14. Jackson who is five says he wants to be a daddy, and a fireman. Carrington who is six says she wants to be puppy doctor (vet), and a mommie. Carson who is two says he wants to be a Monkey.
  15. Hi, I am so sorry losing a pet is like losing a family member. :grouphug:
  16. :grouphug::grouphug: Saying a prayer for you now.
  17. Faith, I am so glad Rosie is ok! I hope your niece will let you back in her life so you can be a mothering mentor to help her be a better mother. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  18. My daughter dresses her little brother who is two in her ballet costumes and puts my make up on him. I always end up saying no you can't put my makeup on your brother and no you can't dress up in your dance costumes your daddy will not be to happy about that. To my boys I have to tell them to get their hands out of their pants everyday.
  19. That is wonderful! I am so sorry for everything your mother and family have had to go through. :grouphug:
  20. Pam, I am thinking of you and praying for you! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
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