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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. My husband who never get sick was sick last week. My daughter has tested postive for the Flu. My midwife prescribed me Tamiflu. I am starting to feel sick what should I expect with the flu while being pregnant. I am worried about it being a category 3 drug. Thanks in advance!
  2. Christine,I am praying for you! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  3. Susan, Do you have a current list of conferences you will be speaking at? I came to the Midwest Conference last year and really enjoyed your sessions. Are you going to be at the HEAV in Richmond? I wish you were coming to NCHE conference. I know lots of homeschoolers who would love to hear you sessions! Thanks:)
  4. Thanks in advance. I wanted to have a list of fun websites so my children will have something fun and educational to do during quiet time and in the afternoons. One website I really like is softschools.com. My daughter loves the math games and they are free.
  5. I am praying for your sister and you! I know how hard it can be to be away from family in a time of need! :grouphug:
  6. He is so adorable! I know you must be so proud!!! Congratulations!
  7. YOu are hilarious! Your boys are wonderful and I know you must be so proud! You did an awesome job with them!!! I am praying for you! I hope you can get home soon and get some good food!
  8. I have a Peg Perego Pramette but I have used it alot and I need a new stroller. My frame on my pramette became worn after three and half years use and one of the screws is striped so I need a new stroller. I wants something that will last. I am looking at Bugaboo or Phil and Ted Explorer Double. Can you tell what strollers you love and why. Thanks so much! Susan
  9. Congrats! You sound like an amazing mother and wife! I will be praying for your family! I hope he has a great day at work :)
  10. We are due with #4 a boy on July 12th. We are naming him Grayson Chandler. My daughter Carrington is 7, Jackson is 6, and Carson is 3.
  11. I have been looking at switched on schoolhouse since the beginning of the year. My daughter will be in 3rd grade next year. If you could please share with me the pros and cons of the program and your likes and dislikes. Thanks so much! Susan
  12. My daughter would jump at the chance to do this! We are praying for the lamb and your son! Please keep us updated when you get a chance. Susan
  13. I am so sorry! I will be praying for them!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  14. Please tell me what you think Grayson or Greyson for a boy! His middle name is going to be Chandler. Thanks so much! Grayson Chandler Collins Greyson Chandler Collins
  15. Thank you all for you prayers and congratulations! You are a great group of women! I am so happy to have the Hive!
  16. We had our ultrasound and we are so excited that we will be having a little boy in July! This will be baby #4 1 girl and 3 boys! I know alot of you have followed my molar pregnancy journey last year so I thought I would update everyone. Thanks you all for your prayers. :001_smile:
  17. I will be keeping Hannah and your family in my prayers!!! :grouphug::grouphug:
  18. Dawn, Thank you I ordered the book! I think we will really enjoy it and it we be great addition to our homeschool and the class.
  19. Thank you! I love working with the younger kids. My two boys will be in my class and they are really excited. Thanks for the input!
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