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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. I know how you feel. My daughter is the same way. I just keep telling myself this to shalll pass!
  2. Yes, I belong to a homeschool group association and we particpate in a local co-op at my church. Thanks Susan
  3. I would talk to your agent and see what he/she says. I would get your agent to have comps in the area to justify the price you are offering.
  4. Praying for you and him! :grouphug::grouphug:
  5. I would love to get some feeback on the hypnobabies program? Can you tell me what you birth experience was like. Did the program live up to your expectations. I am thinking of buying the program. Thanks so much! Susan
  6. Mariann, I am sorry about your sister! I am glad you got to see your niece and have a good time.
  7. That is great news! Praying for your sister and her little girl!
  8. She is a Malti-poo. She is six weeks old and weighs a little less than a pound! I know! I could just eat her with a spoon. She is the sweetest baby ever. My whole family is soo in love!!!
  9. This is my new fur baby Lilly. I am so in love. She is the sweetest baby ever. I just wanted to share.
  10. My daughter science experiment is about the harmful effects/affects of oil spills. I am thinking it should be effects which one would be the proper one to use and why. So when should effect/affect be used. Thanks so much! Susan
  11. I bought terra cotta pots from AC Moore and had the kids paint them. They used Q-tips to paint flowers. The kids really loved and enjoyed this.
  12. Update on Cade: Cade has had no seizures for 12 hours! This is a huge praise! Please pray specifically today that he will go another 12 hours seizure free. They are keeping him on this schedule for 24-36 hours, and he is 12 hours in. They cannot begin to bring him out of the induced coma until he is seizure free for that long. ~Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
  13. Cade Update: Please pray. Cade (9 years old) is having a rough morning. His seizures have increased - doctors have increased medication. He has calmed a little since the increase and the doctors are discussing next steps. Jeanette and Rick (parents) are weary as you can imagine. They feel your love and your prayers.
  14. I got the book from the library yesterday, and finished it today. I just wanted to share that it is a great book with lots of interesting true Childbirth stories.
  15. There is not much to update right now, other than Cade in still in the drug induced coma, the respirator is breathing for him so that he can rest. Rick said this morning that he appears to be resting peacefully, and there were no seizures since about 10:00 last night. They are hopeful that this could be a turning point, but there are still a lot of ups and downs, so they are cautiously optimistic.
  16. Congratulations! He looks so sweet! Get plenty of rest and enjoy your little man!
  17. He has been having seizures from what I was told and his brain need to heal so the put him in a medically induced coma. I will post more when I get more information. Thank you all!
  18. Please pray for a boy named Cade (9yrs. old) from our church. He is in a med induced coma to restart his brain. The next 24 hours are crucial for him. Thanks. Susan
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