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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. I am in the nearby Raleigh area and would be interested. I am sending you an email. Let me know what I can do to help.
  2. Mariann, I am praying for a happy and healthy nine months and baby for Stacey!
  3. Thank you all for taking the time out to respond. I have spoken to dh and he says it is jealousy on mil part. I try to not to let the comments bother me from strangers. I say yes I am very very blessed children are a gift from God. When my mother in law made her comment last night I told her we might have more children if we did it is our decision and that we were good parents.
  4. I have been getting alot of comments about my family size. I don't think we have a large family. When Grayson is born we will have 4 children. My husband and I have started to get more comments lately (I think it is because it is noticeable that I am pregnant). My mother in law told me that after this one I didn't need anymore children but it is not just her it is at the grocery store, friends, and strangers. I don't understand why some people want or feel the need to voice their opinion on how many children or anyone else has. I have seen the same thing happen to several friends of mine. My children are loved and well taken care of. II am wondering what do you consider to be a large family, and how people deal with situations like this? Thanks so much!
  5. Thank you both for your help. Do you think it is harder to plan lessons and script for Recipe for Reading. He currently gets 45 min of help with Recipe for Reading from a Speech Language Pathologist. He started this last week. I was using the Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. Thanks Susan
  6. Can you tell me the pros and cons of each program and how they compare. Thanks Susan
  7. This is the recipe for Oatmeal Cookies that I am making this afternoon. 1 cup butter, softened 1 cup white sugar 1 cup packed brown sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 3 cups quick cooking oats
  8. I am in the mood to bake. I want to make some oatmeal raisin cookies today. Please share recipes for any cookies that you make. Thanks Susan
  9. The Bumbo seat helps babies sit up at an early age. The chair is great for feeding, and playing with your baby. I loved that I could put the baby in the seat on the floor and we could all interact with the baby sitting up. I got this information from a website. This revolutionary infant chair is uniquely designed to fit baby's posture. It helps them sit up all by themselves! For babies six weeks (or when they can support their heads unaided) to approximately 14 months old. It is light-weight low-density foam. Does not require any uncomfortable straps or fasteners. For babies approximately 9 - 22 lbs and up to 24" Here is a link to amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Bumbo-402-Baby-Seat-Blue/dp/B0007ORN7M/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1301094930&sr=8-2
  10. I love love love my Bumbo Baby Sitter. All of my friends have it and love it.
  11. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day!!! :party:
  12. I have bought them and they have always been right for me. Everytime I test postive I was pregnant and everytime I tested negative I wasn't pregnant.
  13. Praying for yor entire family! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  14. Prayers! We have been were you are, you will make it through! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. I would do a letter of the week, covering all 26 letters. You could do learning games and activities that begin with the letter. You could have him practice tracing the letter every day. For the letter A you could read a different book each day about Alligators, Ants, Apples, etc. You can eat Apples for snack. I would just make it fun doing different activities with a same letter each day for a week and continue until you have finished all 26 letters. There are lots of books at my local library on this. I hope this helps give you some ideas.
  16. Praying for Possum and all of you!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  17. You could do pool noodles as a gift in place of gift bags and they could use them to float on and play with while in the water. I have seen them at dollar tree recently. You could get the floating pool sticks and divide them up into teams and to see which team would collect the most. You could bring some of your daughter cds and play music while they are in the tumble area. They could practice flips, and dance. Just a few ideas. I hope this helps.
  18. I am due July 12th with a little boy! We are going to name him Grayson!
  19. Yeah! I know you must be so excited!!! I am due in July! We are going to have lots of WTM babies this year.
  20. I always buy my children's fall and winter clothes when Spring is coming in for the following year that is when all the winter clothes are on sale and vice versus for spring. How can I organize them. My husband is going to redo our closets and add an additional rods. I don't want to store them in totes because I did that and couple of outfits got mildew on them from our sunroom which is enclosed. I thought they would be ok. I also need a way to organize books because lately I have bought the same book twice. We have 4-6 foot tall bookcases from Wal-Mart, and a desk office suite that is full. I don't want to part with all of my books because I have invested a lot and they are all great books. I am going to sale my duplicates so how can I catalog them? Children's toys please give me organizational ideas. I am due this summer, and we turned my office/ storage room into the Grayson's room. Any ideas on controlling the clutter and stuff please send my way. We live in a ranch house built in the 1950's so really no closets. Some of the closets that we had, we had to use them to run duct work so. I only three closets for six people. I am doing 2 rods each in two of the kids closets and of course my husband and I share a closet. I don't have that many clothes. I do have a wardrobe in my son Jackson room I bought it at an auction and I need to paint it. I don't have anymore room for another wardrobe. So how would you do storage. If you got through all of this thank you! Would you do a yard sale to get rid of the excess?I am doing a local consignment sale. Thanks in advance I feel the need to simplify my life.
  21. Congratulations!!! Get some rest and enjoy your new little man!!!
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