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Everything posted by knitgrl

  1. We have now entered the cold, wet part of autumn. I tried to use the indoor cycling trainer Saturday, but experienced 20min. of technical difficulties, so there went my exercise time. Today, it decided to play nicely, and I got 20 minutes in.
  2. I went to TKD on Monday. Didn't do anything Tuesday, as I was preparing for a birthday dinner. Wednesday, I skipped TKD because I just crashed in the afternoon. Today, I did some weight lifting, and leave this evening to pick up dh and dd from the airport.
  3. Hope you are able to rest and find rejuvenation on your break. Eleven days of R&R sounds lovely.
  4. I love my rice cooker! Best $30 I ever spent.
  5. We really like this recipe: https://www.food.com/recipe/hearty-and-quick-butternut-squash-soup-392850
  6. Seriously, stilettoes with a Teletubby hoodie?
  7. So nice to see another Evil Dead fan. What a great costume idea! Are you going to buy them from S-Mart?
  8. For the child I mentioned previously, she had apparently done somersaults in utero. She was breach at 8 months, but then righted herself by the next check up. I was admitted to the hospital after directly after a check up because her heart beats weren't high enough? (my memory is bad right now) and they were afraid the cord was wrapped around her neck. I guess it was just wrapped around her whole body because the midwife said it was the longest cord she'd ever seen.
  9. I dunno. Only to say with my last child, I pushed, but my body was not helping at all. The contractions weren't doing a thing in that regard. It's only because there was a bossy nurse who commanded me to push that a C-section was avoided. Dd was born through sheer will power, which is seemingly reflected in her personality.
  10. I live with children who are home all day long. I am fearful of all the possibilities that could happen if I decided to put my phone in the microwave. In this scenario, I fear my children more than the government.
  11. Someone told me on Tuesday that I should put my phone in the microwave when the testing was supposed to happen. I still haven't figured out what that would accomplish.🤔
  12. I didn't do any exercise this weekend. I had the opportunity to walk on Saturday, but my foot was bothering me. I took it easy on Sunday, since it was still bothering me. Got through TKD class today. The teacher said we should be able to do belt testing in a few weeks. Also got a quick hug from one of the other students, who I am guessing is about 7. I am 1 of 2 adults in the class, and everyone else is in primary school.
  13. knitgrl


    I'm from the north, and I've only ever heard eh-pick.
  14. Did a workout thing, pattern, lower leg work, stretching. Not quite as long as the other day, but I worked harder.
  15. If you like Indian, there's a good place on Wolf Rd, which is reasonably priced.
  16. ETA: I forgot to add, FYI he drops a number of F-bombs here.
  17. My legs are indeed sore from yesterday's class. But I went through my pattern a few times with dd8, lifted some weights, and did some stretching afterward, for about 30 minutes in total.
  18. I hate days like that. Good for you doing your workout, even though you don't feel like it.
  19. TKD class. I am pretty sure I will be feeling it in my legs tomorrow. But, one of the black belts told me my pattern was perfect.
  20. 35 minutes of lower body strength training, pattern practice and stretching.
  21. My dsil made Keema Matar for me when I was doing chemo because she knows I love tasty little lamb. It was delicious! She gave me her recipe, which is pretty similar to this - https://www.teaforturmeric.com/keema-matar/
  22. Motivated Moms has an app, as well as printable pdf's you can check off, but it is $20/year. Also, it might not be around come July 2024.
  23. Ten minutes of pattern practice, which doesn't seem like much, but I figure I'm ahead of the game if I can manage to do it most days. Dh set up his indoor cycling trainer so I can use it, and put in 20 minutes on Zwift.
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