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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. that's what I was wondering. The only thing I could find online is that they spend more time reviewing history. DH has already met his out of pocket for the year, so it wouldn't cost him anything to do established over physical. ETA - because he's already met his out of pocket, he's also scheduling appointments with dermatology and cardiology for check-ups, so maybe that's enough. He's never met his out of pocket before (it's very high), so we're definitely trying to get everything covered while we can. He's also due for screening colonoscopy this year so that will be taken care of as well. And he's being monitored due to recent diagnosis of prostate cancer caught early.
  2. DH and I are switching primary care doctors. When I called to schedule our first appointments, the woman I spoke with asked if we wanted annual physicals or appointments to establish ourselves as patients. We both need physicals and that's covered as preventative care by insurance so I told her we wanted physicals, but now I'm wondering if there's any difference.
  3. Wow, the centerpieces are gorgeous! So glad you have the food figured out! 🙂
  4. Just saw your update. Glad she is safe, but I'm so sorry about all of this and can't imagine how stressful and upsetting it must be. Sending hugs and so many positive thoughts.
  5. Aw, your grandson is adorable and I LOVE the venue! Best wishes for the wedding. My Aspie ds is getting married soon and it will be a tiny wedding that we haven't started planning yet. Similar to your dd as far as surpassing goals, graduating college with honors, and becoming an independent adult. We are so happy he found someone special to share his life with.
  6. I thought I had read it too but checked my Goodreads history and it was this book I had read before: The Girl with Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story by Hyeonseo Lee
  7. This happens to me all the time. It's frustrating.
  8. I also read All The Colors of Life by Lisa Aisato, recommended by @Kareni. Loved this book. Thanks so much for sharing. Currently reading In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom.
  9. @Kareni I just read Big by Vashti Harrison and enjoyed it. Thanks for posting about it.
  10. This is never going to happen. That would mean she'd have to take responsibility for her actions and she can't do that. My mom and MIL were very similar and did all of these things, but my mother was really dangerous and would go out of her way to hurt me while my MIL is just immature and selfish. They both are/were liars (my mother is gone, but MIL is still alive) and both would hang up and then act as if nothing happened. My mother would have acted like your mom if confronted and my MIL would act confused and say it never happened. DH had to tell my MIL not to call our home phone anymore after the last time she hung up on me. She's supposed to call his cell first always. It doesn't always work, but it's cut down on the drama and phone calls considerably. She's also not welcome in our home after her horrible behavior, but we do go to her home.
  11. We need a big facepalm emoji. She is exhausting.
  12. I'm sorry too. It's so hard and painful even when it's the best and most loving thing to do.
  13. Sorry to go off topic, but I was wondering if you know why this is? Is it your fibro? I've developed neuropathy in both of my legs in the past couple of years and my calves in particular are always tight and painful and I don't know why.
  14. @El...thinking of you and your family today. ❤️
  15. I just finished Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard by Liz Murray and thought it was very good. Now I'm reading When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chödrön. ETA @Vintage81 yes, time goes by so fast! Parenting is bittersweet, for sure. I've been in kind of a reading slump this year with a lot of books read, but not too many that I've actually enjoyed. I'm picky, but that's unusual for me.
  16. I agree with all of this. I'm also very sorry and sending hugs.
  17. @mommyoffive I don't know if I've used any of those. I'll check and see. I've signed up for several different places in the past, but most didn't seem worth my time since I'd frequently start a survey and then find out I didn't qualify. I've been doing pinecone for a long time and yougov for a while too. Are the ones you linked ones you use?
  18. I'm not sure if this is appropriate or not, but I thought this group might be interested. I've been doing surveys with Pinecone research for many many years. They usually take me about 20 minutes or less and I earn $3. Sometimes I get free products to try, but rarely. I don't think I'm a great match for them now that my kids are all grown and out of the house. Anyway, they sent me an offer this morning that if I refer other people using this link I could earn points for up to 5 people who sign up. At least two of my kids are signing up. The link shows $1/survey and trying out products, so it seems different than what I'm doing now. If I shouldn't be posting this, please let me know and I'll delete. I don't want to be spamming or anything - especially for $3 or less! 😛 here's the referral link: https://join.pineconeresearch.com/#/signup/?_dataParams=xm+cj2xqyyMfIi7eKtj2bYO87Hh+zbf+yLXcI8NTvMuLvWujQEvQbrsBsOHEqyVX
  19. I don't either. I always scrub them before/after guests. I bought a bunch of really cheap plastic soap holders a long time ago and still have a lot of new ones ready to use when the current ones don't look so fresh and new anymore. Just like these (but mine aren't clear), but I think I paid even less than this years ago and bought a dozen probably. I'm sure I sent my sons to college with them too (dd uses body wash). https://www.amazon.com/Plastic-Soap-Holder-Bathroom-Shower/dp/B000DZFA66/ref=pd_bxgy_d_sccl_1/144-7814077-4894468?pd_rd_w=xRbs6&content-id=amzn1.sym.9713b09e-9eac-42a7-88bb-ecfe516a6b92&pf_rd_p=9713b09e-9eac-42a7-88bb-ecfe516a6b92&pf_rd_r=SKQNZNF052295G7QWMQ9&pd_rd_wg=WMuCc&pd_rd_r=1d0a833f-b8a0-4928-9d11-8d1ce2dd574f&pd_rd_i=B000DZFA66&th=1
  20. I just read The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green and he has a chapter on the scratch and sniff stickers. Definitely brought back memories!
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