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Everything posted by LarlaB

  1. Billy Graham will be the first religious leader to "lie in honor" at the US capital- a honor granted to private citizens (2 capital police officers, Rosa Parks and now Billy Graham). https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/22/politics/billy-graham-lie-honor-capitol/index.html
  2. I think we are misunderstanding each other. I wasn't making an accusation rather an observation- that, to me, is indicative of a larger dynamic. And yes, I'm probably being clumsy in my speech. As someone said upthread, "It appears the most offensive thing about Billy Graham was that he was a Christian". That was what I was trying to touch on.... For an unchristian person, I would expect that Billy Graham said a lot of things that were offensive. Why? Because, if you don't believe in the Bible, there are about 1001 potentially offensive things that are taught. Creation. Original Sin. Sacrifice. Laws/Commandments. Forgiveness. Atonement. Miracles. The Holy Spirit. But if Billy Graham was simply preaching the Bible, then people's issues are really more with broad Christianity and with God- not so much the preacher man. As in 'don't blame the messenger'. That's all. It's ok. It really is. I'm not upset or remotely looking for a fight and think some might be misreading my tone a bit. And that's ok. Things have been tense in our world and we are all a bit fraught. Another reason why, I'll miss Billy Graham.
  3. I think you misunderstood my post. I was not commentating on or interpreting anything. Neither the Bible or Billy Grahams teachings. Or my own personal beliefs.
  4. umsami..... I was just literally responding to what you wrote. Maybe I misunderstood? I'm not commentating on whether I think its Biblical or not. You said you thought it was Biblical. And that it was offensive to you. That's all I was trying to highlight. To me it sounded like you are offended by the Bible, not necessarily by Billy Graham. Maybe I misunderstood? I completely expect the Bible and therefore its teachers to sometimes offend those who don't follow Christ. I hope that doesn't sound weird or offensive. Its not meant that way- at all. I'm really not looking for a debate on his theology. Or anyones theology.
  5. You’re proving the point...you’re not offended by what Billy Graham said you’re offended by what the Bible says. And that’s ok. Eye rolling emojis also aren’t generally seen as respectful, FYI. So obviously our interpretations of respectful are different. I’ll leave it at that. ETA no glaases while typing on small phone
  6. Zofran was my friend with DS. At the time our insurance didn’t cover it so we paid $35 a day for a pill to help me function. I didn’t have HG but had severe nausea until 28-29 weeks. Mentally it was tough. I kept telling myself this was temporary and just took it day by day.
  7. Offensive. Harmful. Nasty. Hate Mongering. Legacy of Hatred. Ignorant. Agenda of Hate. Humble. Faithful. Good and earnest man. Quick to admit shortcomings. Always pointed to Jesus. Servant. What a contrast. I don’t know a single person who thinks Billy Graham was perfect. That’s the entire point of his message- he was (like us all) completely in need of saving, restoration, healing and the opportunity to have a personal relationship with God. I will miss his influence on the world, which I believe was much much much more positive than negative. He stood with Dr King. Refused to preach in South Africa during apartheid. Was counsel to many world leaders. He was incredibly well respected by most of the Christian faith - all denominations. And that speaks volumes. I’m so thankful for his life. I believe there are many who came to faith In God because of his work and service.
  8. Yes that’s essentially what I’m saying. As a Christian that imperfection is lumped in with original sin. I have MAs in counseling and theology and feel too familiar with the stories of painful brokenness yet the awareness that we are all still flawed and won’t always get it right. That doesn’t mean we don’t try though!!!! It’s just the underlying reality (for me) that we can’t prevent or mandate everything to ensure that we will rid ourselves of the problems of pain and what I call brokenness. For me, it’s the entire crux of my faith....that We can’t fix or right ourselves and are unable to find and maintain perfection. In my belief system, that constant striving and longing for better is a hopeless cause- without the recognition of my inadequacy and the inclusion of God. Sorry I’m talking so much and going off topic. It’s been such a painful wistful thing to hear so many speaking as though we can fix all of this. We can certainly make it better. And I am first in line to make a difference in my community.
  9. Absolutely! I’m not saying or implying otherwise.... It’s just a tone that I keep hearing which breaks my heart. It’s our human need to feel we can control our destiny and our world- and really we can’t. So we cover up that helpless feeling by screaming at people who we don’t agree with and naming them as the problem. It’s called blame shifting. This kid murdered people because of evil and brokeness. The justice system failed to prevent it even with multiple reports. Current laws allowed him to buy guns. He was never treated for mental health issues and flew under the radar. That’s just naming three aspects of an incredible complex, systemic issue. ALL of which need change!!!! But underlying it all, evil and brokenness. Still there.
  10. Agreed. But it’s not. And “doing everything right†still won’t get rid of evil. I’m a Christian and believe that evil/sin/brokenness is an unchangable part of our world and something that we can’t legislate away. That doesn’t mean we don’t work on it- but I just don’t understand the worldview that “if we all tried harder†we will get it right and there won’t be brokenness any more. Like if there are enough overhauls and programs and support and guidelines and compassion and and and and and... I mean look at the story of the world...hatred and evil has always existed because sin and brokenness has always existed. We are not special or at a particular crisis point in the US...rather we are quite civilized examples of the same story all over again. This 9yr old murderer looks like a baby to me.
  11. I am 41 have food and environmental allergies and reallllly dark circles. Ironically, I LIKE when my under eyes get puffy (when i have too much salt or am camping and no air purifier) because it seems to help hide the dark circles. Anyway I use Maybelline Instant Age rewind as listed above- super easy to apply, great texture and stays on.
  12. I'm only on Season 3 guys!!! LOL No reminders of Mark Greenes death please. Sniff Sniff. I just LOVE him. It's a pretty unique show insofar as the subtlety of character development and character development...even with the pretty canned plots at times. I really love the show and had forgotten so much of it!
  13. That’s a tough question. Yes that sounds like panic attacks. Sure an MD could prescribe meds. Likely your friend knows that. IMHO there is no one right way to deal with anxiety and it’s her choice. Likely she knows that going back to an MD means taking medications and perhaps she isn’t interested in going that route- now or ever. She needs to answer whether what she’s doing now is working or tolerable for her or not... As bystanders, no matter how much you are hurting for the sufferer, many times they need to be the ones to “say when†and choose their next steps. Especially with anxiety. If there is depression it’s trickier- the getting help. It’s not like having strep and refusing antibiotics. Paychological issues are much more complex. Example? I have anxiety and my mom does too. We deal with it in completely opposite ways. She tends towards denial and stiff upper lip and has lifelong perfectionist/OCD tendencies performance and social anxiety. It’s so easy for em to read her mail...but harder to decipher my own. I have been wrestled to the ground and overpowered by depression and anxiety and have learned to walk thru it more than resist it and deny it. It took 3 years though for me to resign my “power thru it†card...of course I was dealing with anxiety and PTSD so that is my only first hand frame of reference. I had to learn how to healthily talk myself thru panic and “power thru it†and other times just drink a glass of wine and go numb. Both were trying important. There’s no “one right way†and telling someone what they need when they are in need is a tricky thing.
  14. I had two clients Friday both had B strain and they had similar stories. The one went to the Dr because he wascoughing so much and couldn’t sleep and only had mild 99 fever. They swabbed him and it was Influenza B. The other was more classic flu symptoms but only went to Dr because of respiratory symptoms. So it doesn’t have to be a huge deal. It can be but isn’t always. That said, I googled flu contagion period because I was nervous and don’t want to be exposed to crap LOL and read 5-7 days after first symptoms. So yeah the person coming over today is still contagious. And probably was on Thursday also. Personally I would cancel.
  15. I found it when reordering Theanine (which I have taken for a while) The blend is quite effective- much more noticeable than just theanine om it’s own.
  16. 2 Tablets at a time, 2x a day- Max. If I take it in the AM with coffee, it generally keeps me calmer and more restored feeling- takes the edge off and laves me feeling more cushioned. 2 tablets is 200mg Theanine, 500mg GABA, 300mg Magnesium, 150mg Relora Source Naturals Serene Science Theanine Serene with Relora, Calm Mind & Body, 120 Tablets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000GFHPCU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_xjoGAbASD6YYR
  17. Also I’ve been taking Theanine Serene with Relora and that helps with calming and anxiety reduction and mild appetite reduction.
  18. I have been struggling with increased stress and Jan/Feb weight gain too. Made it thru the Holidays with no major issues and just was flattened by some major stress in early Jan and haven’t gotten back in control since then. This is after DH lost his job 3 years ago and I gained 30-35 pounds during the subsequent high stress and my stint on antidepressants I’ve been tracking calories every single day for 10 months in MFP. I had lost 24lbs since last April but gained 5 back since Christmas. I enter every thing I eat and it’s too much. I’m back in “failing every day†but trying to regroup. Stress is so hard. That’s my contribution. I can’t control the stress eating unless i control the stress. So that’s been my goal. To focus on the eating and nutrition has backfired when my body is screaming with cortisol and adrenaline. What helps me.... Mindfulness (deep breaths, progressive relaxation and just sitting) helps...noticed when I’m just holding a lot of tension even when sitting or driving (fists clenched, gripping when holding would work). Consciously slowing down- everything. Stress makes me feel like everything is urgent and just needs to happen NOW and as efficiently and speedily as possible...only makes it worse. I just go faster and faster. In hindsight I see that life has been a blur for 3 years because of my high stress and anxiety. I’ve had PTSD from the the job loss and am triggered frequently by reoccurring financial hiccups. I’ve worked on that too with therapy and EMDR. I don’t want to lose any more time with high stress. Sooooo learning to decompress and de stress is a high priority. Also I sleep more in winter too but that lends itself to weight gain. LOL. I love the deep sleep but have to find the balance of just enough. Practically, taking frequent walks and 3x a week intense cardio is super helpful. It makes me feel busier but also helps release that pent up anxiety and stress. Hugs and prayers to OP and others dealing with health stress.
  19. So why are men in their 20s—50s pursuing porn? Education? ETA to the tune of a $90Billion industry? Education? Nah. Pleasure. Lust. Addixtion
  20. But if 2 other kids had something and quickly got over it, I’d find it unlikely to be strep. JMHO though.
  21. I was raised in a moderate Mennonite home (not super conservative) and attended a Mennonite elementary school. When in jr high, a male teacher took a special interest in me and had 'private meetings' with me in the supply room and principals office. Just the two of us. Over 10x. I don't remember sexual contact, but by all normalized standards its was grossly inappropriate, beyond grooming and definitely messed me up. It was a secret relationship, but seen by others as special treatment. He was eventually fired. Yet, managed to make a scene his last day by interrupting class to come say goodbye to me. Knelt down by my desk in the middle of class to say goodbye It was just all so, well, yucky. Its a tribute to the healing power of Christ, some therapy and PTSD management that I can even talk about this so casually. Like most victims, telling the story and integrating the memories are a significant part of healing and empowerment. And learning how to wade thru forgiveness of others vs trusting yourself is a tricky tension. I told my parents. To me, it was obvious to other teachers, students and staff as well. If it was considered wrong by others, I certainly never picked up on that. It translated to me that the need for 'peace' (whatever that means in its relative interpretation) of the group was greater than the need for justice/safety/defense of the individual. Non-resistance, in my situation, meant allowing evil and harm to slowly create ruin from within the walls- given the position of authority that my abuser had, and the confines of the religious environment that was to embody redemption, forgiveness and restoration. Eventually he was turned out, but as PP said, not until several of us were affected. And then it was covered up and ignored. The pacifist environment of the Mennonite culture was oppressively harmful in this situation. We were taught to forgive, turn the other cheek (aka look the other way) and to value peacefulness about all else. It was all so incredibly passive, weak and empty- and frankly, still looks that way. I'm sure to many, the Mennonite heritage a beautiful thing and a lovely expression of Christ. The non-resistance aspect of the Mennonite/Anabaptist faith is based on the verses from NT "turn the other cheek" and certainly a part of the Christian faith but not meant to be the only banner we wave. From my vantage point, God is also a God of justice, truth and standing up for the oppressed. Making yourself a doormat to whomever comes along is NOT turning the other cheek. Its passivity that, IMHO, has a root of deception at its core- meek, too many times, equals weak. It's tricky. This yuck that exists in more classic power structures is the most insidious kind. We are all groomed to trust Doctors. Teachers. Coaches. Pastors. Youth leaders. But sometimes, they are authoritative predators and counting on the fact that a child won't be listened too and that the adults involved will be too awed by power to properly defend the young. Its up to all of us, as adults today, to be on our guard and lookout like never before. I'd rather run the risk of letting my child have the impression that their words/opinions matter more than they actually do, than to constantly silence him/her. ETA: The point of this? In some of these environments, the cover up is just as (if not more so) damaging as the crime. The perpetrators get away with it because of the nature of trust involved in the environment in which it happens. And then the damage to the victim is compounded because they are not believed/heard/protected etc.
  22. Slow cooker chicken enchilada soup (is what the family is supposed to have while I’m at work and won’t be home till 8:30 to eat it)
  23. I’m sorry. I have a friend who is groing thru cancer and she was clear for 1.3 years and it came back/showed up. So she then started all over and set goals towards finishing treatments, surgeries and such. It was such a mental blow and i won’t forget the weariness she’s experienced. It’s such a tough disease and I’m so sorry. Praying for strength for you guys as you have to revisit places I’m sure you hope to never see again. It’s a tough journey and I’m sorry your road isn’t smooth.
  24. Awesome!!’ The DIY pods are our next stop..I’m nervous about investing money in an iffy thing to save money LOL I’m an iced Americano girl too (in the summer). So a bold espresso shot is important.
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