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chocolate-chip chooky

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Everything posted by chocolate-chip chooky

  1. I have experience with this, but it is related to an eating disorder, which morphed from OCD, and is also tangled up with general anxiety. So, this may or may not be relevant to your situation. Is he trying to hide any of his exercise? eg doing quiet exercise, such as sit-ups or push-ups, in the middle of the night
  2. What are dry heirloom beans? I'm wondering if you mean beads, but the 'dry' has me wondering if they are indeed beans. I'm intrigued. Whatever they are, I'm glad they hit the spot for you.
  3. I'm okay with merging if there is ample on-ramp length and visibility. I'll go out of my way to avoid the on-ramps with minimal length and visibility. I don't need that extra stress. I'd rather take 10 min more, go to the preferred on-ramp and feel comfortable.
  4. I'm one of the people from the other thread. In my situation, it is rarely parties or events. It's just get-togethers, and usually very casual family or close friends things. I do the driving, and I bring food and drinks. Everyone appreciates that I come to them, because we all live at least an hours' drive from each other. If there's ever a situation where I really feel like more is needed, I'd take them out to a restaurant and pay. I don't think I'm being impolite.
  5. I had a look in my local Coles out of curiosity. There are 400g bags of Brazil Nuts. The bags have a couple of warnings: allergy warnings for a range of nuts, plus a warning that there may be fragments of shell. There's a nutrition panel that has no mention of selenium. The bag has a recipe that uses 2 cups of Brazil nuts 🤷‍♀️
  6. I'm the same. I always go to other people's places. I don't want anyone in our home, even extended family. I'll always offer to drive to their place for visits, and everyone is happy with this, because we're all at least an hour's drive from each other. I feel a bit twitchy just thinking about anyone coming here.
  7. I'm in Queensland, Australia. We had a nasty storm a couple of days ago. We had water running down our inside walls. Not so good. I'm in South-east Queensland, so I'm not directly affected by the cyclone or terrible floods further north. Storms, floods, bushfires, drought - it's all par for the course here. We don't get complacent, but it's just part of life here.
  8. Stephanie Perkins writes Young Adult novels. Anna and the French Kiss is the first in a trilogy, I believe.
  9. We sometimes put grated cheese out as a treat for our chickens, and I've seen a crow take some and bury it in another part of the yard and then come back later for it. So smart! I love our crows. They are like bodyguards for our chickens. If we have a resident snake (as we do right now - big one!) or there are birds of prey around, the crows work together to scare them off.
  10. That's my city ☺️ Let me know if there's anything you need to know, or if your daughter wants a local contact.
  11. Some links from my daughter: https://www.vogue.com/article/safiya-noble https://gnet-research.org/2023/01/25/political-outrage-machines-exploring-the-algorithms-structuring-conspiracy-tiktok/
  12. @BlsdMama What a fantastic opportunity for your daughter!! Where will she be studying? My daughter studied at Yonsei. It was a wonderful experience for her, and she hopes to do her Masters in Seoul in 2024. Is your daughter fluent in Korean? Will she be living on campus? Is she going with people she knows? I've been to Seoul twice with my daughter, and I'm really happy to share our experiences and advice. We both loved it, and I'd go again in a heartbeat. @wathe has provided a good list, and I'll add a few more things to it once I know a bit more.
  13. My daughter recommends this author: Safiya Noble https://safiyaunoble.com/bio-cv/
  14. @SKL My 17yr old studies this at university. She's happy to help with some resources but would like some clarification of what you're after. Are you concerned about media literacy? Critical literacy in general? How algorithms actually work? How data is used by the platforms? Or maybe you're concerned about specific things like social media and feminism, body image, race, oppression, porn? My daughter said that most of her sources are academic, but she's happy to try to find some books and videos.
  15. @Dmmetler This expo is very fortunate to have you. Over the years that I've been here, your balance of wisdom, experience, respect and kindness has been so evident. My input for what it's worth: - second and third languages - instruments, music theory, composition - hand and mind - woodwork, sewing, crochet - physical challenge - flexibility - what the child needs today may be very different to what they need next week - try not to compare - just because the Jones' gifted child uses x, y and z doesn't mean it will be the best fit for your child
  16. @mindinggaps I understand your concern, and I would feel the same. If I was in your shoes, I'd do my best to get a second medical opinion. If the second opinion matched the first, I'd wrap my head around the new med regime and get on with it. If she needs it, she needs it. Are you able to tell us anything more about the issues at school? If you don't want to lay it out publicly, feel free to PM. I'm so sorry this is all so hard. I'm thinking of you.
  17. A little boy ☺️ This is my eldest daughter and son-in-law's first baby, and my first grandbaby. There have been a few complications, but no emergencies. We're all smitten 🥰
  18. Oh my goodness yes. I totally can relate. I've had to say at times 'what happens if the rock starts to crack?'
  19. To me, mojo is energy or spark or charm. I see it as positive.
  20. Something from here perhaps: https://www.snorgtees.com/collections/math And maybe something like Harry Potter fan art? You can get things like wall art on Redbubble or Etsy. There's something about fan art that I find really powerful. I guess it's the fact that someone else loves the niche interest so much to go to that effort.
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