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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. I can't relate to autism, but I have a son who suffers from bipolar disorder. There was a time some years ago that I was talking to another mom and I remember telling her that I had "lost" my son to mental illness. What I meant by it was that I have a son, but the son I knew and loved had disappeared. At that time I didn't know if I'd ever get him "back" and so I felt as though I had "lost" him. Fortunately medication has helped him come back three times now after severe episodes, but I know that if it continues I really may lose him for good. So I share this to shed some light on what that father may have meant. Maybe the autism has progressed to the point that he just doesn't recognize the son he once had. Blessings, Lucinda
  2. I just gave it all away and it felt great. Thanks for the reminder. Oh, I'd rep you, but I just ran out. Catch you later! Blessings, Lucinda
  3. Congrats to you Karen! I would love to see your 888 list - per another thread I posted today about being overwhelmed with reading choices. Ha ha ha, but really -- please post your list for us to see. Blessings, Lucinda
  4. Mommy is a term of endearment. How can that be wrong? Isn't it sad when some people have to criticize others for harmless things? I think the devil made her do it! Lucinda
  5. Last year we started in late September. (It was our first year and it took awhile for me to get organized.) We have decided to take a month off in the summer and a month off in the winter, then school during the rest of the year at a more leisurely pace. By the time we get to mid September again we will be ready to move on to the next grade. BTW, my siggy lists the curriculum for what we plan to do in the fall. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. Hello WTM friends, When I was younger I spent a great deal of time reading. I loved long epic novels, mysteries and biographies the most. Even as a younger mom, I always had a novel by the bedside. Then came divorce, years of single parenting and then full time college that turned into full time work, etc. Life happened and my leisure reading got traded in for reading for research and studies, and then reading just disappeared for awhile. I've been reading again, but seem to navigate toward the non-fiction books about faith, art books, and then there's the whole issue of reading with my dd. So it's not like I don't read, I really do, but I feel that I've lost touch with reading fiction just for the shear pleasure of it like I did when I was younger. In recent days I've gone to the library to choose books, but I am completely overwhelmed by the number of choices there are. I have to admit, part of the problem is that I have dicriminating taste and am careful about what I fill my mind with...but I don't want to gloss over books that are worthy of my time either. The real problem is that I just don't know how to choose a book any more! Titles and covers don't jump out at me. I feel so overwhelmed standing in front of the library shelves that I have been walking away with empty hands. There has to be an answer to this. I'm afraid I'm missing out on so much, but don't know where to begin. Here are some questions I have for you that read for your own pleasure: How do you choose books to read? Do you research authors and/or go by the short synopsis on the cover? (It seems that would take hours all in itself!) Does anyone have a series that they can recommend? Any other suggestions? Thanks everyone. I appreciate this board so much! Blessings, Lucinda
  7. What an eloquent and well thought out post. I appreciate all you said. I've been a follower of Christ most of my life, and have often found that I don't agree with everyone at church all the time too. There are times that I am so embarrassed for the church that I want to run and hide. We have to follow our conscience as God leads us, even to patiently teach others just as you tried to do tonight. I have friends from many cultures, lifestyles and backgrounds, and I love them all. My brother and some of our friends are gay, I have friends that are Budhists, Hindu and Islamic...and God tells me to love them all even though we are different in many ways. I've been concentrating on Christ's teachings rather than being religious, and because of that I've learned to become more compassionate. Thank you again for your post. I tried to give you rep, but I ran out tonight. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. I voted for strawberry shortcake, but we didn't have it today. In fact, we're at the front end of a weight loss plan at our house and didn't have any dessert today...Don't be sad though...the grilled marinated flank steak, grilled summer squash, pasta with parmesan and glass of local pinot noir was wonderful. We're on the Sonoma Diet and it is divine eating for sure. Next year we'll have the shortcake. Happy Fourth of July everyone! :) Blessings, Lucinda
  9. This was fun-I'll try again later. Can't you just feel the love in this "room"? LOL ;) Lucinda
  10. I've suddenly got a bit more zippity do dah in my day. Happy 4th! Lucinda
  11. A little rep would add a bit of excitement to an otherwise ho-hum day. :lol: Thanks! Blessings, Lucinda
  12. :thumbup: Well said, my friend, well said! Blessings, Lucinda
  13. This makes me so sad! And to think, there have been times that I felt that the board is mostly frequented by secularists and that I'm an oddball in the mix. Lucinda
  14. :iagree: Well said, Cadam! I completely agree. I'd also add that a split group would subtly imply discrimination -- imho. We can all learn from each other, be stretched and grow as people. Blessings, Lucinda
  15. :bigear: I didn't know these tricks and I have plenty of weeds to kill. I'm so glad I read the thread! Blessings, Lucinda
  16. I got my "official letter" and have to report for jury duty on Thursday! I haven't had to do this in so many years that I can't even remember when it was. We serve for one month in my county, and it starts by reporting for duty at 8:00 a.m. in person. They may not let me serve since my grown ds is a police officer, but I really don't think I'm biased. I hope they let me serve, I really do. Guess I'd better go pack my book and get out the knitting gear. I've been putting off learning to knit and somehow this seems like a good time. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. I guess I'd have to say I hate to dust. But wait, even more -- I hate to clean the fridge. Or is that, clean the toilet? :lol: Mopping around the toilet? :001_huh: Or perhaps cleaning out the litter box when dd is gone... Hhhhhhhmmmmmm.... Blessings, Lucinda
  18. but as an adult, I think I'd rather be Belle. She is not only beautiful, but also good, sincere, and truly knows how to love. It isn't beauty that triumphs over evil; it's goodness, truth and love. Blessings, Lucinda
  19. It hasn't been sunny in Oregon long enough yet to have a tan! LOL!!! Blessings, Lucinda
  20. followed by moist nose and doggy kiss on my hand. "Hello sweetie," I say as I roll out of bed. "Time to go potty, huh?" I stumble down the stairs in the dim light of the morning while the dog dances eagerly by the back door. It's as though she saying, "I cannot hold it any longer, Mom!" Now that dd is old enough to sleep in, the dog seems to be taking up where she left off. It used to be for breakfast for my bright eyed smiling toddler, now it's a potty call for the red haired mut. After the deed is done, the dog goes back to bed and it's 5:30 a.m. on Saturday. What to do? Stay up or go back to bed? Stay up, or go back to bed? Hhhhhhmmmm. :lol: Blessings, Lucinda
  21. Continuing to pray as well. Please stay connected so we know how to pray. Blessings, Lucinda :grouphug:
  22. The mix is great and can be replaced for the blend recipe I gave you in all of Carol Fenster's wheat free recipes. Blessings, Lucinda
  23. After a number of years of not being sure about capital punishment I finally came to the conclusion that if I'm Pro-Life and believe in the sanctity of life, then I cannot support capital punishment. I am opposed to violence; agressive warfare, gang viloence, domestic violence, abortion, etc. etc. I'm also in favor or compassionate counseling, healing, ministering to and reaching out to the oppressed, many of whom have committed acts of violence. The bottom line is that I can't justify murder for murder. Lock them up for life, away from society, but don't kill. We must protect our communities, but God is the final judge and He says that revenge belongs to Him. Blessings, Lucinda
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