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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. :iagree: Me too! Me too! In fact, its a form of entertainment whenever I'm on the road. Blessings, Lucinda
  2. Here is a recipe for Carol's Gluten-Free Sorghum Flour Blend* that works really well as a flour replacement in pancakes or other baked goods. It doesn't taste exactly like the wheat versions you are used to, but it is very palatable and has a good texture. Ingredients 1 1/2 c. sorghum flour 1 c. tapioca flour 1 1/2 c. potato starch or cornstarch 1/2 c. corn, almond, bean or chestnut flour (NOTE: If you use nut flour, be sure to refrigerate to avoid going rancid. Otherwise, store in an dark, cool place.) You can find these flours in a health food store or online at places like www.bobsredmill.com. They also have a load of allergy free products and recipes. Hope this helps! Blessings, Lucinda * From Gluten-Free 101: Easy, Basic Dishes Without Wheat by Carol Fenster, Ph.D.
  3. Yes! When I studied graphic design in college she was always on the book list. Very smart lady...I owe alot of what I know and use today to her. :001_smile: Blessings, Lucinda
  4. :grouphug: I'm standing with you in prayer, trusting and believing that God is in control. Blessings, Lucinda
  5. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I am SO with you on this one, Jane! And I hate it so much when people put so much emphasis on the gifts during any of the holidays...it's like that's the only point of the holiday vs. time with each other and the other wonderful traditions that are part of that special day. People have also forgotten about the simple joys of giving and receiving. I don't want anyone to tell me what to buy them for a gift. I love the process of thinking it through and making it personal from my heart. I love it when I'm the recipient of that type of giving as well -- rather than listing what I want and just getting it. Let's just throw away all the lists and registries, don't you think? We can join forces and be rebels! Blessings, Lucinda
  6. The characters are not found in Word per se, they are actually on your computer. You just need to know what keys to hit in order for the characters to emerge in your document. Here is the link to a helpful chart that gives html code and also key combinations for Mac OS and Windows to unlock the hidden characters on your keyboard. Open the chart and you'll see what I mean. I'd also like to recommend a book that not only gives a number of hidden characters found on your pc, but also teaches how to make type look more professional. The name of the book is The PC is not a Typewriter by Robin Williams (not the actor). The original book, The Mac is not a Typewriter is also available for Mac users. Robin Williams is a real expert on type, page layout and design. She also has a book called The Non-Designer's Design Book that I recommend to anyone that desires to create better looking documents - a really great tool for homeschool families! Blessings, Lucinda
  7. :iagree: This has been my experience, and there has been nothing but love and respect from my older children, who are adults now. When you remarry, the marriage has to come first. It's not at all that the children aren't important, its just that the attitude and priorities have to be well established for the sake of everyone. Details like name changes are all part of it. When the attitudes and priorities are well in place, the kids feel very secure and know they are loved. With a new family structure, that is so important. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. and I chose to let go of my former married name. My children have never resented it in the least. In fact, I realized that whatever I chose I would have the name for the rest of my life so I knew I wouldn't always feel such a strong need to have the same last name as my children. They would be moving out of the house before too long, but dh would be with me till death do us part. No matter what my name is, my kids and I know who we are, and that is what matters the most. Another thing I did when I remarried was take back my maiden name and use it as a middle name. I did this legally, so my full name is now Lucinda (Maiden Name) (Married Name). The moment I did it I knew it was the right thing. I preferred having a connection to my family of origin again. It feels so natural. I will never change my name again...EVER! Blessings, Lucinda
  9. along with their Core 4 History. I was going to go a different direction (i.e. starting in the middle per WTM suggestions), but we're expecting to switch over to private school in 1-2 years and I don't want dd to have to repeat the same reading lists or periods of history. I'm not going all the way with Sonlight, but this portion of curriculum seems to fit our needs perfectly for now. I think they have a really good reading list anyway. FWIW, this is what we plan on. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. There's a plethora of information at their site, so be sure to browse around. Or you can just go straight to their catalogue to check by category. During the summer I can see these would be great for the car, and in the winter they'd serve well sitting by the fire. It just adds so much more than only reading the text. Don't you think? Blessings, Lucinda
  11. What a great accomplishment, and you look beautiful too! I'm trying to lose 60 lbs. myself and it is not an easy task. Blessings, Lucinda
  12. I started another thread this morning about some great U.S. History freebies from ReadOutLoud.com. You'll find the details in my other post, but basically they are giving away audible downloads of the U.S. founding documents through July 4th. It might be worth it to check it out. Blessings, Lucinda
  13. You're welcome! I was really pleased to find this, and I hope others read my post before it gets buried again. Blessings, Lucinda
  14. I just discovered that LearnOutLoud.com is offering U.S. founding documents for free through July 4th. This would be great for students that are memorizing, or for those that would like to hear them audibly while reading along. All you have to do is go here and download the mp3's for free. Here's a list of what is included: Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" Speech The United States Declaration of Independence The Articles of Confederation The Virginia Plan The Constitution of the United States Federalist Paper No. 51 United States Bill of Rights Subsequent U.S. Constitutional Ammendments First Inaugural Address of President George Washington It also says that they, "include introductions to each document to give them context and highlight the significance they played in founding of the United States. So as we approach the 4th of July, learn about the founding of America with this historic audio book." Blessings, Lucinda
  15. The last time I was there I was teaching at a conference and ended up spending nearly the whole time at the Marriott! What a bummer. Nashville is a fun place to vacation. Along with all the other great suggestions, here are a few more: If you like history there are some plantations to visit, like the Hermitage, home of President Andrew Jackson, and then there is the Belle Meade Plantation. There are some others, but these are the most famous ones. I've been to the Hermitage and it is interesting, and would love to go to Belle Meade. There's also the General Jackson Showboat, which is a lot of fun and a relaxing trip up the Cumberland River. I don't know if this appeals to you, but if you have time, a car and are interested, you could drive to Lynchburg to visit the Jack Daniels Whiskey Distillery. Nashville is a wonderful city and the surrounding area is a treasure in America. The landscape is beautiful, the food is fabulous and the people are the epitomy of southern hospitality. There are so many amazingly talented and creative people there (and not just country musicians) The Nashville/Franklin area is also home to some of the most wonderful churches in the whole country. Have fun and enjoy your trip! Blessings, Lucinda
  16. www.bobsredmill.com. They've got a lot to choose from and we love their high quality products. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. I really appreciated your reply Robin, you really made some good points and I appreciate it. I do understand the dilemma of getting involved, as I have an ex-husband who was and a son who is presently in law enforcement. I really do understand that point. That is why I backed away and left her alone. On the other hand, I'm also on faculty at a local private school and have an obligation to the safety of children. If I'd been able to get her name the other day, I would have had to report to the authorities. I agree with you, gardenschooler. It is important to get the kids away from those situations. If my dd does happen to see or hear anything, I am always sure to comment to her privately about that type of behavior being wrong and cruel so she understands that it is not acceptable even though she just witnessed it. Real life is not like tv, these are not actors and we can't risk our own children becoming desensitized to violence. There is just so much abuse to children (and women too) that is going on around us behind closed doors and sometimes right out in the marketplace. I often think that the community needs to find ways to help make changes instead of turning away and minding our own business. I don't know what the answer is, but it should be a topic of discussion often and something we all start to care about more than we do. I don't mean to stand on a soapbox here, as I know I'm just as guilty as everyone else most of the time. Blessings, Lucinda
  18. Friends, This was not just an exhausted mother and she wasn't just yelling. Please believe me. I never, I mean NEVER, go up to people and confront them in public. This was totally out of the ordinary for me. The yelling at the child was positively chilling and I was compelled for fear of the child to check it out. By the sound of what I heard, she was on the verge of (if not already) physically abusing the child. The rage the mother presented was definately verbal abuse to an innocent child who was very upset and crying. I was directly across from her with a divider seperating us and heard it all very clearly; the only reason I had to walk around to see the other side was because of the divider. The lady was very rough in appearance - her non-verbal language (manner, dress, etc.) very rebellious and edgy. I am really surprised that so many assumed I was over-reacting and that I should mind my own business. I know we have to be cautious, but we can't always hide and ignore abuse either. BTW, I talked to a clerk in the store and she told me that if it happened again to be sure and let management know. She was obviously trained in this type of thing and knew what procedure to take without hesitation. Blessings, Lucinda
  19. Dear WTM Friends, Yesterday I was with my 9yo dd in a local one-stop shopping store. As we were looking at bathing suits I noticed a baby crying in the next department. Next thing I knew I was listening to an adult voice yelling "SHUUUUT UUUUUUUP!" and other harassing statements in an extremely loud and very cruel voice. It was the type of voice that I can imagine one doing while shaking a child, completely out of control. The sound and tone of it immediately caught my attention. I walk quickly to the end of our aisle, keeping my eye also on my own child, while wanting to see what was happening. I don't normally do this, but the yelling was very, very alarming and I was afraid for the safety of the child. Looking down the next aisle I found two women with three children between them in carts and one was dealing with a crying toddler. I stood and stared for a few minutes when they turned around and saw me. I continued to stare and then finally said, "I just want you to know that I just heard that." The lady I am certain did the yelling immediately got an attitude and yelled at me that she didn't care what I heard. I stared back for another minute and then went back to my child because it seemed that the toddler in the cart was all right. :glare: My blood was just boiling! I wanted to do something, but was not sure what else I could possibly do without risking the woman taking her anger out on her child again or getting violent in the store. All I could think of was that if she did this in public, what in the world does she do in private? Finally I realized that there was nothing more I could do. Maybe I caused her to think a little, who knows. But the main thing is that I made the decision that if I ever witness anything like that again in a public place I'm going straight to the security guard and let them know. The store management and security people should be informed and witnesses should not try to take the situation on by themselves. Has anyone else had this type of thing happen? What did you do, or what would you have done in my situation? Blessings, Lucinda
  20. I didn't realize there were so many of us here! Okay WTM friends, any other PNW'ers hiding in the woodwork? :D Hey, this little smilie kind of reminds me of a BEAVER, don't you agree? No, not the orange and black kind, just the litttle critter that's on the backside of the Oregon state flag. Blessings, Lucinda
  21. due to hair issues. Otherwise, sometimes it just feels better to shower in the afternoon or evening when it gets to be hotter weather. Blessings, Lucinda
  22. Since I'm schooling one child, we have a bit more wiggle room than other families. We usually get up and have quiet time with morning devotions, fun reading, etc. By the time we sit down to do some actual studying for the day it is 10:00 am. I am always trying to start earlier, but it seems we have a groove goin'. If we have plans in the afternoon we try to start sooner, or eat lunch while studying -- whatever is needed to fit everything in for the day. Now that summer is here we will take classes outdoors, have more field trips, etc. and who knows what kind of schedule that will end up to be. I'm excited though. This is our first summer of homeschooling and I know it is going to be fun. Blessings, Lucinda
  23. This is a great thread with many thought provoking comments. I'm not very educated on the history of our federal taxes and appreciate the points that have been made. This makes me want to dig in and learn more about it. Like some of you, I have been going through a change of opinion on how our country should operate. I used to be very much in favor of socialized medicine and numerous other social reforms. A few years ago I was challenged to consider the role of families and churches in the community, especially in the area of reaching out to the poor and caring for the elderly. Since that time I've come to the conclusion that local government and the community itself should be stepping in to do more while state government oversees and regulates health, education and welfare, roads and employment, etc. So more emphasis on state and local government than we have now, for sure. The main job of the federal governement should be to provide us with a covering of over-all security and the opportunity to pursue our basic rights (life, liberty and the persuit of happiness). This is quite a different paradigm than my original one. Basically, I don't want to be legislated on the quality of healthcare and education my family receives, nor do I want to be in a system where all children and elderly are boxed off into the same little pegs and cubbies. Military? Well, I agree with Virginia Dawn: So yes, I've flipped from big government to small government and I'm at peace with it. All of this has come from years of observation, contemplation and prayer. Blessings, Lucinda
  24. They have a number of maps and globes to choose from for reasonable prices. Check it out here if you like. Blessings, Lucinda
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