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Everything posted by AnitaMcC

  1. I just read an article about U.S. Jews not able to fly Delta to Saudi Arabia. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/23/us-jews-not-able-to-fly-o_n_883568.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%7C72803 People were wanting to boycott Delta now because of this. What I don't get is that many Americans are telling people who come to America to follow American laws, respect our laws, etc. So what is the difference when Saudi Arabia is saying the same thing to travelers coming into their country? I just don't understand the degree that people were commenting about the article, like it was all Delta's fault and that Delta was discriminating, etc. What am I missing that the article didn't say? What am I totally uninformed about????? It is Saudi Arabia that is not allowing travelers into their country if the travelers are not in accordance with Saudi Arabia's laws... not Delta. Delta is only banning what can cause travelers from getting arrested when they arrive in Saudi Arabia. From what I am getting from the article, that if I want to fly to Saudi Arabia, then as long as I was in accordance to Saudi Arabia's laws I would be allowed to fly Delta to Saudi Arabia. Now I don't like to fly Delta to begin with... but this partnership with Saudi Arabia Airlines is not the reason for my not flying with them. If I wanted to go to Saudi Arabia (a female U.S Citizen and Catholic) and were not dressed appropriately, not have a male chaperone, wearing a Cross, carrying a Bible, etc... then I am breaking their laws. I do not agree with their laws, but if I was to travel there... then I have to follow those laws. If I don't want to follow those laws then I have no business going there or be prepared to get arrested. As a traveler, I would be very glad that an airlines or travel agency, etc would tell me that whatever I am doing, wearing, pack in my luggage, etc. could be against the law in a country that I want to travel into. Granted I wouldn't travel to another country without researching first... but what if I missed something? I sure wouldn't be wanting to arrive to another country and upon my arrival... I get arrested!!!!!!!!! And if the airlines did not have a ban, they may miss my mistake (ignorance in my case) and I end up paying for that. Granted it would be my fault but I still like the extra "protection" from my ignorance. I figured I must be totally missing something and I have lost too many brain cells.
  2. My situation was not normal... and I mean way not normal. I had my twins 3 weeks before I had my first gallstone attack. Up till this point I never ever had any symptoms of gallstones. When I gave birth to my twins all my blood tests were normal, so no indication there either. When I had the attack it was the worse pain ever. I agree with other posters... it is worse than labor/giving birth. The attack was late Friday night. I was in ER all night before the pain subsided. Blood tests were a bit elevated but not bad. Had another attack on Saturday afternoon but it was short so I didn't go to ER. Sunday late night I had another attack and this time went to ER. And up to this point, I could not eat or drink anything without getting sick. Anyway, this time they called in a U/S tech and I had to wait for him to come in around 4am. Gall stones were found and by then my blood tests were back... my levels were double than two days before. I was kept in ER until my primary doctor office opened at 9am Monday morning. She sent me over that morning to surgeon. He scheduled me for surgery on Wednesday (he happened to have had a cancelation). I went in to surgery Wednesday... another blood test was done, this time my levels for 4 times the normal, and I was jaundiced. Surgery was supposed to last only about 1 1/2 hrs... I was in there for four hours. My gall bladder was solid stones and severely infected. The infection had spread to my liver so they had to do biopsy of liver as well. I was in hospital for three days (had to go on IV antibiotics). Afterwards recovery was slow but steady. I had a lot of issues with eating. I had a very limited diet and had to take medication to bind the bile. I weaned off that after a year or so. It also took nearly a year for my liver function tests to return to normal. For many years I had to take Immodium AD first thing in morning before I could eat or drink anything otherwise I would get bad cramps and diahrea. Then when I had my Ds#2... a month later I had a gall stone attack. Yep, I didn't have a gall bladder but I still ended up with gall stones from my liver. It got stuck in my bile duct. I had another surgery to repair the duct and to widen it also. Apparently pregnancy causes me to get gall stones that formed in my liver. Thankfully after Ds#3 I did not have a repeat gall stone attack. Seems that the bile duct repair/widening prevented any stones from getting stuck if I had any stones formed. I still have to have liver function tests done annually and it has been 16 yrs since the first attack. I still have some issues with eating fatty foods and I must eat regularly or I get diarhea and cramps when I do eat. Every now and then I get slight pain where my gall bladder used to be. It may be mini stones going through bile duct but not sure. But again, my situation was/is not typical. My GI specialists (I saw 4 of them over the years) said that I was a very rare case. And with all that... I am glad I had the surgery!!!!!!!!
  3. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so very sorry. I wish I could be of help. It would break my heart too.
  4. Family toys are video game machines and computer, large play equipment like foosball, pool table, basketball hoop, etc. Anything that is gifted to the family or bought for the family is community property (but is owned by Dh and I). For the most part anything given or bought for an individual child... it belongs to only that child. And with legos and cars, the kids usually know what is theirs. I do not allow arguing or fighting over them. Same goes for Magic Cards, etc. And if they leave anything out... it can end up being mine or in the trash if they don't hurry up and get it out of my way when I am cleaning. But at the same time we do encourange sharing when it is appropriate. We do not force sharing, but at the same time if a child is often not sharing any of their things... well it is only fair if they also be on receiving end of the not sharing. Which means that if they practically never share their things... then no one else is expected to share their things with that child. This is only if the not sharing child has been unreasonable in attitude about sharing. I also take into consideration of what items are wanted to be shared and ages of the recipient of that sharing... I do not require any of the kids to share items that are highly valued to them in some way and also if the item is very expensive (I am not going to require Dd to share her video camera with the younger boys). I also do not expect Ds#1 to share his science equipment as these can be dangerous is not used properly. Make sense?? LOL
  5. LOL, that is about how I sum it up here.. My twins are "oldests" together but they weren't raised as oldest as when they were 3, we gained 9 yr old nephew, 11 yr old niece, 18 yr old nephew. So they are the oldest/middle children. But my baby is my baby-LOL.
  6. Ds#1 and DD are 16, Ds#2 is 12, Ds#3 is 10. The biggest age gap between our four kids is from twins to Ds#2... almost 4 yrs. But from twins to youngest it is exactly 6yrs (Ds#3 was born on twins bday). I was 34 when Ds#3 was born and we had decided then that no more after I was 37. We didn't want any age gaps more than 4yrs from one child to next. And now I am almost 45, mostly I am glad that we didn't have anymore after Ds#3. I honestly can't fathom how I would have done it if we did have anymore children. At 10, Ds#3 still exhausts me most days!!!!!!! Dh and I really didn't want to have any kids younger than 18 once we hit age 55. We want to go into our retirement years without still raising our children.
  7. Oh don't tell me this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :svengo::eek: We are moving to PA in about a month and my Dd's 9th and 10th grade language arts does not match the requirements with PA diploma programs. We followed IL standards and what our school district does in their classes with additional work that I wanted her to do. We were going to apply to PHAA as a out of state transfer. Maybe we shouldn't even bother? I do not want her to have to "redo" or make-up anything in her language arts.... she plans to graduate a year early and she has worked her butt off doing 8 credits a year for 9th and 10th grades, and will do so again this year for 11th grade.
  8. I can't help you but wanted to bump your post up.
  9. I am thinking 5 or more kids to be a "parent of many". Figure with both parents, they have four hands... more than that then they have more kids than number of hands that are handy- LOL. But that said... I am mom of 7 and don't feel as I am mom of many. Only when we all are actually going somewhere and we have to take two vehicles-LOL.
  10. Similar here.. I never took World History. Usually a university degree only requires something like: 9-10 credits Core competency (English/Writing, communications, and math which some may be tested out of these so the courses themselves are not required), 9-12 credits in humanities and the arts, 6-9 credits in social sciences, 7-11 credits sciences and math, 3-6 credits in Interdisciplinary Studies. And there are tons of options to choose from for each category. The only history courses I took were China history and U.S. History II. That was it.
  11. I totally relate!!!!! I will pray for you house hunting to be successful. Thankfully it looks like we have our success. I hope I am not mistaken!! I hate taking chances-LOL.
  12. Thank you Pauline. I have been going through your website and I have downloaded many of the form examples to use as a guide. I was just confused about which forms I need to submit at start of the year and by when it is to be submitted. Also the compulsary age... my Dd will turn 17 in April of next year. She plans to graduate next year. So I am not sure if dealing with the school district is required? I think we are required to submit the paperwork and do the end of year evaluation? Anyone know if Scranton school district is home school friendly? For PHAA, I have emailed them so I am waiting to hear back. I just thought, if possible, to get anyone else's experience with the diploma programs and if anyone transfered in to tell their experience. For the medical forms, is there a reason why I shouldn't just submit the school districts forms? I have them... it is just one form that states my child does not have TB or any symptoms and the Physicians Physical exam form that just lists immunization history, check list of medical conditions/history and then the check list of the physical stating normal, abnormal, or not examined. Nothing in-depth. No actual details of anything. These are forms that we have always had our doctor complete and we turned them in to school nurse. Since Dd and Ds#1 started homeschooling, I just kept their forms just in case I needed them for any reason. These are same forms that colleges here in IL often use for incoming students. Maybe Scranton school district is following the laws? I haven't told the district that we are home schooling anyone. All I did was pick up the registration packet and physical form for each of my kids. Only Dd is going to be home schooled at this time. Ds#1 will be cyber schooled and younger two sons will be public schooled. Although it can change... Thank you for your help!!!!
  13. I wish I could help, but can't. I posted with some questions about this before and unfortunately I got no responses. We are moving into PA August 1st. I guess there is some other paperwork that also needs to be done. About all I do know is that I have to register my kids into the school district. I already was able to pick up the packets I needed for this and the physical forms for the school disctrict. So I will have these ready for when we move in and I will take them to the district office on August 1st. My youngest is special needs and I need to make sure his special ed stuff gets transfered early enough to make sure his accommodations and placement is done in time. My Ds#1 is wanting to do Cyber School and I have been in contact with them. I have his enrollment packet and they told me to go ahead and submit it so they can have it all ready for Ds to start on time. Cyber school starts August 29, while the school district starts Sept 7th. Dd is continuing to home school and I need to deal with the affidavit and stuff for her. Ds#2 (7th grade) and Ds#3 (5th grade) will attend public school for now.
  14. Exactly!!!! I do not want MY child to be that rare statistic when all I have to do is be vigilant and not let my kids out of my sight in public places. Just heart breaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Honestly I got lucky when dealing with my kids going in public restrooms. I think about 95% of the time I had an older (teenish or older) go in with the youngers once the kids were about age 5+. I only did this once the youngers were potty trained and didn't need assistance. I just couldn't send my 10 yr old Ds#1 in with his 4yr old brother who still needed assistance. Yes I can imagine it.... Ds#3 to Ds#1... "Brother please wipe my booty", Um wasn't going to happen-LOL. Dh has only had to take Dd into mens room a few times. One time he just asked a male employee to stand outside the bathroom and asked to "warn" other men/boys that a man had to take his daughter in the mens room. This was at Home Depot and Dd just couldn't "hold it". At that time she was still potty training and Dh forgot to put her in a pullup before leaving house. But I was so excited and thrilled when family bathrooms became available!!!!!! Most public places like malls, movie theatres, airports, etc have the family bathrooms. A few travel plazas offer handicap restrooms that are not part of the larger ones. I don't like to use these as it can be a huge inconvenience for a handicapped person not be able to use the restroom designed for them. But in a pinch, well I will use it (thankfully in the 16 years we have had kids I only had to do this once).
  16. :iagree: totally!!!! Now days there are too many weirdos out there and no way on this Earth am I willing to force my children to deal with weirdos without me right there when they are not even 10 yrs old yet. One time my Ds#1 was 12 yrs old and he came out of the mens bathroom looking very uncomfortable. I asked him what was wrong and he had some psycho wagging his weiner at my Ds and saying some weird things. I can not even fathom how he would have felt if that happened if Ds was 5-9 yrs old!!!!! So what if a boy (or girl in a girls room) can yell for help!!!! All it sometimes takes is a few minutes... I am not wanting my children to have to even take the risk that someone could come up to them and do something inappropriate when all it takes is my not sending them into a bathroom alone. They shouldn't have to be exposed to such psycho stuff and forced to "deal" with it without someone they trust and know with them. Chances are if Dh was in that restroom with Ds, that psycho wouldn't have done that to my Ds (there was no one else in the rest room). By the time we reported they weirdo, he was gone.
  17. Great to hear!!! Sounds like he just needed a bit of time to think about it.
  18. Okay that is tall-LOL. I thought my 10yr old was tall for his age since he is usually one of the tallest in his class.. but he isn't that tall!!! Mine is only 4' 8" and 67 or so lbs and only a size 5 1/2 shoe and wears size 12 clothes. Sad when my 10yr old has bigger feet than me-LOL.
  19. My 10 yr old is still a "little" boy. All 4 1/2 feet of him and 67 lbs of him. I can't say he is free of body hair... considering he has been covered in body hair since he was born. Literally he has soft blond hair all.over.his.body. He does get stinky though.... since he often "forgets" to use soap when taking a shower. But he doesn't need deodorant nor shaves-LOL. He still acts like a little boy, he still loves hugs/kisses and cuddles. I told him recently he isn't allowed to grow up. Well of course he says, "but mom the doctor told me I need to keep drinking my milk so I can grow big and strong".
  20. I take my kids in to bathroom with me until they are about age 7. It is so much easier usually for moms to take sons in bathrooms (no urinals or open stalls). My boys would stand right outside my stall where I can see their feet. When they are going, I just send them into the stall and I stand outside the stall so if they need my help I could easily help them. For our family situation, we rarely had issues with potty or other personal privacy situations. Our twins are our first children and when they were 3 1/2 yrs old my niece and nephews moved in with us. So at that time we had Dd and Ds 3 1/2 yrs, nephew 18 yrs, niece 11yrs, and nephew 9yrs old. So it really worked out perfectly with youngers going into bathrooms. Dd would always accompany me or niece. Ds's would always accompany Dh or one of the nephews, or Ds#1 (for youngest two when they came along). Really only issue was when Dh took Dd anywhere just the two of them. This was very rare if it was going to be for more than a hour or so. The few times Dh did get into a "bind" and Dd needed to go potty or a change, then he just would take her into mens room. He would just check to make sure it was all clear. He never took her in if there was another man in the mens room. He never took her to swimming or anything like that without me or my niece so he never had to deal with helping Dd change into swim suit, etc. If he had to take her swimming... then he or I simply would have made sure Dd was already in swim suit before leaving home and then he would just bring her home to get showered/changed.
  21. Way to go Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats.
  22. Honestly this is a question that I don't think anyone else can answer for you. But that being said, maybe you can talk to a vocational counselor. I do not see why you have to settle on a major right now. Nothing wrong with you taking the time to try out different things, to talk to people in the fields that interest you, to research, and just get information that will help you find your path. Also remember that the first two years of college usually covers general areas of education. You have to do English, Humanities, Social Sciences, Math, Natural Sciences, and Fine Arts. Nothing wrong with taking more than what is required in all or some of these departments before you lock onto a career path. Also many colleges offer a career searching type of class and some colleges require this course for freshman students. I expect that most 18-20 yr olds do not know exactly what career they want. Often they think they know and then they end up taking several courses that are specific to a career path in the first few years of their education and then they may find that they really don't want that career and they want to change majors. By then they may have taken 12 or more courses for that program, and all they know is that they don't want that career... they still don't know what they want. Also, I highly recommend that college to be done in 5 years instead of 4. I think that the first two years of college should be where the student is taking several "feeler" courses while doing their general education courses. Then the third year they can take a few more specific "feeler" courses while still completing general education courses. And then the fourth and fifth years in college they are taking courses specific for the career they decided to do. Also, keep in mind of the pre-requisites. For the most part you will have some idea of what you don't want to do. Does this make sense?? -LOL. Just my .02 cents worth...
  23. Same here. I had U/S every doctor visit and at 16 weeks I had a level 2. If all had gone well from there my OB said he would do another level 2 around 30 weeks. But at 20 weeks I ended up preterm contractions and was in hospital for two weeks and then was sent home on full bedrest and a terbutaline pump. From then on I had stress tests and level 2 U/S every two weeks. Also I had other health issues and my twins are IVF babies. So I was considered high risk from day one. Even my singletons I had around four U/S and at least two level 2 U/S. Again, there were "concerns" that the doctors just wanted to keep an eye on. But also keep in mind the U/S are not totally accurate. Ds#2 was measured at 36 weeks that he would be around 6lbs at birth. Also there was concern about the amount of amniotic fluid so he was induced 9 days before due date. He weighed 7lbs 8oz!!!!!!
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