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Everything posted by AnitaMcC

  1. I do pass/fail grades only on elective courses that I do not have any quizzes/tests that I can use for grades. Such as: P.E., Dd's Applied Music (private lessons, group band practice), Ds's Computer Application (Cyber Patriots, self learning and projects he just does). All others, get a grade.
  2. I would check into the Americans With Disabilities Act. Also all the colleges I have dealt with (the three I attended, and the one my Ds attended) require the documentation to be within 1 yr of applying for accommodations. Did they go to the disability services office??? If they went anywhere else then likely who ever they talked to didn't know the law.
  3. Hmmm. I wonder why this is? I was dx with ADHD in college by the college health/psych services. I had no problems receiving extended testing time and being allowed to record lectures. I was already in the disability services for physical disability.
  4. With my Ds#1 he was evaluated/tested when he was in 3rd grade. I paid $100 for his achievement/IQ tests. For his OT/PT evaluation for Sensory Integration evaluation I paid just my copay of $30. For his psychological eval I paid only the $30 copay. With Ds#3 he was evaluated/tested at age 5. I paid $30 copay and $50 that was my part of the bill (based on some sort of percentage formula with insurance). Ds#1 is getting retested/evaluated and so far I only have to pay $30 copay for each visit. Not sure about the testing fees. No one has mentioned cost to me but then again we only did an intake appointment and next week Ds goes to meet the psychologist who will be doing the tests. I don't think it will be much though as my insurance hasn't changed in 8 years and all the previous tests/evaluations were covered nearly the full amount. But it is good thing you asked.. now I am going to check into it with my insurance just to be sure it hasn't changed in coverage for psych services.
  5. From age birth to 5 I was in a home of alcoholism with neglect and child endangerment. I remember being forgotten and left behind by myself at age 2 1/2. When Dad was out to sea, it was us kids were all on our own... Dad had "no clue" since my Mom was "okay" when he was around. My parents divorced when I was 4. I have no idea "why". My Mom remarried when I was 5 or so. From age 5 to 8 I was in a home of alcholism, drug addiction, neglect, child endangerment, and severe abuse from stepdad. Around age 5 I remember being in a car with my siblings and we were almost driven into a retention pond... and a man coming up to our car just as it hit water and he was able to stop the car from going in. I remember many times of cruel punishments for just asking for food, a gun put to my head and the trigger being squeezed... obviously no bullets were in it as I am still alive. For 6 months when I was in 2nd grade, I was in a children's home with mental and emotional abuse. My mom finally got up and left the jerk and put us four kids in the home, but had to leave her 2yr old son with his dad. That was the last she had seen/heard her son until about 7 yrs ago when he found her. From 3rd grade to half way through 7th I had it awesome, My Dad was able to get full custody of us (he was out on ship in Navy and had no idea what was going on until authorities were able to locate him, then he went to court and was granted custody if he was transfered to shore duty immediately and put in his retirment at 20 yr mark which was about a year later (he was not allowed to re-enlist per court agreement). I was taken care of and never had a hand laid on me for punishment nor any cruel words directed at me from my Dad. But I was sexually abused by someone else when I was 10 or so. When Dad got injured and was laid up for 6 months my brother (2 1/2 yrs older than me) and I had to go to my Mom... and her 3rd husband. My sister was 17 and ran off with her boyfriend, and my oldest brother was 18. But this time she was a recovered alcoholic. From midway through 7th grade through 10th grade it was a "if I kept to myself and stayed out of trouble it was fine". There was some mental and emotional not-quite-abusive behaviors, more of a religious extreme attitudes and such. But at age 16 I had enough and went to court to be removed from there and return to my Dad (and by then his wife and her three kids) took a year but I did move in with him a month before I turned 17 and was able to finish high school with him. Then I went in the Navy when I was 18. Got married when I was 22. Thankfully I didn't have my kids until a bit later in life (28 almost 29 when twins were born). I had counseling and was more aware of my weaknesses. I am a yeller. I do loose my temper too much. I also tend to go hide in my room to avoid conflict but when I am cornered I will come out exploding. I work hard to keep it under control. I have a tendency to say things that I shouldn't when I get extremely frustrated and angry. I feel that I do tend to repeat the verbal abusive cycle and so I bite my tongue (literally) and go hide to keep from letting my temper to get the best of me. Usually my temper is let loose on Dh... and he understands where I am coming from so he can take it (so he says). And when I do loose it... I make sure I talk to my kids and let them know that it is my fault and that they are not to blame ever and I apologize for such behavior.
  6. Oh how I relate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 16 yr old Ds who gets my goat and we get into an arguement cycle. Dh keeps telling to just stop arguing with Ds. Oh, how it is so easy to say but another to do-LOL. As for advice, here is what I try to do... (not that I can actually follow it to the letter myself, but I try). When it is becoming an arguement... I jump off as soon as I realize it. I tell Ds that I will not participate in the arguement. And then I tell him that he has choices. I tell him the choices (one of the choices is "continue to argue")and the consequences that come with the choices. I let him make a choice and he gets the consequence that comes with that choice. If I need to back away and let Dh take over... then I do so. I find that my Ds is not going to argue with Dh as willingly as he does with me. If Ds pushes it and tries to continue the arguement, I tell him that I will not participate in arguing and that he has made his choice and he gets the consequence. Oh, and we still put our teens in time out corner on a rare occassion. It doesn't work to send them to their room as that is what they enjoy -LOL. If I am wanting my kids to do something and they choose not to do it... I will use the corner then after a few minutes in the corner, I tell them they have a choice... stay in the corner or do what is asked of them.
  7. I feel for you. We move into our new home on August 1st. I am so excited about the move but sheesh, I think we need to just burn it all and start fresh. Still haven't figured out how we will move 3 guinea pigs, a hamster, and a cat. I am hoping we can drive the 800 miles without the cat clawing and howling us to death (he hates car rides) and the critters not get stressed out and sick.
  8. I am so very sorry!!!!!!!!! Prayers for Molly's family.
  9. From my understanding (and I could be mistaken) it stops the ovulation cycle. No ovulation = no ovarian cyst = no rupture.
  10. Oh my I really did a number of spelling errors!!!! I am so sorry.
  11. I would drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then I dislike flying, and add to the TSA, delays, possibly get stuck on a airplane for hours at a airport, and limits to what can be carried on (especially meds), well I rather go for a root canal than fly (and that is saying alot since I won't even go to dentist for a cleaning or to fill a cavity without years of procrastination). The only time I will consider flying over driving is if the drive is over 14 hours long. I rather stop over night than to fly. We are looking into possibly going to Disney some time after our move to PA. I plan to drive. If I had to be somewhere faster than driving would allow and it would be a very short stay (like a funeral or wedding, etc) then I would consider flying, but only if I am flying without children. Oh, and I would obviously fly if going overseas (which I never have done and don't even have a passport).
  12. My Dd also takes calcium and magnesium. We found about this after starting to see the chiropractor two years ago. Also we upped Dd's protein (she became vegetarian at age 14). It really has made a difference. Apparently muscles get tiny fissures in them when used (especially exercising/sports) and the proten helps the muscles repair.
  13. Sounds like my Dd. My Dd has several "issues" and they cause pains. She has neck, lower back, hips, and legs stiffness and pain. Is your Dd active? If it isn't impairing her activities then I would not worry as much, but would highly recommend having her seen a chiropractor/naturalist. Maybe a pediatric orthopedist if it is impairing her activities. For my Dd, she had a long history of issues that didn't make any since to me and all I was ever told was that it was "common". My Dd was extremely (and still is) active. She played sports, skateboaded, etc. But when she hit around age 11 the issues flared and was bad. As a baby/toddler she needed PT for weakish muscles on right side of body. She favored using her left. She walked on top of her toes (she curled her toes and literally walked on the top of them, no part of her foot touched the ground when she stood or walked along furniture). She couldn't get herself into a sit position without crawling over to something, pull herself into a standing position and then drop down to sit. Growing up she always had "growing pains" in her legs. Usually the pain was in her ankles and knees areas. By the time she was 11 her knees were chronically swollen and painful. In wrestling match she injured her knee. That was what "saved" her. She had to see a sports injury specialist. But after about 4 months her knee was still bothering her a lot. Finally found orthopedist who would actually do tests and he was thinking rheumatoid arthritis. When xrays and MRI's did not show RA, he sent Dd to a pediatric orthopedic specialist. No formal Dx, but Dd has several issues and it was something that just "is" for her. She is flat footed (her arches are so flexible that they fall when she stands, they are normal when not standing). So she duck walked. This pulled her achiles tendons off center and that left it strecthed on inside and contracted on outside. If she was to step just so, she would have easily tore the tendon on the outside part. She couldn't extend her legs when she walked. Her calf and hamstring muscles were extremely tight. Physical therapist said that these muscles were the tightest that he had ever seen in adolescent. She could not get legs straight at all no matter what. And in turn she didn't walk with full leg extension. She could not stand and lift her legs up (straightish for her) more than 4 inches off the ground. The weirdest part IMO is that although some of her muscles were/are so tight, her joints were extremely flexible. This part is sort of which came first scenerio of chicken or egg... either the toe walking caused her muscles tightness or the muscle tightness caused her toe walking. Either way the result was that her muscles were much shorter than her bones and her knees and hips became messed up. She was prescribed shoe inserts that apparently have the highest arch support and wedged lift that they make. I don't know about this being true because I am sure there are other kids with much worse conditions that need orthotics made. But because of the inserts she can only wear high top type shoes. Otherwise the shoes would flop off. She is "never" supposed to go around barefoot or wear shoes without her inserts. Of course she has always hated shoes since infancy and so she just will not wear shoes at home. She has Kung Fu shoes that the othotics tech made and glues some support in so Dd could wear them when doing Kung Fu (not sparing). She also was given patella bands to wear around her knees, and for many years she had to wear knee braces (with patello opening) while doing sports. She also had to do stretching exercises 4 times a day (each time lasted about 30 minutes). And at the start of all this she signed up for Kung Fu and was taking PT. Guess what helped her the most??? Kung Fu. Her Sifu helped Dd a thousand times more in just a month than the PT did in 8 months of 2-3 times a week of PT. Oh and two years ago I started taking her to a chiropractor and massage therapist since all of the treatments were not helping her neck and lower back pain. Now at age 16, Dd still has to have shoe inserts. She rarely has the pain and swelling in her knees, she can do splits to the floor, kick above her head, etc. Her hips are doing much better now that her leg alignment is stabilizing. She still has to do her stretching exercises 2 times a day otherwise her muscles tighten up. She still goes to the chiropractor/massage therapist once a week. So, what I am saying in this horribly long story.... try not to worry about something like tumors, etc. It really can be something that is "just is". When I was told Dd likely had RA, I was worried so much that it made me sick. I just kept imagining the worst. I highly recommend that your DD sees a pediatric orthopedic doctor. My Dd saw two orhtos before the ped one and the two doctors couldn't figure out what was exactly wrong. It took the ped ortho exactly 15 minutes of talking with me and DD, and do a look over and he knew what was wrong. He did say that Dd was a more severe case... no named dx that I know about. It is a combination of symptoms that is like a syndrome but isn't named. And likely the worse of it all would go away after Dd was through puberty and a few years after she stopped growing. Some of it will stay with her. She will have to keep wearing the inserts and do the stretches regularly (maybe only once a day or every other day) and see chiro occassionally, she should have no problems with a normal life.
  14. Our Kung Fu school does charge fees for testing. Below black belt it is around $40. Jr Black Belt is about $100, Youth Black Belt for Dd was $250 (broken up in 4 tests). I don't know what the adult testing fee is. Our kids earn the novice black belt and it is a minimum of a year to be able to test for the black belt of the age group. So parents do have the opportunity to save the money in that year. Also since there are 4 stages of the black belt test, the fee is also paid in stages. Also, if a parent truly can't afford the fees, the Sifu has given alternatives for them (such as work in the school, fund raise, etc). We pay $200 a month in tuition for four kids and Dh to take classes. Sparing gear is $250 a set and sparing is optional unless going for black belt, so no biggie. I have bought Dd more gear than the boys and the boys share the gear. Dd goes through foot pads every 6 months-LOL. That is only $25 to replace them. Her Sifu usually gives Dd free uniforms as she works at the school so much. Her weapons can cost a bit, but also since she is so dedicated she often gets these at cost (nothing over $50) or free. She was given a really nice broad sword by a Sifu who has been teaching her Wushu. We are moving to Scranton, PA in a month. We found a Kung Fu school that Dd really likes. It is different there. It is more traditional Kung Fu and the Sifu is not in it for money (he says). I think he has 50 students in his school and about half of them are not "serious" students. He is taking Dd on as one of his serious students. My three boys will also be attending classes but I doubt they will be serious so they will not get any intensive lessons with the Sifu. There is no additional fee or tuition for him to teach Dd. He teaches for the love of teaching. And if I remember right when we visited his school... he said that there are no testing fees. Dd's competitions are costly (especially travel and hotel), but the tuition of the Kung Fu training is not that bad. I find the tuition for all four of the kids to be cheaper in the long run than if they were enrolled in organized sports. At least I am not required to fund raise nor volunteer my time so my kids can participate (on top of registration fees, uniform and equipment fees).
  15. In our Kung Fu school there are three types of black belt. Jr Black Belt for kids ages 7-9. Youth Black Belt for kids ages 8-16. 1st Degree Black Belt for 16 and up. They must have been studying Kung Fu for minimum of 3-4 years to get the Black Belt for their age group. If a student started KF at age 4, he/she can earn the Jr Black Belt at age 7, and then about another 2 yrs to earn the Youth Black Belt and then around age 16 they can earn the 1st Degree Black Belt. If a student starts KF at age 7, then he/she can earn a Youth Black Belt around age 10 and then age 16 to earn the 1st Degree Black Belt. My Dd started KF when she was 11. She earned her Youth Black Belt in October 2010 when she was 15. She is 16 now and is currently working on earning her 1st Degree Black Belt. She has to make up her own Forms for open hand and weapons. She also has to learn an animal style; she picked snake style. She works very very hard (with teaching, taking classes, training for competitions) and spends about 20 hrs a week on Kung Fu. She became the youngest assistant teacher in her KF school when she turned 15 (although she was helping teach when she was 14). Her Sifu refers students to her for private lessons.
  16. So glad she is feeling better. I just had my Dd in ER a bit over a week ago for the same thing and they also could't "see" anything on the ultrasound other than she definitely was ovulating. We are moving in a month so I am waiting until then to have Dd seen by a GYN (one experienced with young girls). I want to have Dd checked out. I had such horrible periods in middle/high school and never had anything checked out. It was a case of "it is normal and you just have to accept and deal with it". Well I found out at age 25 that I had severe endometriosis. Thankfully no doctor suggested a hysterectomy but then again I was seeing them for infertility so they knew I wanted to have babies. The endometriosis had completely blocked my tubes. I went on Lupron (?) for 6 months. Then still a year later no baby. When I was 27 I did IVF and had my twins when I was 28. Then when they were 3, I was going to do IVF again, but a week before my initial appointment I found out I was pregnant. Then another baby 2 yrs later. I do not want my Dd to have to suffer like I did and I do not believe that she needs to suck it up or learn to deal with the misery. Being miserable for several years is just not a life IMO when something can be done now days to help. I am going to also seek natural alternatives before putting her on bcp but if I find out that it is more than just "normal" issues, she will go on bcp in a heart beat. I do not want my Dd to grow up and hate being a female.
  17. If it was my girl (and I have been there) I would have her see a GYN who is experienced in treating young girls and ask about putting Dd on the pill. My niece had these issues. She started her periods age 11. By 14 she was miserable and Tylenol 3 did nothing for her. She was in such horrid pain, had fevers, throwing up, and heavy and irregular periods. She was put on the pill and that made a huge difference. My Dd is 16 and she may be going on the pill. Recently she had a ovarian cyst rupture. It was the first time but if it happens again then doctors say she may need to go on the pill. IMO, girls shouldn't have to suffer so much just because she got horrid luck of the draw of being a girl. It is not neccessary for girls/women to put up with such misery!!!
  18. IMO, it is the greed and airlines that is at "fault"... why not design airplanes to have a baby changing area (sheesh that won't take up that much space!!!) and also design a bit more space in the seating areas or at least a row or two that would give a bit more room for parents with very young children. So what if that means 6 less people can fly on that plane?????? In the end, it really isn't going to impact the cost of building and flying the plane and many planes end up flying with a few empty seats anyway. I haven't flown in many years, but have flown: with 6 month old twins (w/ Dh and I).... Dh and I each had a baby lapsit. Dh and I did orginally get seats together , but we were separted because of regulations... couldn't have three adults with two infants in same row. I sat in one row and Dh behind me. The twins had a blast "playing" over the seat. But mostly they slept. On the way back we were separated by nearly the length of plane. No biggie, but at least I had thought this time to carryon two diaper bags since I then knew we could not sit in same row-LOL. with 18 month old twins (w/ Dh and I)... the twins lapsit. Going to destination, we were separated by a few rows but some nice people offered (we did not ask) to switch so we could be together (I was in row in front of Dh). On way back, the plane had a lot of open seats and we were only ones with young children. We were moved to the front cabin row so we had more leg room and floor space for twins to play. with 2 1/2 yr old twins (by myself)... I bought two seats for them. It was an "issue" for safety. I had to have one child sit in aisle of row, and me across isle with the other twin next to me. Apparently couldn't put two car seats with me in between them. Also the adult sitting next to my one twin (the aisle twin) was asked that in an emergency and the O2 mask came down if that adult would assist my child. Same for return flight. with a 18 month old, a 3 1/2 yr old, 7 1/2 yr old twins, 12 yr old, 14yr old (w/ DH and I). We were seated all over the place-LOL. But 14 yr old was paired up with a 7 yr old, and 12 yr old was paired up with other 7 yr old, Dh was paired up with 3 yr old, and I was paired up with 18 month old. The stewardess was extremely helpful and made sure that none of the kids were completely by self. Same for return flight.
  19. I am shocked that so many of you think that a 2 hr wait is expected or is considered normal. I see doctors at the Veterans Administration and I never have had to wait that long. I think 85% of the doctor appointments (me, kids, and Dh), we wait up to 20 minutes before taken in to exam room. Usually I have at least one appointment every month. Recently I took all four kids in for their annual physical. We were in and out in under an hour. This is the norm for our pediatrician. I will miss him when we move.
  20. I have walked out before. I wait 30 minutes and then check about the delay. I will wait if I receive great customer service and I have the time to wait. I understand that there are times that a delay is not in the control of the staff or doctor. Emergencies happen, etc. But at the same time if the delay is a common occurance, then I feel it is poor business management and I will not wait more than 15 minutes after my appointment time. I would change doctors/clinics in this case. My time is of value too. Doctors should not schedule so many appointments if they can't stay on a reasonable time schedule. There have been a few times that I have shown up for an appointment and am told "the doctor will see you shortly" and then 30 minutes later I go to check about it, and find out the doctor hadn't even arrived yet!!!!!!! Once when I checked in I was told a doctor was running a bit late arriving and he "should" be arriving in 15 minutes (I arrived 15 minutes early so no problem). The doctor arrived an hour after my appointment time. And did the staff let me know that the doctor was running even later than expected? No... I was completely ignored. I went up to check about the delay 3 times before the doctor arrived. When doctor finally arrived, I still was not seen for another 30 minutes. I did wait for that appointment as it was very important for me to get my cardio test results... but I never went back to that doctor/clinic again. What really gets my goat is that I have seen signs posted that patients arriving 10 or more minutes late may not be able to be seen and if so would be charged as a "no show". While a patient is expected to show up 15 minutes before appointment, but could end up waiting an hour or more after their appointment time before being seen... and no patients do not get reimbursed or discounted.
  21. Okay, this I must have missed. I thought it was based on what you wear (women), having a chaperone, sponsor, and religious items that you are allowed or not allowed to bring into country. Yuck!!!!!!! Glad I don't fly Delta anyway.
  22. Yes I see the corporate greed. I don't know how these airlines partnerships work. It is that Skyteam network thing and apparently the Saudi Arabia airlines is joining in that network and because of that Delta is agreeing to follow their laws when transporting passengers into Saudi Arabia. I guess Delta could just not fly to Saudi Arabia but then U.S. travelers wouldn't have as many choices to choose to travel to Saudi Arabia if they wanted to travel.
  23. I thought I read that a woman just has to have a chaperone.. so a Dh, brother, uncle, etc can be a chaperone. A male stranger waiting for the woman wouldn't be needed if she travels with one to begin with. And I sure wouldn't be traveling alone (as a woman) to a country like Saudi Arabia. As for the lawsuit part.. well, I can't really blame them. If a person wants to travel to Saudi Arabia and not be in accordance to Saudi laws, well they can/will find another way to get there. No reason for Delta to condone and enable that illegal behavior. To me it is no different than travelers coming into U.S. and bringing drugs or live animals in their suitcases. It is illegal and if you get caught you get arrested. And since the laws are of that county and I am a foreigner... I just expect that I better abide by their laws or not go there and I expect the same of travelers coming into U.S.
  24. Congrats Heather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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