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Everything posted by Granny_Weatherwax

  1. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Apologia_Science/ Just in case someone desires to join the group.
  2. FOUND IT: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Apologia_Science/ This should take you to the group's main page so you can sign up. I hope it works.
  3. I understand that. DH and would love to move back to Colorado but when we look at the cost of housing we cannot afford to go home. It makes me quite sad. Our first home in CO (purchased in 1992 for $40,000) was 800 square feet. It recently sold for $130,000. Not quite the same as CA inflation but is totally crazy for our area in CO. If we tried to buy a house in CO comparable to what we are in now in IL we would have to pay 3-4 times the price and live for the house.
  4. I used to be a horse mom and I could never understand the drama. I made sure I stayed away from other families during shows. I agree with cat in black's reply - change occurs faster than you think.
  5. This is what the DY site says about bookmarks for General Science 2d edition "Before you inquire about bookmarks, if bookmarks are not listed on this page, I do not have them. The first edition bookmarks will not work for the second edition because the page numbers will be off." HTH
  6. My DH makes his, too. It is a big deal when DH needs to stay awake when he works all night.
  7. DH recycles wood, screws, hinges etc. He uses them for all kinds of projects - with DS in Boy Scouts and working on a myriad of merit badges having all of those supplies is saving us money. DS is currently making wood duck boxes using good, clean, recycled materials. DH does most of our home improvement projects himself. He sets a budget for how much he will spend when he is working (which takes him away from home for 24 hours at a time) and does a great job sticking to it. He does odd jobs for people so we can get discounts on things. For instance, he helped install a water softener for the man we buy beef from. We will get a good discount when we make our next purchase. ETA: I forgot - DH goes to the library magazine sale to purchase his magazines. He likes antiques, archeology and history magazines and would rather pay .10 each then the cover prices. He rides a 1950's tank bike instead of buying a new one. He gets way more compliments than I do on my new bike.
  8. 22 - when I had my first. 26 - when I had my second and last. I would have loved to have had another one. DH and I will have an empty nest by the time we are 45. I'm not sure what to think about that.
  9. That is awesome. (from someone with thrift store envy - I want to live in a big city with thrift stores that have hs sections)
  10. We used the Donna Young Apologia Phys. Science schedule this year. It was pretty good. I believe she has an updated schedule for the new edition so that takes care of any problems we encountered.
  11. Ender's Game is a good book and I think it is appropriate for young teens. My DS's book club is reading it as a group next year. I would hold off on the rest of the series for a while. I didn't pre-read the series (they were recommended by someone I trusted) and I really wish I would have. Some of the topics and attitudes are a bit much for children.
  12. I have the main ideas finished and 99% of the books and lab kits ordered and in hand. I need to find all of the supplemental readings and videos from our local libraries and Netflix. I will probably do some of that this week. I also need to create new notebooks and folders, do the necessary photocopying for time lines, etc. And I need to create my lesson plans using Donna Young's forms as an outline.
  13. I didn't answer the poll since we didn't use General; my 7th grader did Physical Science. I wanted to chime in and give another perspective here. I think the effectiveness of Apologia's style depends on your student's learning style. For my DS the textbookyness of Apologia was great; for him it was an easy read. The labs and extra activities were more than enough to add in 'fun' and excitement. My DS wants to learn what he needs to learn and then apply it to a variety of situations and that is what Apologia does for him. Our experience with Physical Science was totally hands on - we did experiments and activities for every Module. I can't tell you how many trips we took so DS could identify cloud formations and find weather patterns.:001_smile: We made volcanoes and the tectonic plates and had a blast creating havoc for our miniature world. We are also moving on to Apologia Biology next year. With the lab kits and information available I am looking forward to going wherever DS's itnerests take us.
  14. People are looking at garage sales here but very few are buying. Our neighbor had a moving sale a couple of weekends ago and did not sell half of what they had displayed. People were tyring to dicker $1 items down to .25.
  15. Thanks for the replies. Here is a question: Are renters who sign a lease agreeing to pay $X for X months in debt? Are the people who live on a month to month lease the only ones truly out of debt?
  16. Did you get to enjoy a piece? Or were you lamenting the willful destruction of your creation?
  17. It looks good enough to eat. Did you save me a piece?
  18. I had to go search for what you meant by page 1. Like competition? Are you ladies going to exchange shirts, keyboards or some other token as a display of respect?
  19. Eww, that is so gross. I am assuming by exchange you mean they took it off and handed it to the other guy. Ewwwwww! How about giving someone a nice clean jersey from the duffle bag?
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