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Everything posted by Granny_Weatherwax

  1. She had to do something to pay for the AGA. ;) Scarlett - did you find any movies to order?
  2. I am jealous. I want to do something like this. I yearn for it...a grand adventure. But then I think of real life...college expenses, retirement, home repairs and upgrades...
  3. Peela - this is wonderful! Are you in my head? Because if you are I apologize for the mess in there! :) You answered my unspoken questions beautifully.
  4. :iagree::iagree: My tennis match was rained out this evening.:thumbdown:
  5. :grouphug: Praying (read through the updates and praying some more)
  6. Um - I don't know why someone wouldn't believe in Aspartame poisoning. Aspartame poisoning is not like the Easter bunny or the Great pumpkin - it is not something to be believed in; it is very real. I was diagnosed with this three weeks ago and it has been a highly problematic, extremely painful thing to have. I spent 8 weeks visiting 3 different specialists and had many tests and procedures in order to determine what the problem was. It is easy to diagnose once the doctors are on the right track. A hair analysis will show the levels of toxins and give a timeline for the amount of toxins in your system. Some insurance companies pay for the analysis, some don't. My toxicity levels were reached within weeks of my starting Aspartame. I have never been a diet soda drinker but I began drinking Crystal Light earlier this year. I became sick with symptoms about two months later. Aspartame toxicity is tied to the body's ability to process phenylalanine, the same thing being tested for with the PKU blood test for infants. I am on day 17 of my detox. I have been informed that as I lose weight my symptoms might return since the Aspartame that has been stored in my body will be released. I am praying that since I only consumed the Aspartame for about three months I won't have too much stored.---
  7. The fifth set needs to won by a margin of two games; the first four sets are decided by a tiebreaker at 6 games each. Niether player has managed to get the two game lead in this set. They have held serve.
  8. Suspended until tomorrow. 59-59 in the fifth set. Too dark to continue play.
  9. And Wimbledon is just beginning. I hope the tournament can maintain this level of excitement.
  10. Me, too! There's nothing like a surprise poach to win the point!
  11. I love tennis. I play tennis. I teach tennis. And although this match is outrageous it showcases what is wrong with the modern game. It's all about the serve and less about the ability to play. This game is all aces or serve and return. The commentator made some comment about a 17 stroke ralley as being the longest of the match. This game hinges on whose serve will give out first, not who will play the best tennis.
  12. We should go do something totally outrageous and out of character. Shall we get together to plan it?;)
  13. Longest match ever: The Wimbledon 2010 first round match between Nicolas Mahut and John Isner on the 23rd of June, 2010, currently at 4-6, 6-3, 7-6, 6-7, 53-53 after 9hrs 02mins (In Progress). The fifth set, at 6hrs 07mins, is also the longest set in history (In Progress). Most games in match ever: The Wimbledon 2010 first-round match between Nicolas Mahut and John Isner (153 or more games) (In Progress).
  14. It's nice to know there are like minded people out there (waving to all of the ants). Wouldn't it be nice, though, for one day, to be able to be the grasshopper? To just enjoy what is there to be enjoyed and not even think about tomorrow?
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