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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Thanks. :) I'll let her know. :) The ones that she wants to get now are Tokyo Mew Mew. She got the pudding doll and wants to get lettuce next. :p
  2. hehehehe I'm always up late. Just ask Rosie. :p I'm working on for sale ads to try to clear out my shelves for my new curricula that I bought this year. Isn't that just extremely boring? :) I'll bet you're sorry you asked now. :p hehe
  3. Oooh I like that I can choose more than one option!! :) I chose the last three. Good luck with your paper. :)
  4. LOL You won't catch me telling.:) I confess to seeing this little guy on a clearance shelf in Target and I had to bring him home with me. :) He sings even! ;)
  5. :grouphug: I can so relate to you. I live in such a transient place and have never found it easy to make friends. The ones that I have made always moved away. I understand completely how you feel. At least you have to opportunity with email to keep in regular contact with them. I wish I had been better about writing letters before email because now my old friends are lost to me forever. :(
  6. Thank you for your reply. :) I wanted to ask you about lining them all up in the sleeve... how do you manage to keep the items from falling out when you lift it to put it into the machine?? Do you use something to hold it in place to keep it from sliding? Thanks .:)
  7. I just got myself a Scotch Thermal Laminator after reading about it here on these boards. I want to laminate the cards that come with my Winston Grammar, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I read the manual that comes with the machine, but it doesn't really get very specific on the "hows" of doing small objects. :confused: What is the best way to tackle this project?? Should I line them all up inside the sleeve with some spacing between and then run the whole thing through or should I cut the sleeve to fit the card and run it through one at a time? :confused: But if I cut it what do I do about the loose end? It says not to run it through at the loose end. Can any of you experienced laminators give a girl some advice?? Thanks to all who reply. :)
  8. I LOVE my chest freezer! I can cook big batches of things like beans, or sauces and then freeze them in individual containers and just pull them out as I need them for dinner. I also like that I can stock up on meats too. It is cheaper for me to buy a large quantity and have the butcher cut it up for me and then I just freeze them into portions that I will use to cook with. :) It really helps a lot. :)
  9. I get up at 6am to get my son up for school. The bus has usually left by around 6:45am. I then have some quiet time until I get my dd up at 8am for homeschool. I am a night owl too. I usually stay up later than I should working and usually only get around 3-5 hours of sleep a night.
  10. my dd is almost 12 and a half and she is just NOW getting into dolls. I got her the Kathleen Mackenzie Life of Faith doll for Christmas last year and since then she's gotten into them. She's had Bratz and Barbies in the past and never gave them the time of day, but now she is starting to play with them and she just bought herself a doll from Japan from an Anime show they had over there. She wants to buy the whole collection! :eek:
  11. I hear ya. I get like that too sometimes. I have 2 special needs kids on top of a Latin/Carribean husband. The workload I bear can be exhausting most days. There's nothing that can be done about the drudgery of the daily chores, but I find whistling while I work helps a bit. I got myself a walkman and I play cd's over my headphones when I'm doing the dishes or laundry etc. I LOVE music so it helps the chores go much better and plus I get to unplug and tune out the kids for that period of time when their dad is home and he can get the juice or give computer help etc. I see that you like cello, maybe get some of Bach's cello suites on CD and plug in while you are doing the drudge work and I'll bet that will help. :) Here's a :grouphug: for you though. I know how you feel. :grouphug:
  12. LOL Such funny stories. Thanks for sharing them. :p
  13. Ay, I was feeling so much better after reading your comments, Erica, but then after reading Heather's I'm panicking again. I guess I'll just have to jump in and see how it goes with my dd. I really hate buying a curriculum and not being able to use it, so I will try to make the NEM work for us, but if I can't I guess I'll switch to the DM. I really like the Singapore method and want to stick with it, but I know I will have to do something other than NEM for the upper grades. there is NO WAY I can teach without a teacher's manual. I totally stink at math. It was always my worst subject and I need the support of the TM. I hope that we are able to make the leap from 6B to NEM without too many difficulties, but I have to confess, the end of 6B was pretty difficult for the both of us. :eek:
  14. LOL my bad. I thought you were talking about NEM. :blushing:
  15. Thank you. And blessings to you as well. Yes it is very different from the Primary series. My dd likes the look of it though. She says it's like a comic book. :p It looks like they already get into Algebra in this book.
  16. Wow! I ordered mine as a bundle it came with the student text, quick revision guide, teacher's solutions manual and the student workbook. I have also seen bundles with all of the above except the solutions manual. Just did a quick online search.... CBD has the workbooks for $8.60 http://www.christianbook.com/singapore-math-new-elementary-workbook-1/9789812718297/pd/085313?item_code=WW&netp_id=514653&event=ESRCN&view=covers
  17. It sounds to me like they are just repeating the same chords over and over.
  18. Wow that's amazing that somebody that well known still answers their own e-mails. :) I've never read his works, but I am fascinated by the idea of history being told through the eyes of the commoners. That is very interesting. How did he find the material though I wonder?? weren't most commoners illiterate??
  19. I use LLATL. It incorporates spelling, dictation, grammar etc all in one program. I use it for everything and just give my dd Spelling power for extra practice. She is a great speller. She's always been a strong reader as well so I don't know how much of it is a natural bend for LA or how much of it can be attributed to the programs we use, but it works for us.
  20. Thank you for your reply. I'm using LOF too! :) But as a supplement though. Gosh, now I'm really nervous about the NEM. Neither my dd nor I are mathy people. I am going to try to do the first week of lessons in NEM for myself and see how tough it is and how useful the Solutions manual is. Hopefully we'll be alright, if not I'll probably have to switch to DM too. Thanks for the input ladies. :)
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