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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. From me too. I"m in the same boat. My dd 13 is an Aspie and doesn't have any friends either. :( :grouphug:
  2. Welcome! :) Glad you came out of lurking. :)
  3. Me too! I'd like to see the Holy Land Experience in Orlando some day too. People put on dramas and plays for kids in church all the time to dramatize the Bible stories and make them come alive for children, I can just imagine what it must be like at a place like that that has that kind of funding and resources.
  4. Nice!! :) I know you have a while yet, but please post pics when baby comes. :) I love babies so much. hehe
  5. Oh that is wonderful!! :hurray: Congratulations to your dd, her hubby and you too grandma! ;) :D That is wonderful news. I pray she has a healthy and comfortable pregnancy and a safe and uneventful delivery. :) God bless. :grouphug:
  6. Oh wow. Yeah here in Florida, if your house is declared real property and your car and all of your assets are in a John or Jane Doe type of set up, you can do the whole thing outside of probate with just the death certificate. A will never has to be filed with Probate nor an estate ever opened.
  7. I am doing Kinetic Algebra this year and I was having a lot of difficulty with it too so I called the company and they were very helpful and got me all straightened out. :)
  8. Were you listed as beneficiaries?? In my state, if someone is listed on a bank account say, just for example, they can be listed as a beneficiary on the account or the account can be joint using the word John OR Jane Doe or it can have both John or Jane plus additional beneficiaries (like children). So if John dies and it is a John OR Jane account with no other named beneficiary then Jane only has to provide a death certificate proving to the bank that John has passed and the account becomes hers soley. The will is never taken into account (if a will exists at all) since it is all done outside of Probate. That's how it is in Florida anyway.
  9. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: This too shall pass. Praying for you. :grouphug:
  10. Yes this is true. If his property and accounts are in both of their names then she can have ownership transferred to her soley by just producing his death certificate without having to probate. I'd call the probate office anyway just to be sure. I wish you luck. :grouphug:
  11. If an estate is open in probate, then the will will be on file in the courthouse in the county that your dad passed in. You can call the county courthouse's probate division and someone on the phone should be able to tell you if an estate has been filed yet if you give them your dad's name and date of death. I used to work in probate in the courthouse in my county and I would get those calls all the time. If your dad's will is on file, you can purchase a certified copy of it and have it mailed to your home. It will name who the executor of his estate is and you at least contact that person about getting the ball rolling. It should also list who all of the beneficiaries are and even what they are entitled to. I'm so sorry about your dad. That is so difficult to go through enough without having to worry about his estate as well. You have my sympathies and best wishes. :grouphug:
  12. Maybe some of your emotions can be biological in nature. Maybe peri-menopause or something hormonal? It's possible. :grouphug:
  13. I like Ginny too! :) I was going to say Ginger, but I think I like Ginny better. :)
  14. I don't think it is possible to lose your salvation either. The Bible says we are "sealed with the Holy Spirit" and I don't think it is possible to unseal ourselves. I too have suffered a great deal at the hands of people in the church. In fact, if my salvation experience with God hadn't been so dramatic as it was, I probably would have walked away too because it all happened when I was a brand new Christian 21 years ago. Jesus does warn us about wolves in sheeps clothing and that we must be gentle but also shrewd because he sends us out as sheep among wolves. That's why we need the armor of God everyday. Even Jesus was betrayed by one of his own disciples who He poured teaching into for 3 and a half years. As far as your personal experience, I am truly sorry that you are hurting and doubting. I really am. :grouphug: I think it is natural to feel that way when you are really going through the wringer, but if I can use the words of my pastor to encourage you when he taught about Naomi, "hang in there. You may be in the middle of the chapter of your life, and nothing makes sense and it seems like God has abandoned you, but HANG ON, your story isn't finished yet." This is from a man who was in your exact same position. He wanted a child more than anything, his wife was barren for 10 years. She finally got pregnant and they were so excited. They were rejoicing! She suffered a miscarriage and my pastor almost walked away from the faith he was so upset with God. He couldn't understand why God would give him such a heart to be a father and such a love for children only to disappoint him like that. He still doesn't know why God had to take the child, but years later, he loves God more than ever and he has two GORGEOUS children. A boy and a girl. Sorry this is long. I just wanted to encourage you. I hope it helps. :grouphug: PM me if you need to talk to anyone. I've been through some stuff in my walk too. God bless you sister. :grouphug:
  15. So are you all ready for turning the big 4-0 next year?? :) For me, I'm taking a stance something like that of like Rick Sanchez's when he was preparing to be tasered. :tongue_smilie:
  16. Once upon a time there was.... "A king?" did I hear you cry? But if you did cry "king" children, you were wrong. Because once upon a time there was..... ..... a piece of wood. from Pinocchio. I liked this line when I read it and although I'm sure other great opening lines to children's stories I've read in my life, this is the one I could think of. :tongue_smilie:
  17. Wow! :hurray: I'd say small world, but I'm sure tons of people were born in 1971. hehe :tongue_smilie:
  18. Cool! :) Thanks I will. I had never heard that song and I love rock. :)
  19. LOL What year were you born? I think we might be the same age. I'm 1971
  20. Okay, you are seriously making me feel old. I remember when those songs came out! lol :tongue_smilie:
  21. I can see spending some money on something that is a classic that will always be in style and that is extremely well made and durable. Not only would it be attractive and utilitarian, but the quality of the workmanship would make the investment worth it over the years. I have bought many cheap purses at Target, Walmart etc that only fall apart after a year or so. If I'm spending around 30-40 bucks a pop on a purse and it lasts me a year to a year and a half versus spending 200- 300 dollars on a well made quality crafted bag that will last decades in the long run it would be the better value although more expensive initially. I myself have never purchased an expensive bag like that, but I could see it being a good investment in the situation that I just described. What I don't get is the crappy ones that are made out of cheap materials that cost like 900 dollars. I saw a Prada bag in BJ's club once that was small and made out of nylon and it was like 700 dollars! :huh:
  22. Fun! :) Mine was... UK- I'm Still Waiting - Diana Ross US- How Can You Mend A Broken Heart - Bee Gee’s Oz- Eagle Rock - Daddy Cool
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