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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. That is WONDERFUL!!! congratulations honey. This deserves a celebration! :party: :hurray: :grouphug: Keep it up! You'll be out of those 200's in no time. :)
  2. Yeah I get them as well. If protein cures it, then I know it's a headache from LBS. :)
  3. Arrrg you beat me to it! Now I'm going to have to throw you into the pit of despair. :tongue_smilie:
  4. I agree with all of the others too and will just add it could be low blood sugar as well.
  5. The same thing I wear all year long. Shorts and t-shirts. If I'm cold I put on socks. :)
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Praying for your precious girl.
  7. Yep, I'm coming to that conclusion. I just feel so stupid now for getting emotionally involved in this woman's story. I hope she enjoys her "success" and that she doesn't accidentally swallow a bee or something while she's laughing all the way to the bank. :glare:
  8. :iagree::iagree:You said what I was thinking much more succinctly than I ever could. :)
  9. Ay, I keep typing and erasing my response here. And my comments here are not directed at you personally, Sara, just want to put that out there so that there is no misunderstandings and so you know I'm not singling you out, but rather I wanted to address what you said here and use that as a springboard for my thoughts in general. I just want to be clear so there is no confusion. :) I don't know what to think about this woman, but the way I see it, the bottom line, is that she is selling a book. Maybe she didn't complain about the article's portrayal of her as being unbalanced because she stands to gain from the attention? Maybe I'm being too cynical? I don't know, but I feel as if I have wasted my emotions for several days now over this woman and her children and I feel a bit "used" now. Whether she's a good mom or not, balanced or not, I don't really care anymore. I don't want to expend any more emotions on this woman or her family. I wish her and her family well and I hope that she accomplishes what she set out to in writing this book, but I think I'll go and think some happy thoughts now. Now where did I put that chocolate..... :tongue_smilie:
  10. I got all scared when I saw the word "crock-pot" in the title of this thread. I can't believe it's so calm in here. I think I hear a choir of angels singing. :) :D
  11. :lol::lol::lol::lol: that "evil laugh" cracked me up. bwahahahaha. :D
  12. Me too. Just once in my life I want to see and play in snow. Then they can take it all away and give me the sun and heat back. :)
  13. Ugh! Why did the WSJ do this?? Did she speak about the article in the interview on Diane Rheem?? I would be so upset if I were mis-represented in a national publication like that. I'm very happy to hear that she is more balanced and loving than how they portrayed her. And I'm happier still to hear that. Thank God! :)
  14. :crying: Oh the poor precious boy. My heart is breaking for him. Thank you for the update. Will continue praying for a miracle and for comfort. Thank you for being there to help that boy. God bless you. :grouphug:
  15. Can I just say, Jean, I LOVE to read your posts. :) :iagree::iagree: I totally agree with you. Unfortunately and when politicians get involved everything goes awry. :( Oh yes Tang! How could I forget! lol :) That is interesting. Oh yes I think research is vitally important in all of the sciences not just cosmology. Gosh, I wonder what that's going to look like when it happens. Should be very interesting, but I totally agree, people need to keep reaching for the moon. :) :iagree:
  16. I got this one. http://www.hometrainingtools.com/home-1000x-microscope/p/MI-4100DXL/ It was expensive, but worth every penny and then some. It is really really high quality. I wanted one microscope that I could use all the way through high school so thought this would cover everything. It's seriously better than the one I used in college in my biology lab! I bought it when they had a 20% off sale and it came with slide samples. They were nice, but the slides in the kit I bought from them were so awesome! Their slides are really well made. One out of the 20 (I think it was, maybe 25) came broken and I called them and they replaced the WHOLE SET for free! Really good customer service. If you choose to buy from them, then let me give you this. It came in my email and it is a code for free thinking putty with a purchase over $50.00. We got some of that before and it's a lot of fun to play with. They have demos of it on their site as well as youtube I think. Here. Get free Thinking Putty with your order of $50 or more! If you didn't already get some Thinking Putty for Christmas, now you can try out this customer favorite! Spend $50 or more by January 15th and we'll include free Thinking Putty with your order! This amazing stuff can be stretched, ripped, bounced like a rubber ball, and even shattered like ceramic! You'll get a special 3" tin of bright blue putty, perfect for keeping kids – and adults – entertained. Just use code THINK111. Good luck in your search. :)
  17. Thanks for the head's up. I'll make sure to read ahead. :) Cool. :) I live in Florida (near Miami), but haven't gone to the Kennedy Space Center in ages. I think the last time I went there was after the Challenger blew up. :(
  18. I hope it is as good as the primary series. I loved the primary and wish I could have done a 7A-B and then gone into Algebra from there. :) Good luck in your search. :)
  19. We did BJU for those grades and my dd loved it. The texts are bright and colorful and they have lots of experiments which she found fun.
  20. My dd loves LOF too. :) I really wonder how Discovering Mathematics compares to NEM. I've heard it's more like the Primary series, but it was new when I was shopping for 7th grade curricula and there wasn't much info or review on it so I went with NEM which seemed more tried and true, but it was really difficult. I'm not mathy either and I was lost quite a bit myself trying to teach it and their Home Instructor's guide for NEM is nothing like the ones for the Primary series. I'd really love to hear from people who have used Discovering Mathematics and see if it's a smooth transition into 7th. I really always feel like I kind of did my dd a disservice in math for that grade even if at the end she still tested well. We're doing Kinetic Algebra 1. It's great. :) I got the Home-school edition. :)
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