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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. And I just want to clarify since my post referred to this thread, "as a clash between foodies and non-foodies" that I wasn't saying "foodies" in a negative way at all. On the contrary, I know how important food is to some people. I live with one. My husband's day can be made or ruined by the meals he eats. It's just that important to him. Some people have really attuned palettes and they take their food very seriously. Others don't and they have a more laid back attitude. It's all good. :) To the OP, how did your dinner party go? Did they like the salmon?? The menu that you eventually decided on sounded delicious. I hope you all spent a pleasant evening. :)
  2. OH MY GOSH!! Praying for your dh and your family. I'm so sorry. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  3. Holly that is adorable. I think you need an Etsy store. :) Congratulations on a job well done! :hurray:
  4. LOL I actually DID sit and read it all. It's been amusing. :) I think it's a clash between foodies and non-foodies. ;) :D hehe My two cents... I've never even had filet mignon nor do I know anyone who actually has dinner parties so never do that either. For you all who do, be happy. You are blessed. :) Reading this thread though I just couldn't help but wonder what some of you all would think if you ate at my house. We eat such simple food because we are not rich or anything close to it. It would never even occur to me that having hamburgers and hot dogs on a grill could be insulting to a person. I don't even see what is wrong with that. As for meats, If I were making steaks, I would ask my guests how they like theirs and do my best to cook it to order. I think that is just courteous. Lots of people have allergies and stomach things with foods that I can't possibly know about and nor do I expect them to tell me all of their stomach disorders and such and embarrass them. I like steaks cooked medium, my brother has to have his well done or he has stomach problems. He just can't digest it cooked anything less than well done. I don't fault him for it though. If I invited him over and we were having beef, I would cook his for him the way that he eats it. He's my guest. :)
  5. Yeah these last two winters have been nuts. It's usually never this cold. brrr.
  6. The Dominican Republic has a lot of colonial history. Their Colonial City is really pretty with cobble streets etc. They have the first University in the Americas, first Cathedral and it is also the burial place of Christopher Columbus. The Colonial City is in the capital Santo Domingo. They also have some national heroes buried there too. The food is great and the weather is pleasant and it's a beautiful country, the only downside is that you would really have to speak Spanish or have someone with you who does if you don't to get the most out of it.
  7. What a sweet book!! I love the illustrations. I think little Zia will love that. :)
  8. I agree. I saw it with my mom and it was wonderful. I hope it wins awards. I figure Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush at least should be nominated for Oscars. :)
  9. Wasn't Johnny Carson also from Nebraska?? I loved him. :)
  10. I vote for St. Augustine. It fits all your criteria and it's close to home. There's also Kennedy Space Center nearby and lots of Indian villages too so many educational and fun opportunities. :)
  11. I'm so sorry about your sweet dd. :grouphug: I agree with the other poster who said to just ask every agency and person who cares for her if something happened last week and just mention the marks you discovered. I'm so sorry. My son is also profoundly Autistic and non-verbal. I know how you must be feeling right now. Hopefully there is a good explanation and it will be resolved quickly. :grouphug: to you and your precious girl. :grouphug:
  12. Ay Dios Mio!! I seriously need glasses! :eek: I thought the title of this thread was "What do you use to cover your breasts while nursing?" I was going to recommend this cape thingy that a friend of mine uses to nurse her newborn in public, but when I opened the thread and I saw all this stuff about bread I was like, "what the?" :001_huh::confused: Then I took a second look at the title of the thread and got it. Sheesh! I think I need a nap or something! :tongue_smilie:
  13. That's great!! :) My dd did one with her dolls that was so cute. I hope ya'll that have creative kids making videos will post up what they're doing so we can all admire it. You can post it up to this thread if you want. I just think it would be neat to share our kiddos projects. :)
  14. Ooooh I do that too! :001_smile: I always put my perfume on after I shower even if I'm just showering to go to bed. I just like the smell of it even if it's only for me. :)
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Some women can be so horrible to each other. :( I'm sorry you went through this.
  16. You're welcome. :) Feel free! Hijack away. :) Really? Do they animate them as well? How cool. :) My dd makes short stop motion films with out camera, but nothing with paper.
  17. I have no idea, but he's amazing! And very very patient. ;) :) You're welcome. Glad she liked it. :)
  18. lol Ay, I live less than 2 miles from the beach. I think I've seen it all. The speedo guys also seem to be the most hairy guys on the face of the earth too. I wonder if there is a connection. ;)
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