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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Do you mind sharing what the model you got? I'm all for getting a new iron if it will cut my work time down.
  2. That is so very cool! wow! What a great experience for your son. Thanks for sharing your photos. :) BTW, I love the kitty in your avatar. :) Too cute.
  3. I love Dracula. It's one of my favorite books. I also love The Little Prince. I know! What a contrast in stories, huh? :)
  4. Oh gosh. That's tough. Maybe Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. I like her feisty-ness. :)
  5. here http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/handout-photo-provided-NASA-taken-April-12-2010-Hubble-Space/photo//110110/480/urn_publicid_ap_org53a6854c568545baa8da6270e4b17d4b//s:/ap/20110110/ap_on_sc/us_sci_space_blob;_ylt=ArTdkcNpNDBRUiomClM0sH9xieAA;_ylu=X3oDMTE5bXJiMDhnBHBvcwMxBHNlYwN5bl9yX3RvcF9waG90bwRzbGsDdGhpc2hhbmRvdXRw#photoViewer=/110111/photos_sc_afp/16e08128ad7d29628c6640a4c56c03d2 and then saw this on picture number 8 featuring Mars! "This undated file photo taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope shows the planet Mars. Two scientists are proposing we send volunteers to Mars and leave them there. They say the mission would mark the beginning of long-term human colonization of Mars, with numerous follow-up trips. The colleagues contend one-way missions could happen a lot quicker and cheaper, and it is essential to begin colonizing another planet as a hedge against a catastrophe that makes Earth uninhabitable." Woah! I wanted to ask any astronomy minded folks out there who are in the know if they have heard this before. If yes can you comment further on it and what the proposed plan would actually be with the leaving of the volunteers? On the one hand I find this very exciting. Think of the knowledge that will be gained by having actual people on the surface to observe, take measurements etc, but on the other hand, it reminds me of all those Sci-Fi movies where they try to colonize Mars and things go terribly wrong. Any one want to discuss?:)
  6. Oh Karyn!! I'm so sorry honey.:grouphug: Poor little Sneekers. :( :crying:
  7. I squealed with delight when I read this. ME TOO! hehehehe It's like waiting for a jack-in-the-box. I don't like it. It always surprises me and scares me a bit. :tongue_smilie:
  8. Nope. No sleepovers out or in my home either. My dd goes once a year to her girl's club end of the school year sleep over at the church, but it is only girls allowed and all of the mothers are there as well. They lock the doors at night and we all sleep on the floor in inflatable beds. That's the closest to a sleep over that she comes. My son is Autistic, he doesn't even sleep in his own house and would probably ransack someone else's before trying to escape from it. I don't think sleep overs are on his radar. ;) :D
  9. Dakota Fanning, Jodi Foster Christopher Walken (love love love him), Daniel Day Lewis (he's brilliant) and Oscar Isaac and Andy Garcia because they're Cuban (and cuties to boot) :tongue_smilie: :) And of course the magnificent Javier Bardem.
  10. I can only imagine. The images on the news remind me of Katrina. It's all so dreadful. I"m glad you all are safe. I pray for those in harm's way. :grouphug:
  11. My husband's work clothes. He's tall and lanky (Think Lurch from the Adam's family) and I can't dry his work clothes in the dryer because they shrink (He only wears natural fabrics) so I take them out of the washer and line dry them and then iron them later. I usually only do them as he needs them because I hate ironing, but usually every day or so I am ironing something here or there. :glare:
  12. I buy one of those workbooks every year for her grade level.
  13. I typicaly iron something every single day. blech! :ack2:
  14. Rosie lives in Victoria. I'm not sure where Peela and Amber live though. I think Keptwoman is in Victoria also. I asked Rosie the other day about the flooding and she didn't even know about it.
  15. Oh Mariann. I'm so sorry about your mom she and Allison are in my prayers. :grouphug::grouphug:
  16. I didn't forget to give any, but we do have two that were pre-orders that haven't been released yet. I think one is due to be released in February and the other in April. I wrote it out in my dd's Christmas card so she knows she has something to look forward to. :)
  17. oh my goodness! Congratulatilons! :party: :grouphug: :hurray:
  18. We use this one. http://shop.rocksolidinc.com/spelling-power-student-book-h-8th-grade-p2411.aspx I have her do 3 pages a day. I don't have to test her. She learns it just from doing the exercises in the workbook. When I do test her she always aces it. Has for years so I don't test her anymore other than randomly.
  19. Absolutely Dave! Can you just picture Sammy in the pants with the butt cut out?? :eek:
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