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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Not strange at all! Who can possibly resist singing "Panama... Panamaha-oh-oh-uh-uh"?? :D
  2. That is awesome! :) LOL I saw a game once where a player wound up grabbing his opponent's hair. Can't remember if it was intentional or accidental now, but I just remember it was a weave and it came off in the guy's hand. He looked down at the long braid in his hand and kind of freaked out. :lol:
  3. Rats and my car's on E right now. :(I wonder if this means all the groceries are going up in price again too? :(
  4. I have no idea. My dd somehow made our Google homepage default to an image of all her favorite manga/anime characters and I have no idea how she did it or how to turn it back.:tongue_smilie:
  5. Yeah I think you're right. I saw him just recently in a commercial for some movie/show (can't remember) that he was in and I just took one look at him and said to myself, "Yep, he's still got it." :D
  6. I think it's more the Giselle effect than for the cold. lol Ever since he got married to Giselle Bundchen his look started to change. I wonder if the other players think if they let their hair grow long they'll get a supermodel too. :D For me, I'm just counting down the days until football season is over and I can have my husband back. :tongue_smilie:
  7. :lol::lol::lol::lol: That's funny. I have always had a thing for Sam Elliot. I don't know why. I'm not a country girl nor am I a fan of big ol' mustaches, but there's just something about him that I find sexy. Don't know what it is, but I've had a secret crush on him since I was a young girl. :lol::lol:
  8. :lol::lol::lol: I think your typing of bOOks actually makes a lot of sense. hehe As for the polls, there has to be an "other". There just does. Other allows for grey areas that the black and white yes or no polls doesn't account for. :)
  9. I think it's over by page one of this thread. :D:tongue_smilie::lol:;)
  10. We do. We've been using it for years. I have my dd do Spelling Power on her own as independent work. She likes it. :)
  11. Too busy texting and talking on the phone maybe? ;) :D :tongue_smilie:
  12. The comments under the video were so funny. This one cracked me up... "Asian parents: *Your report card comes home* YOU GOT C?! WHY YOU GET C?! YOU NO C-SIAN, YOU NO B-SIAN, YOU A-SIAN!"
  13. One more tiny detour?? Pretty please with a cherry on top? It's just that this is one of my favorite skits ever and I look for any excuse to watch it again. Apparently the "Chinese Method" works for some Westerners too. :D:tongue_smilie: ETA this is purely tongue in cheek and intended for laughs only. :)
  14. :) I'm glad about the no bears. lol Everything I know about bears I've learned from Yogi and Boo Boo. :tongue_smilie::D
  15. That was a good article. I'm a musician too and I agreed with everything she said.
  16. Disclaimer: I'm a native South Floridian and have never been in snow in my life so this may be a totally stupid thing to say, but... if your power goes out in the snow storm, couldn't you put your refrigerator items outside? Would they stay cold enough?
  17. I saw him in the list just a few days ago when I logged on, but he wasn't posting, just reading I think.
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