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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Welcome! You are certainly not the only man here. There are a few other brave souls willing to brave the estrogen tide. ;) :D
  2. Thanks for the clarification. :) Wow! Why such a high instance amongst the missionaries I wonder? Are they all truly special needs?
  3. :iagree::iagree: It really bothers me too. I sometimes get so depressed when I've just finished working for hours and got things spotless and it looks so nice. I'm standing there sweaty, dirty with a sore back and admiring how clean everything looks (especially the floors) I go upstairs to take a shower, come back down and it's already getting messy. :( Makes me want to cry.
  4. Ooops sorry Night Elf, I was wondering why my comments to you didn't show, but I multi-quoted and my comments got placed in the second quote. lol There I fixed it. :) Happy Birthday. Enjoy your cake. :) My mom's up in GA too. She usually calls me when the weather is bad to tell me about it, but she's not called me today or yesterday. I wonder if she knows about it?? Has it started snowing yet? Happy Birthday to you too! :) I hope your day was special. :)
  5. Okay, I'm curious. What was the Mighty Purge of Aught Nine?? LOL on the Stargate. I only have ever seen the movie but I liked it. Is it a good show? :grouphug::grouphug: you get my vote for Sainthood. God bless you girl! I only have 4 in my house and before I got my dishwasher I would spend at least an hour or two cleaning the kitchen everyday. If I made a big meal or did a lot of food prep forget about it. I spent the whole day in the kitchen and my legs, feet and lower back would be killing me. I hope your dh gives you plenty of backrubs for all you do. :grouphug:
  6. This. This is what I mean by decluttering. Putting things in their place all the time going through papers and mail and clearing off tables and the tops of bookcases and flat surfaces in general that tend to collect toys, books, papers etc. It makes me bonkers!! :lol: That would be pretty close to hell in my definition too. lol hehe They are a bit crazy aren't they? And tend to make everybody else crazy too. lol ;) :D:tongue_smilie: :lol: I have never really thought about it before, but you are absolutely right. Way too much handling of the same item. :)
  7. Ay I wish I didn't have to iron. I am like you, I rarely wear anything that has to be ironed, but my husband likes all of his button down shirts and pants drip dried because he's really tall and they shrink (he likes natural fabrics too) so I ALWAYS have to iron his clothes. blech. I hate the button down cotton shirts. They take me forever! :ack2:
  8. I have this one, although they're not showing the "mop" part in the picture. http://www.amazon.com/Shark-Ultra-Steam-Blaster-S3325/dp/B000BQSJVK/ref=sr_1_19?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1294605082&sr=1-19 The mop part looks like this. http://www.amazon.com/Shark-Floor-Steam-Pocket-SXL3501/dp/B0028MLENU/ref=sr_1_14?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1294605082&sr=1-14 Basically you just sweep your floors like you would before you mop, but then you just put water into the steam mop and let it heat up and then mop your floors with it. It gets them just as clean and it sanitizes the floor too and because it's steam, it dries right away so you don't have to use towels and it doesn't leave streaks which is a biggie for me because the tiles I have show every streak. I love it. I even take the mop head off and used the high pressure steam gun part to clean the tile grout which I can't do with a regular mop. :) HTH
  9. Do you want to move in with us?? I'll happily wash all of the dishes and let you fold and iron the clothes. :)
  10. I hear ya. It used to take me forever to clean my floors until I got a steam mop. That thing is a Godsend. It cuts the time in half if not more and they look just as good as when I washed and dried them by hand. :)
  11. I want to see that one too. :) I saw that and really enjoyed it too. I always think of the royals as so privileged and living life in a bubble so it was fascinating to see his story and his struggles and how they were amplified BECAUSE he was the king. I walked away from that movie amazed with the speech because it was one that he couldn't blow. He had to somehow rise to the challenge and overcome it. There was no other option. I really loved that movie and am definitely going to purchase it when it comes on DVD. It was great. :) Geoffrey Rush was brilliant as was Colin Firth and Helena Bonham Carter was great too. :)
  12. Ugh I have to do that today actually. In truth I should be doing it RIGHT NOW instead of being here on these message boards, but I'm building up the motivation to start the task. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie: I'd still rather clean the fridge than declutter though. :ack2: :D
  13. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: This made me laugh out loud literally. tee hee. I like your sense of humor. :)
  14. Mine wasn't listed but it's decluttering. I absolutely HATE it because it feels like it's constant and there is something about the activity that makes me want to fly to pieces. I'd rather scrub bathrooms or iron than declutter. But of course it's necessary and has to be done and makes all the other cleaning so much easier. :)
  15. When I first moved into my house 14 years ago, there was a dishwasher, but it didn't clean the dishes good enough so I never used it. I would wash all of the dishes by hand and use the racks in the dishwasher to let them drip dry before putting them away. I did that for years. If I cooked a big meal with lots of pots and pans, I could be in the kitchen washing dishes for hours. My husband finally got me a good dishwasher over summer and it is wonderful. I told him that unless it cleaned the dishes as well or better than I do I know I won't use it. We got a really nice Maytag and it is wonderful. It has really simplified my life and cut my time down in the kitchen. It cleans everything really well and believe me I inspected carefully and it sanitizes the dishes too which I really like. I really love my dishwasher. If I had to be without it, I would miss it, but I always washed dishes by hand before so I could do it again.
  16. :iagree::iagree: I was going to say the same exact thing. That's exactly the types of behaviors they deal with. Good luck to you hon. Raising Autistic Spectrum kids is challenging to say the least. :grouphug:
  17. This brings tears to my eyes. I just am heartbroken for those poor children. I'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words because it's an emotional issue for me, but I just cannot imagine someone looking at my son and thinking that he is worthless and someone to be ashamed of and abandoned. My son is the bravest person I have EVER met in my life. I have learned so much about "living" from him. I tell my husband all.the.time. that I think we have learned more from our son than we could ever possibly teach him. He is precious to me and I cannot imagine someone just disregarding him entirely as a person and determining that he has no value because he is disabled. He walks in his disability every single day of his life and he does it with joy and cheerfulness. He's truly the bravest, purest, sweetest soul I have EVER known. I can't imagine my life without him. It's so sad. Well even if they are not I am thankful. I'm so glad that there are people who will take these children and give them loving homes. They deserve it. I don't think anybody has the right to say who's life has value and who's doesn't.
  18. LOL Looks like we have a few makeup junkies on these boards. I know I'm lemming for a couple of those new eyeshadows from Mac's Peacocky collection myself. :)
  19. Have you ever tried Yerba Mate? It is healthful too and I think may have more anti-oxidants than green tea. It might work for you. :)
  20. Really? That is very encouraging. It truly is something I've always wished I can do. I am probably a Beginning-Intermediate level knitter and can handle many type of stitches, and have completed projects but they have always been simple shapes. Once I start getting into more complex shapes I start to get nervous. :tongue_smilie: If I may ask, how did you find out about the class? Thank you. :) I need to see if I have a knitting store nearby. I think this would be a very worthy goal for me for 2011. It's seriously a skill I have always wished I possessed. It's just so practical. :)
  21. :lol::lol::lol::lol: You tell 'em Remuda! hehe
  22. I assumed it was an "extra" $100.00 also. I would buy some new bass guitar strings and then probably save the rest.
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