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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Yes, that is true and I agree with you on that point, BUT to me that is not the same as having computers that are geared up for only games in a prominent place in the toddler area. It is challenging for parents enough to try to foster a love of reading in their children without having to compete with brightly animated games with cute songs and sound effects. And if it's anything like my library, the kids are all crowded around the computers so naturally my kids want to go and see what's going on over there. Maybe I'm over-thinking things too much, but I can't help but feel that children today are over stimulated by computer/video games and I can't help but wonder how they can learn to enjoy sitting down and reading a really good book (without pictures) if they are so used to always being stimulated. I can't help but think they would find it boring because of the lack of action, again these are my personal feelings only, and I worry about them missing out on the ability to be able to have a quiet time reading a good book. I personally believe a good book can change your life. But that's just me. :tongue_smilie:
  2. LOL I guess I'm odd because I still use my cassette player. It's perfect for hurricane season when the power goes out. I put audio books on cassette for my kids to listen to and it keeps them happy and the batteries last a long time. :)
  3. LOL I remember listening to Bye Bye Miss American Pie on 8 track with those big honking 70's headphones to boot. :tongue_smilie: Ay, seeing my post quoted in your post made me realize how many typos I had. sorrryyyyyyyy.:001_smile:
  4. LOL Don't feel bad. I was watching a youtube video not to long ago and there was a young probably just barely 20 year old talking about, "that thing... oh what's it called... ummmm a 'disc' no, not a disc....ummmm I can't remember what they are called..." I don't usually comment on videos but I did on hers to inform her that the word she was looking for was "record". I wonder how mystified she would be if someone ever mentioned and 8-track. lol
  5. :iagree: with you. I really don't like them either. I don't know why kids have to always be stimulated constantly. How are they ever to learn to sit still and enjoy reading a book if they are constantly bombarded visually?? :confused:
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I can't even imagine what you went through with that man. It must of been just unbelievable. I'm so sorry you went through that. I tell you what though, I'm amazed at how kind and un-jaded you are. Something like that would have really tested my faith in humanity. You are a strong woman, Michelle. :grouphug:
  7. I'm with you Jean. I know that there are creepy people out there in this world. I've met many in my life already, but for the life of me I never heard of the diaper thing before reading this thread. Part of me keeps wondering what in the world do they do with the diapers? They can't wear them because they'd be small and baby sized so then what do they actually do with them:confused::confused:.... but then my mind refuses to go any further to try to reason it out. It's just too :ack2: to think about. I don't know what they are really doing with them either. I don't think I want to know. :ack2:
  8. :iagree::iagree: What she said. Congratulations to you all! :party: :hurray: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Gack! How did I miss this thread before??!! I agree that this would send my creep-o-meter through the roof too. It's just :ack2: Michele, I'm so sorry about your ex. That had to have been difficult beyond words. :grouphug:
  10. Wow!! Congratulations to both of you! how exciting. :) Enjoy your precious ones. Ya'll should exchange phone number or something so you have someone to talk to at 3am when you're up nursing. :)
  11. :hurray: I'm so glad. God is good! :) :grouphug:
  12. I have no advice and sorry I haven't read the other replies, but I just wanted to wish you my heartiest congratulations. I know you will have your hands full, but what a blessing! Two babies! :) I'm so happy for you. :grouphug:
  13. That's fantastic Denise! I'm so glad it's working so well for you! Celebrating with you. :hurray: :party: :)
  14. Wow! I'm sorry to hear he has left us. He truly was a pioneer. God bless him.
  15. I had a friend that I was teaching Spanish to. She came to my house for 50-60 minutes once a week. I charged her $10.00/week plus she had to purchase whatever supplies, books were needed. If I had had to drive to her house I would have charged more, probably $20.00 because she lived far from me.
  16. We go to church on Saturday nights so I basically let my kids stay up as late as they want to. They also get to watch a movie on the weekends too (not during the week though). They stay up til they get tired and usually go to bed no more than an hour after their usual bedtime.
  17. That's fantastic!! :party: Great job mom!! You must be so proud of your boy! :hurray:
  18. That sounds like something my dd would say. :) Hmmmm. Maybe you could say something like, "Homeschooling is a choice. We choose to homeschool because we think it is the best thing for you. Segregation was imposed by law and it wasn't good for anybody." or maybe "there is a difference between 'being in the world, but not of the world' and being forced to live in your own world." Ugh, I stink with words. Nevermind. lol
  19. It's really cute. That's a good perm! It looks like you have naturally curly hair (man, even while typing that I could hear that little girl's voice from Charlie Brown in my head. :tongue_smilie: ) :lol::lol::lol: You look amazing just the same. I'm so proud of you. You go girl! :) :hurray:
  20. What no duck face!!?? :D :lol: hehe Seriously, you look uh-mazing!! Love your hair too. You look like you've never even had kids! Congratulations! :hurray: :party:
  21. :iagree::iagree::iagree: Oh I SO agree with you!! I often wonder what the ramifications of these ads will be in 15-20 years time. :(
  22. Oh maybe it was in Part A. I confess I didn't check it personally just now before I posted. I just knew it was in the back of one of the TM's. :blushing: :)
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