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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :lol::lol::lol: Yikes. Never saw that one and won't be either. Thanks for the warning. Don't ever watch Holy Smokes with Kate Winslet either. :eek: I actually did turn that one off and never finished it. DH actually took it out of the DVD and returned it to the library then and there. lol Fur with Nicole Kidman and Robert Downey Jr. was way freaky too. I wish I had turned that one off. :eek:
  2. hahahahahahaha I'll bet. Just a head's up, if he ever brings home the one about Sylvia Plath with Gwyneth Paltrow, run! :auto:
  3. Ugh, I hated that movie too. DH and I were so angry after watching that. I think we watched Persuasion after that to try to redeem the time. :)
  4. My dh doesn't smell me, but my son does. He smells me all the time. He grabs my hair and just buries his face in it and smells and then has a big smile on his face. He's Autistic and gets kind of OCD too so he has to smell me in the same order every time. First my neck on the back by my right shoulder, then on the left side, then my neck under my chin and finally my hair. I've always just thought it was his way of showing affection, but maybe he just really likes the way I smell?? :confused:
  5. What she said. I love that yes smilie. That sums up how I feel exactly. I'm so excited for him. Praying that all goes well tomorrow. :)
  6. I saw the Road upon the recommendation of my BIL who said it was fantastic. My initial reaction to the movie was the same as yours, but I found that days, weeks later I was still thinking about it. My dh and I watched it together and later I found myself bringing the movie up quite a bit in our conversations because of all of the parallels that I was able to draw from having seen that movie. The movie indeed is not for the faint of heart, and I would probably never watch it again because it's disturbing, but I don't regret having seen it now because it has caused me to think and ponder things that I wouldn't have if I hadn't seen it. But two okay three things that bugged me about the movie itself (apart from the story it was telling) is why did we have to see Viggo's butt so many times :ack2:? Why in all those years he'd been walking south with his son hadn't he learned to enter a house more quietly? You'd think he'd have learned to be as quiet as an Indian by then considering any encounter could mean death at any moment? And WHY did he leave his son alone so many times when he didn't have to if his whole thing was trying to keep him alive. Other than those things, I thought the movie was supremely acted by all parties and how happy I was to see Robert Duvall in there too. I love him. :)
  7. Ay this brought tears to my eyes. :crying: He really loves you. I think you two will be just fine. :grouphug:
  8. Awww congratulations honey. That's so cool your dd will have a sister close in age. :)
  9. Yep they used to have 75's. I remember those. :)
  10. Oh my gosh Glen Campbell! I remember that song so well too. I can hear it in my head now too. :)
  11. LOL Ay, you just reminded me of a funny with my dd a few years ago. I have an old turntable that is a good one (they don't make them like that anymore) but it wasn't working properly so it was always just laying around. My dh fixed it one night and we ran it through our receiver that has a phono setting and we were playing old records all night. It was so great hearing all those old albums and those pops and sounds that only records make. I introduced a bunch of old music to my dd and when I put on the Beatles she really liked Eleanor Rigby and after the song finished she went up close to the record player, looked at it a minute and then asked me, "where is the repeat button?" :lol: I said to her, "here let me show you." And I lifted the arm and moved it to the beginning of the song. The look on her face was priceless! :lol::lol:
  12. sigh. You are right and I agree with you completely. I guess I just hate to always be "the bad guy" that has to tell my kids no because they see what is available and I want to limit their exposure. :( Sigh. It's so hard to be a parent. I guess that would be my vent. lol :tongue_smilie:
  13. Our library has a wait list for the computers in the toddler area! :001_huh:
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