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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hahahahahaha Ah you're right. I remembered them wrong. I haven't listened to records in... ahem. awhile. :)
  2. for filet mignon... well-done. ;) *runs away snickering and hides*
  3. with the golden "an". :) (sorry I couldn't resist it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZpjH1WcWOM :D hehe )
  4. That's a cool map. I'd never seen that before. It does make you think, doesn't it. :) Like how the Americas were "discovered" by Columbus. :tongue_smilie:
  5. To be fair, it's not like she singles us out or anything, she's pretty much hostile to everyone as far as I can tell. She's the manager in the check out/circulation area. We pretty much just ignore her. There are policemen inside the library, but to my knowledge they've never thrown out a patron that didn't deserve to be thrown out. :)
  6. Yikes. They would ban us from that library if it was our local branch, I'm sure! My son is Autistic and squeals and squalks so loudly all of the time. He loves to go to the library though and look at the books and videos and music cd's. Most of the librarians in our library know he's Autistic and don't give us grief over it, but there is one sourpuss there that knows and just doesn't care. She's always telling us we need to keep him quiet or leave. :(
  7. :lol::lol: But it's so white, boney and wrinkly. lol I much prefer his face. ;) I wasn't referring to when he found the house he recognized, but rather when they would just enter random houses and buildings foraging for food. He would just go in without staking out the place or walking around it first peeking in to be sure no one was inside and then when he did open a window or door he was so noisy. :confused: I would think he would have learned stealth by then out of necessity... like how the Native Americans were famous for being able to walk in the woods without making a sound or just appear suddenly without ever being heard. Dunno. Maybe. I think you wrote that. ;) At least I don't remember it from the movie. I haven't read the book. Yes this. Thank you for expressing so perfectly what I wanted to say, but didn't have the words to express. You truly are an elegant lion. ;) :D
  8. :eek: b-b-b-bats?? :svengo: Ay, they freak me out. Are you saying that the b-b-b-bats are they good guys?? :svengo:
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