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Everything posted by dangermom

  1. I'm a Saxon fan, though we are only in 76 as yet. My daughter is doing very well with it and I wish I'd had it in school. It seems to fit her brain. I posted the other day about her dividing fractions lesson--for the first time, I understand why it works the way it does! My 7yo is enjoying her Math 3 program and seems more mathematically inclined than my oldest, so we'll have to see how it goes. I'm afraid to try a different program, actually...
  2. Oh, I love those potato pearls. And it's always fun to have non-LDS folks around to join in! (Also, the fruit drink mix is surprisingly good.)
  3. I'm so sorry! Do not in any way blame yourself. He has his agency and he chose his actions; you can't make someone do those things. And call up your VTs or someone ASAP and get some support going.:grouphug:
  4. Oh, totally. Yep. I recently dropped my biggest time-sucking message board, so I'm quite proud of myself, but I definitely need to cut back more and do more housework.
  5. Last night I went to Target with my mom and pretty much got what I needed (which isn't much--we're having a frugal Christmas). All that's left is stocking stuffers and whatever I can produce from my sewing machine and my hands from now until Christmas.
  6. You might start with a set of hat looms. My daughter (now 10) got some for her 9th birthday and she enjoys making hats, and has also learned to knit the usual way now.
  7. I read a lot, and I try to challenge myself to read difficult things and science books and whatnot. I also like to try new things in sewing. I started a small job at a CC this semester, and yesterday I was looking at the catalog and coveting the chem and bio classes. I can't see how I could fit one in right now, but I sure would like to...
  8. WTM recommends "Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready" for a preschool book. I have also had great luck in going to the library and going through art project and science project books for preschoolers, such as "Mudpies and Magnets" and so on. You really don't need much for a 3-4yo--a library card and a park are your two main supplies. :)
  9. I don't know if I quite agree with her assessment. The other day my daughter studied dividing fractions for the first time. One of the hardest things to do in arithmetic, right? The Saxon explanation was perfectly clear and for the first time in my life I understand why you divide fractions like that.
  10. That seems like a lot to spend, when there are so many cheap ways to get an online presence. Doesn't anyone have a teenager learning to do web design?
  11. I don't think it's supposed to be. I'd advise seeing them in order, because they do get more violent and dark as they go. This one has some nudity shoved in as well and I don't think it's really meant for kids.
  12. This is the one I want. It's a pattern and you sew it, though, so not what you're looking for I guess.
  13. Nope. They would be off to school. I do have life insurance, but my husband isn't cut out to be a homeschooling SAHD living off insurance. And my mom works full-time. My plan is not to die. :001_smile:
  14. I had no idea that City of Bells had other books to go with it! Yay!
  15. My daughter used to do the same thing when she was little, and she still does it now on a preteen level. It seems to be just anxiety about new things and attachment to old ones. (Once she wailed, "But I love my first-grade math book!" That was at the end of K.) She gets used to new things a little slowly. So what I would do is have the new book and leave it out for a little while before you really start using it. Show it to her in a happy way without actually starting it yet. Pretty soon she'll probably be excited about her brand-new book. The point above about being smart is an important one, I think. I try to remind my kids often that intelligence is mostly being willing to work hard and learn new things. A kid who thinks smart = effortless is a kid who will give up as soon as anything gets a little difficult.
  16. Yanno, if we (the West, that is) had paid one iota of attention to the cultures, beliefs, and opinions of the Middle East for the past 100 years or so, instead of carving up the land and treating the people according to our own whims, we wouldn't be in this mess now. :toetap05:
  17. I think your BIL is a cuckoo clock. :) One of the big problems facing us today is that far too many kids cannot write a coherent sentence, much less anything more complex. We need more language arts, not less. And the history question isn't even worth addressing.
  18. Thanks for the advice. You've reminded me of some of the 'good enough' classes I've taught--like the time I talked about gardening, when in fact I'm not really a very good gardener, but I do know 'enough.' :)
  19. It is? C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien would disagree, and the early Christians saw it as a good thing. That is, there have been many Christians throughout history who know all about that, and see Christ as the 'true myth' foreshadowed in many cultures. (I just want to be accurate, you can think as you like of course.) From the :
  20. Yes, but it's not my preference. But if the bathroom door is open, it makes a little niche so it's not a big deal.
  21. A friend of mine just called me up and asked me to teach a class or two on classical education at a conference. :001_huh: :blink: It's months away! She says she thinks I'd be good at it. I have to tell her my decision on Friday. Cons: my oldest is 10. I can talk about grammar and logic stages, but rhetoric is just theoretical right now. I don't feel all that qualified, though I've been doing classical ed for 6 years now. Pros: my lack of expertise won't matter as much as I think it will, since most of the people there won't be classicists. I'm not a total stranger to teaching classes (but I don't do it routinely either). Free conference admission! Spreading the classical word! So, what do you think? If you've been doing this for about as long as I have, would you do it? Ideally I should come up with two classes that are not alike. Should I do: overview and a grammar/logic stages? One grammar and one logic (with bonus rhetoric summary)? Or what? Ideas would be good! ...if only SWB would come and do this instead of me...but it's just me. :blink:
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