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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. When you purchase DE, you keep it forever. It is not a "good for only year" purchase.
  2. I have one of those, too. He is not afraid to tell people that smoking kills and alcohol is bad for you, either. Sometimes I wish he would be quiet.
  3. When I went to the doctor with my third the nurse laughed and said "There's a baby in every condom" Our third son was a surprise, but he is such a bright spot in our lives that I could not imagine life without him.
  4. We LOVE Rhapsody! We have a subscription. For $12.99 (I think) we listen to unlimited amounts of music. Our downloads are $.99 each. They have every type of music you can imagine! Oldies, new stuff, classical, pop, Christian, non-Christian, you name it, they probably have it. We use it for school when we need a song to go with something, or our composer studies.
  5. We do not agree on this subject. I think a teacher should be allowed to wear a cross necklace. I think they should be allowed to wear head coverings if their religion suggests it. I think it becomes a shame when someone is told to choose their career or their faith, if they are not trying to indoctrinate anyone. I will say that I do not think teachers should push their faith on anyone. That goes for every faith.
  6. I have teacher friends who have been told they cannot have their Bibles at their desks. Not they can't read it out loud, they can't have it at school. Teachers are not allowed to wear Christian T shirts, play music of Christian artists, or wear "Christian jewelry" on school grounds. They can't give coloring sheets with Baby Jesus at Christmas(uh, excuse me, winter holiday season. It is not about trying to push religion on someone else. It is ridiculous that so many teachers are told they can not be Christian on school grounds.
  7. Some of them are. I have not heard the motive of this one, as far as I know they have not caught the guilty party. One murder was a teenage boy who shot his girlfriend's father because the father said his daughter could not date the boy anymore. Meth and prescription drugs are big around here. A lot of robberies are a result of that.
  8. If you are interested in Christian artists, BarlowGirl would be great. They have a lot of upbeat, happy songs and good role-model type for girls. (one song is about dressing modestly-Clothes that fit are fiiiiiine/ won't show you miiiiine) My kids are boys and they like BarlowGirl.
  9. We live in a small, lakeside town. It used to be quiet and peaceful. The murder today happened right in front of the elementary school. Thank God school is out this week.
  10. In the past two months there have been three murders in my town. This one was walking distance from my house. I THOUGHT living out in the country gave some sense of safety, but alas, no. We have also had a police officer shot, numerous drug raids/busts, four major child abuse arrests (that I know of) and a woman arrested for driving with her daughter on top of her van.... to keep a cardboard box from flying away. What is this world coming to????
  11. Every time I make divinity I think about my grandmother. She used to beat divinity by hand. (I don't know how she it, my I've worn out a mixer or two making it) My uncle and I would be at the table, waiting to pounce on the bowl and spoon, so we could lick the warm sticky parts. Sometimes we'd fight over who got the leftover pecans. When she got sick to a certain point, she would have to get us to take turns beating it for her. The first time I ever tried to make it by myself I was making it specifically for her. I knew not to make it when it was raining, because of the humidity in the air. What I did not think about is that if you have a vaporizer going in your house it also affects the humidity. (The first worn out mixer) She told me to bake a cake and use the divinity as frosting. She was like that, could make something wonderful out of a disaster.
  12. When we used to trick or treat, my kids would go downtown to all the stores. (It was a big deal, the stores on mainstreet give out stuff and the church at the end of the street had a huge festival) One year a salon ran out of candy and gave out shampoo samples. My kids thought that was the coolest thing they got. Followed by a close second-magnets and small empty boxes from a real estate agent. Its funny how strange things get kids excited.
  13. We have done popcorn balls, pretzels in little bags, teddy grahams, small popcorn bags, and small boxes of raisins. We usually have a church harvest festival. Most people bring candy or junk toys. We always get lots of hits because we bring *different* stuff.
  14. I would start with year 1, and that would be the one to do twice. It has a great deal about ancient government systems that just make more sense the older a child is. Is is do-able at any age, but I think some of the things are best understood by an older child. Just my 2 cents.
  15. Hahahahaha!!! Love it!! I had one that was not sleeveless. In pink. My booKs were uhm... on a higher shelf back then. They stay in a covered shelf (cabinet?) these days, though. :tongue_smilie:
  16. I thought maybe I had offended someone and was banned. I guess it comes from being offensive irl. :rolleyes:
  17. With you having the problems that are lasting for a while you may need to see the doctor for some antibiotics. To help speed recovery, and for prevention when you are all better, I would recommend the Neil-Med Sinus Rinse. Our ENT suggested it my husband after his sinus surgery. He ended up loving it. I was the skeptic, not wanting to put anything up my nose. Well, when allergies hit hard enough, I was desperate for anything. It really does help with congestion and keeps things clear, so no infection sets in. You can get the kits in any drug store or Wal-Mart, Target, something like that.
  18. Hahahahahaha!!! LOVE it!! so true..... My kids are always needing to talk when I am on the phone or reading. Yesterday I was on the phone with my sister and my six year old came in and raised his hand... to tell me his brother was not doing his math.
  19. Haha! You just described me, only I'm Dutch/Irish, from the South. :D
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