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Everything posted by JenneinCA

  1. I guess it isn't a big problem then. I'll just calm down and not worry about this. Thank you.
  2. My son is 8 and is doing something weird with his words. He says things like... "Indy drops from heights ights ights." or "He measures how long it takes him to go up up up." It is sometimes repeated once usually not more than three times. Usually the last word of a sentence or phrase is affected, but I don't think I have ever heard the first word like this. He doesn't seem to notice that he is doing it. He has not previously had a problem, no speech as a little kid or anything else. I know this has a name, but what? And is there something I should do about it? (Yes, there is massive stress happening in our family at the moment. My MIL died about a month ago. We are dealing with a move from Arizona to California. We are living with my parents while my husband is in California getting the new house ready and we finish getting the AZ house ready to sell. So lots of stuff going on.) Thank you.
  3. My youngest son is almost finished with Dancing Bears Book A. He is four and a half. It has worked wonderfully. We started in September and we do about 10 minutes a day of work including the cards. He usually does one or two parts of pages and 1-2 new pages a day totaling between 2 and 4 pages a day. We are doing Handwriting Without Tears for writing because while he can read he doesn't have the fine motor skills to write very much. He finished the Preschool book a week ago and we will start Letters and Numbers for Me in a few weeks after we finish moving. We are not doing Apples and Pears spelling. I will probably use Explode the Code next fall. I need to get him able to confidently hold a pencil before I work on spelling. Jenne in AZ but not for long
  4. As far as natural remedies go... no idea. But my asthma improved significantly when we dealt with my allergies. I am allergic to mold, really really allergic. The humidifier left. We couldn't see any mold but apparently it was there. I am seriously allergic to dust, a case for the mattress and a special case for the pillow helped too. I don't know if your son has environmental allergies, but if he does then dealing with them can't hurt. Good luck
  5. My husband does role playing games and said this was the best site for interesting dice. He says to look at the Dwarven Metal, Dwarven Stones and Extraordinary Dwarven Stones. http://www.crystalcaste.com/ Good Luck!
  6. I think we are going through similar times. We were told that we need to relocate or be unemployed at the end of September. We are relocating to California. The stuff moves November 8. The house goes up for sale November 12. We are massively incredibly stressed. But it will get better. Christmas is going to be hard this year. Away from all the things we know. Away from grandparents. And tight on money. But we will have a job. And hope. I hope it works for you!
  7. Could you get an OT (Occupational Therapy) evaluation? I don't know what your son might have, but there are people out there that can help you figure out what is going on. A lot of times an OT evaluation isn't as expensive or time consuming to get and they can point you in the direction of another specialist if needed. Good luck.
  8. When we shared a laundry room if you didn't pick up your laundry on time, you risked getting your laundry 'tabled'. That is put on the table and waiting for you. We never never never ran the dryer for anyone. That costs quarters and I didn't usually have extra to spend on other people's laundry.
  9. I am very sorry that this is happening to you. Jenne
  10. My daughter (dd almost 10) would say reading, it isn't work for her. My older son (ds8) would say music. He loves playing piano. My little son (ds4) would say nothing. He complains about everything that isn't legos.
  11. Yep. I don't look at posts involving politics or religion. Of the rest of the posts I look at the ones that will contribute positively to my life. I try very hard not to let negative posts enter my mind. There are just too many things I must deal with that are hard for me to knowingly add more stress to my life. Jenne in AZ (dealing with a job relocation, moving, MIL death, dd's birthday on Monday and a ton of other stuff)
  12. I am sorry you didn't get answers to your questions. I felt much the same way when we did VT. We lasted 8 weeks and I called it quits. I hope your second opinion helps you figure out what to do. :grouphug:
  13. My son likes The Entertainer and When the Saints Marching In. They use more of the middle and lower parts of the keyboard.
  14. I would make sure she had an up to date will, power of attorney for bills and medical power of attorney and any of that type of paperwork. My MIL died two weeks ago from lung cancer. She had less than two weeks between the time it was discovered and she died. It was an awful painful death.
  15. Yes, my older kids have both been tested. We tested because I was going crazy trying to figure out the conflicting answers that other people were giving me about my oldest. She was and still is very hard to figure out. Does the IQ number help anything? It helped her qualify for a program for smart kids. It helped me understand why I was confused about her. It didn't help much with anything else. It does not make anything about her easier. I don't regret testing, but it isn't the magic parenting guide that it is sometimes is suggested to be. My older son was tested because compared to my daughter he seemed off. I should have known better. It is my value of normal that is off not him. My younger son is only 4 and has not been tested because the overwhelming need for the test isn't there. If we do test him it will be when he is six. Do I recommend getting an IQ test? NO! Unless you have an overwhelming need for the information to: A) get into an existing program B) need courage to make radical changes to your school situation or C) suspect learning disabilities It is not worth the expense in time, money or aggravation. Jenne in AZ
  16. I was 13 when I started ninth grade and turned 14 in October. Both of my older kids will do the same. Both have October birthdays. My younger son has a May birthday. He will be 14 for all of ninth grade.
  17. In the middle of all the stress going around here, my son entered a knex contest to build a really cool roller coaster. And he is a semifinalist! To vote for him go to: http://www.knex.com/club/knexpert_vote.php He is listed as Michael in AZ in the 7-8 year old division. Thank you Jenne in AZ
  18. That is a great list. I think we are going to be eating well. I am looking forward to eating things with taste! And vegetables! I will look into the groups and park days when we get closer to actually moving. I still don't know where in Sunnyvale we will be. This is going to be fun.... after all this moving part is done. Jenne
  19. I like Chinese food. My husband likes Mexican. I would like to try something new. I haven't had Greek or Thai or Korean or Japanese or lots of things. I have kids who would rather be hungry than eat something unfamiliar. (It is an ongoing issue. We are working on it.) Thanks for the link about the R4 form. It looks like after we get there I'll file that form. Maybe we will be able to find a day that we could meet at a park or something. I think that would be amazing.
  20. WOW! You ladies are making me feel welcome and we aren't even there yet. I would love to try to do a get together after we arrive. I think it would be really fun. Can you explain about the R4 homeschooling form? We won't be there until after October 15. Will I need to file something when we do arrive? Or do I wait until next October? PS. We will be going out before the real move to go house hunting, probably for a couple of days at the end of Ocotber. We will be renting but we will still need a place to live. So I will need good places to eat while we are looking. Do you have any favorites that I can try?
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