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Everything posted by Chels~

  1. Vitol Egg protein is yummy and healthy.
  2. Looks like a lot of great ideas. I just wanted to add that NuNaturals Alcohol Free liquid Stevia has been a great alternative to sugar for me. I use it instead of sugar and I have had wonderful results. I like this particular brand because it doesn't have a bad aftertaste. I tried many of the stevias out there and this one was the best in my book.
  3. I have found google documents a great tool for doing my lesson plans. I did a simple Spread sheet with the subjects down the side and day of the week across the top. Each of my kids access their lesson plans via their gmail acct. I can alter plans at any time and include links to where I want them to go. I also print out a hard copy for each of them to but in a their binders. Here is a sample from this week (Monday we had several appts., so I altered the schedule): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LCAwwjqH7y-NrTs2q5_95mXB0kZ3QzjkCwmWOgQk--M/edit
  4. I'm going through the outgrown clothes today and sorting them.
  5. We are using the free hippo campus videos: http://www.hippocampus.org/collection/NROC Just scroll down to US History and then select time period.
  6. I usually do bread pudding: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/bread-pudding-ii/detail.aspx?event8=1&prop24=SR_Title&e11=bread%20pudding&e8=Quick%20Search&event10=1&e7=Home%20Page
  7. I'm really liking Mosdos for my 8th grader. I fortunately found it used, otherwise it is a little pricey. http://www.mosdospress.com/
  8. This may be a option for you: http://www.homeschoolcollegeusa.com/ It is free and has texts to cover all the subjects you are looking for.
  9. If you are just making a few items, the Snapsource tool works pretty well. That's what I used when I was making baby items. http://www.snapsource.com/
  10. You could make homemade "Pop Tarts". I cut out circles, place whatever filling I want, then fold over and close. Use a fork to pinch them shut like an empanada and brush with egg whites. You could even make a powdered sugar frosting to drizzle on them when they come out of the oven.
  11. This is one of my favorites: http://www.kalynskitchen.com/
  12. What a neat tool. I will definitely incorporate this.
  13. Check out this website: http://www.homeschoolcollegeusa.com/index.html Covers almost every subject for high school and its all free:).
  14. I can't wait to read this book. I have it on hold :)
  15. My experience is that there is more room in the toe area to allow for swelling as you warm up during cardio workout.
  16. This might help: http://www.kidsrunning.com/krschoolcurriculum.html
  17. I've been looking at the DK American History Encyclopedia to use as a spine for us.
  18. We loved McRuffy. I would still be using it if they had curriculum for older kids.
  19. I measure the waist and then subtract 2". Dd likes it loose, so I take only 1-1.5 inches off. This seems to be the magic number for my elastic measurings.
  20. I whipped up some shorts for my dd yesterday when I realized she had nothing appropriate for the gym. I'm also working on an over-sized purse, but I am still trying decide on what style handles to do. Dd is working on designing a penguin pillow. It is adorable. I am hoping to set her up today on the machine to finish it off.
  21. I haven't used it personally, but maybe Moving Beyond the Page might be of help to you.
  22. I used to be pre-algebra and up didn't offer automated grading, but starting in July pre-algebra and algebra will be available with automated grading. Great news for me since that is the level I need. I'm thinking the rest of the levels will get upgraded as well later on.
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