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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. It's actually a shimmery pale green. Very summery looking! :D 3 more days!!!
  2. LOL well I appreciate you counting down and being excited with me! :) Nance, who is getting a pedicure as we "speak!" (You guys DID suggest staying busy and distracted to pass the time, right)? :D
  3. LOL! Yay! Getting so close now! And so far so good, nothing happening to make me nervous or anything! So hopefully all is well!
  4. I'm trying! Yesterday I went to a used book sale, took my daughter to judo, took my son to teeball, cleaned my kitchen and read almost a whole book lol. Today we are taking the kids to a festival from 12-4. Wanted to go get a pedicure first but they don't open until 11 so will have to do that another time. Tomorrow the kids have dentist appointments and I have a mom's night out dinner. Maybe I will get my pedicure in the afternoon in between those things. :D And of course still trying to wrap up school! 5 more days! Until the u/s, not of school. :P
  5. Mama, thanks! And yes, I will wait a while! Just 7 more days until my ultrasound now! I go on Friday, a week from today! It's the final countdown over here! :)
  6. Am I really the only one who sees this as perfectly normal curiosity and behavior at that age? My friends and I did pretty much the same thing at that age, only we called it playing Rock Star. I'm so glad no one made me feel dirty or "sinful." It phased out after age 11. If a parent came to me and told me my daughter was engaged in a game like that I would tell them I'd talk to my daughter. I'd then my daughter I knew it was part of normal childhood exploration and curiosity and that there was nothing wrong with her but that it made some people uncomfortable including so and so's mother. I'd remind her if she ever had any concerns or questions about anything she could come to me. And I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
  7. I'm 39, pregnant, and my OB has said nothing of the sort to me! I agree with the others- new OB!
  8. My throat is tons better. It doesn't hurt to swallow anymore, though I have a post nasal drip that makes my throat scratchy and makes me cough, especially as I'm falling asleep. Still taking antibiotics and ear drops. I made it to the 6 week mark as of today with no problems! :) 8 more days until my ultrasound! Last night I was watching A Baby Story show from TLC and my 11 y/o dd came in to watch. She turned to me and asked if I was ever going to have another baby because she really wanted a little sister (but not another little brother because they are annoying haha) and that she would help take care of it and change diapers and everything. It was a little tempting to go "Well, actually...!" but I just told her to watch the show lol. I don't want to get the kids excited and then have to give them bad news, so I want to make sure there is a heartbeat at the very least, and maybe even get through the first trimester before I tell them.
  9. LOL. He's got a good sense of humor! hahaha this is a great idea!
  10. :lol::lol::lol: It worked for my name (Nancy) and my 11 y/o's name (Alexa). Hilarious!
  11. :iagree: I have the HUGEST crush on Jamie! :001_wub::drool5: That is my all time favorite series EVER.
  12. Thanks, all! It's hard not to still worry a little when you read about so many other women having levels way into the 5,000's or more by this stage, but all I can do is reassure myself that they are rising/doubling like they should and wait to see that heartbeat! 9 more days to go, at least it's a single digit wait now! :D
  13. HCG levels still more than doubling every two days! 11 dpo: 34.28 13 dpo: 58.49 15 dpo: 131.31 22 dpo: 1,832 :) Just have to wait out ten more days until the ultrasound now!
  14. COMPLETE 1. Envy, by J.R. Ward (Fallen Angels series) 2. Kiss of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 3. The Ramayana, A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic, by R.K. Narayan (with my daughter for school reading) 4. Dark Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 5. The Immortal Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 6. Spell of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 7. 11/22/63, by Stephen King (Loved this one!!) 8. The Traveler, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 1) 9. Into the Dreaming, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 10. A Judgement In Stone, by Ruth Rendel 11. The Dark River, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 2) 12. The Golden City, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 3) 13. Forbidden Pleasure, by Lora Leigh 14. Relic, by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child 15. House Rules, by Jodi Picoult 16. Midwives, by Chris Bohjalian 17. Wind Through the Keyhole, by Stephen King (Dark Tower series) 18. The High Flyer, by Susan Howatch. CURRENT 19. Ahab's Wife, by Sena Jeter Naslund, which I put aside temporarily to read: 20. Daughter of the Blood, by Anne Bishop (The Black Jewels Trilogy, Book 1) "Seven hundred years ago, a Black Widow witch saw an ancient prophecy come to life in her dazzling web of dreams and visions. Now the Dark Realm readies itself for the arrival of its Queen, a witch who will yield more power than even the High Lord of Hell himself. But she is still young, still open to influence- and corruption. Whoever controls the Queen controls the Darkness. Three men -sworn enemies- know that. And they know the power that hides behind the blue eyes of an innocent young girl. And so begins a ruthless game of politics and intrigue, magic and betrayal, where the weapons are hate and love...and the prize could be terrible beyond imagining..."
  15. I'm not sure what you're asking, exactly. I'm in PA as well, and to me, the "log" is nothing more than a list of reading materials, by title. Throughout the year whenever the kids read a book, or I read one with them, or we use a textbook or whatever, I jot down the title in a Wordpad document at my computer and add to it as we go. At the end of the year, I print it out. Here is a link to everything I included in my last portfolio, with pics: http://nancextoo.livejournal.com/226816.html
  16. Thanks, Ibby! :) Today is a definite improvement over yesterday, though still definitely not feeling well. Hopefully it'll just keep getting better quickly from here! One (hopefully) good thing to come out of it though was that I called my OB's office yesterday to let them know what had happened and what the ER doctor prescribed and to make sure they were good with all of that. The Physician's Assistant ended up answering the phone which never happens, and she said it all sounded fine and she hoped I felt better. Then she asked how things were going with the pregnancy, if I had any cramping, spotting, etc and we chatted a minute about the pregnancy and my upcoming appointment (10 more days!!) Then I asked her if there was any way she'd do just one more blood test for my HCG levels just to see where things stood as they had risen normally initially but seemed on the low side. She said sure, no problem, and that they should have risen quite a bit by now, and she sent me in for one last test yesterday afternoon. I should get those results this morning, and hopefully my levels are nice and high now! :D
  17. :iagree: with all of this. I'd tell my kids that if people drink too much alcohol it can make them sick and act funny. I would not have just ditched our drunk, sick guest on the side of the road with strangers and no ride, I couldn't even imagine doing that. I'd be in a panic that she'd get hurt, raped, stumble into a road, or who knows what. I'd have taken her to the hospital, too, or left my mother with her and said "Call a cab and get her home safely while I take DD to the doctor" or some such. I would not have just abandoned her. I hope she's okay. And if nothing else I hope this gets her to consider AA or something, that might be the only good thing to come out of just being abandoned to strangers while drunk and sick.
  18. I'm 39 and I heard it, but it didn't sound like a horrible make you cringe/jump/etc sound a lot of you described, just a high pitched little whistling sound that went on a few second and stopped.
  19. Next year I'll be using Oak Meadow 1 for my son in conjunction with some more Reading Eggs and possibly Funnix reading programs. I'll be continuing Oak Meadow 6 for my daughter in conjunction with Story of the World (which is secular enough for my tastes), Teaching Textbooks math, the Killgallon worktext series for extra grammar, Meet the Masters art, and whatever else we end up supplementing with.
  20. My daughter started out in public school k as a 4 y/o. Her birthday was on the 10/1 cutoff date. The following year they changed the cutoff date to 9/1 so at that point she'd have missed it by a month, not a day. I pulled her out of school at the end of third grade and homeschooled her the end of that year, all of fourth, and all of fifth. This year for sixth I made a decision. While she was doing well overall academically, I thought she'd get more out of her middle school (and subsequently high school) reading, writing and research assignments if she had an extra year of age and maturity under her belt. I felt the same way about life after school- I'd rather she move into the first phase of adult life at 18 instead of 17. So we decided to stretch 6th grade out over a two year period. We have been doing all curriculum materials at half pace and supplementing to make it "enough." nearly dine with first year of 6th- will complete it next year!
  21. I was going to call my dr at 9 this morning when they opened. Instead at 2 AM when I again couldn't sleep and felt like I was swallowing razor blades and both ears were hurting worse, I had dh take me to the ER. My throat was swollen and both ears infected (one he had a hard time looking at, it was nearly swollen shut). He (the ER doc who said he's a dad of 12!!) gave me a one time oral dose of steroids to jumpstart things, a bottle of ear drops I have to use for five days- two drops each ear four times a day. A starter dose of antibiotics and a prescription for more. And two vicodin to go for pain and a prescription for more to use as needed. By 3:40 AM I'd had all those first doses. My husband is at the pharmacy now filling my prescriptions. My ears are marginally better this morning, throat still very bad. Hope by the end of the day I notice improvement there. They said none of this stuff would be harmful to the baby. Hopefully they are right. In brighter news, I'm one day closer to my ultrasound. 11 days to go!
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