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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. Looking a little online about the HCG numbers and seeing what other people said their's were at 11 dpo. One person said their's was 56 at 13 dpo (which would have meant it was only around 28 at 11 dpo, probably) and that by four days later it was in the 500's. Another said hers was 59 at 13 dpo, which would have had it around 29 at 11 dpo). Another person said hers was 34 at 11 dpo (same as me) and that by 13 dpo it had doubled. Somebody else said hers was only 21.6 at 12 dpo and then 59 by 14 dpo. Another was 22.2 at 12 dpo and 51.8 by 14 dpo. Another was 39 at 12 dpo and 139 by 14 dpo. Of course, a lot of other people started out much higher, and going by the charts it seems a little low for this time frame, which is kind of scary, but I guess that doesn't really necessarily mean a whole lot as long as it rises normally from here, and it seems like there are a lot of other women who do start out as low as this and then double just fine. I just wish I didn't have to wait four days to find out for sure! (Again if I could just see a darker line on one of my home tests I'd feel a bit more reassured. If that thing just stays this light or gets lighter there's no way I'm going to be able to stay very optimistic because like I said that was a sign of a problem for me last time, that it got lighter rather than darker). Glad I have no cramping or spotting or anything but I'll still feel better seeing my line get darker while I wait for more bloodwork results. It's just that I read that once you have an ectopic you're more likely to have another, and I'm 39 so due to age I already have an increased risk of m/c, and it's just hard not to be scared it's going to happen again. I wish I could be more excited and happy instead- hopefully within a few days I can be!
  2. Ok, I called the lab and asked what I had to do to get a copy of the report. It's the hospital outpatient lab, so they said go to the medical records office at the hospital and bring my license and sign a waiver. So I went and the woman who greeted me was a little cranky and informed me I was supposes to have given 24 hours notice and she was busy and could I come back another time. I said they hadn't told me that on the phone and I really needed the results for my dr for a possible ectopic (hopefully not but after last time I want to know what's going on right away!!) and she caved and got it for me. I went to my car and immediately studied it. My number is 34.28 and it says that should put me in the 0-1 week range (25-50, with 1-2 weeks being 40-300). Now I should be 4 weeks today if that's counting the weeks of pregnancy and ovulation, 2 weeks if not. I don't know if I should worry that the number is a little low or what. I brought the report to my dr, found out that the lab IS actually open on Saturdays for a few hours, and was told to go repeat the test then. They said if it doubles don't worry about anything and I can go in for an appt and ultrasound on 5/14. If it doesn't double we will talk about it then. But I still think I'm going to end up not finding out about Saturday's test until Monday so it's going to be a long few days! In the meanwhile I really hope my line gets darker between now and then or I'm going to have myself convinced it's another ectopic! Typing on my phone so excuse any typos!
  3. Even if I found an open lab they would only give results to my dr, and my dr won't be around on the weekend so I'd be waiting til Monday for results anyway, unfortunately! I will check out that website! LOL I called at 1:20 and they said they didn't have my results yet. I figured I'd try again at about 2:30, so in about ten more minutes!
  4. Arggh ok couldn't wait anymore and tested again. Pee did look darker than this morning's but line looked the same as this morning's (although it showed up within one minute). I think these tests will drive me crazy. But I will try to give it a whole day and see what it looks like tonight before bed and again tomorrow morning. Going to go occupy myself now, will update about what I hear from dr and results tonight.
  5. Often for breakfast I have a smoothie (yogurt, milk, fruit and ice). Sometimes fruit and cheese, sometimes eggs/omelets etc. Lunch might be salads with coldcuts or "BLT" salads with bacon and avacado, or tuna salad in it, or an apple with peanut butter or cold cut roll ups or whatever. Dinner would be whatever meat, poultry or seafood I wanted with extra veggies or sweet potato or squash. Snacks could be nuts, cheese, fruit, yogurt, hardboiled eggs and so on. I rarely crave "dessert" anymore but once in a while I might have a sugar free jello or pudding or some sort of fruit at night, or a banana with peanut butter and raisins, etc.
  6. Whoops, double post. Going to retest about 11:30 so it will have been four hours in between. Lol at the Seuss reference!
  7. Haha I am originally from New York (Long Island) but moved to PA when my 11 1/2 y/o dd was like nine months old.
  8. Amazingly I was in and out in 5 min or so. I expected a packed waiting room since I didn't get there at 7 when they opened, but it was empty! They said my dr should get the results "this afternoon" so I will start stalking their office after lunch. The cruddy thing is today is Thursday. If I'm pregnant and it's a normal pregnancy my numbers should double every 2-3 days, but the lab and dr are closed all weekend so I will have to wait til Monday- 4 days!!!- to find out if they are rising normally. I might die before then of nervous anticipation (although a darker line on a home test between now and then would mollify me somewhat)!
  9. a basic pregnancy test, also known as a beta HCG or B-HCG test. It just means they will (probably) send me for a blood test to confirm and see what my levels are. ETA: Annnnd they just called back and told me to head over to the lab now, so I'm going. And then I get to just wait for the doctor's office to get the results and call me back which will HOPEFULLY be today and not tomorrow! When I get back I'll also take another home test since by then I'll have gone several hours without peeing and HOPEFULLY I'll see a somewhat darker line.
  10. :lol: Have I told you lately how much I love you? (Still awaiting the call back btw).
  11. Well in case you want minute play-by-plays, just took a shower so I'd be ready to go when I called the doctor's office if they wanted me to come in or go to the lab. And I just called the office as it opened at 9 and explained that I got faint positives yesterday and today and as my last pregnancy was an ectopic, I wanted to see if they could send me for bloodwork to confirm the pregnancy and start monitoring my HCG levels. She took my name and number and said, "I'll give you a call back, they'll probably fax over a script for a Beta." So awaiting a call back now. :P
  12. I'm a pretty relaxed homeschooler to begin with but especially for the youngest years/Kindergarten. I don't think K work needs to take more than an hour and a Ker's day should consist mainly of a lot of free play, imaginative play, getting outdoors, helping mom and dad with things around the house, doing any activities and field trips you have him signed up for, etc. We also play educational board games and computer games and play with manipulatives and so on. The K curriculum I use is very easy-going and Waldorf inspired. I did add on some reading lessons (Funnix and then Reading Eggs) because he was an older K, almost 6, and liked doing stuff like that at the computer, but I didn't force it, I did it if he was willing. Kind of sporadic, to be honest. Next year when he's in 1st we will buckle down a little bit more but still don't expect to spend more than like 1.5 hours with him doing 1st grade materials. A lot of people think 1 hour per grade is sufficient although I probably do about an hour less than that on average as they get to middle and later elementary school. We learn in a lot of other ways aside from worksheets, textbooks and so on!
  13. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day! :)
  14. How about something like: Dear Hair Cut Place Owner/Manager, I have a concern I need to raise with you. Yesterday, I sent my 12 and 17 year old sons on their own to get haircuts at your establishment. When they got home, my older son informed me that a couple of the stylists (insert names here if you know them) were having conversations back and forth about topics that really were not appropriate to have in front of any customer, let alone minor boys. They were discussing breast enhancement, the marriage of a 15 year old to a 28 year old, and other similarly raunchy topics. I am sure you agree that a level of professionalism is important in your establishment, particularly around customers, and even more particularly around children. I considered this a family friendly place, but now I have great qualms about sending my children there and wanted to let you know this behavior is potentially losing you business. I would appreciate it if you would discuss this issue with your employees and let them know it was not appropriate or acceptable for them to talk this way! Thank you, Mom
  15. I've lost about 58 lbs (since December) by cutting out all grains for the most part. No bread, rice, pasta, crackers, cookies, cakes, etc- if it had flour in it, I didn't eat it, except on certain special occasions. I also gave up white potatoes and only ate some sweet potatoes and squash and stuff like that. By default this meant I also cut a lot of sugar out of my diet since the cakes, cookies, cereals and so on were gone (no flour)! I drink mostly water (occasional milk), no juice or soda. I walk for exercise. I still eat fat- butter, full-fat peanut butter, healthy oils, full-fat mayo, and so on, so it was NOT a low-fat/fat-free diet. And other than that, I did not count points, calories, obsess over everything I put in my mouth (like I did all those years on Weight Watchers), just ate whatever else I wanted until I wasn't feeling hungry. I stick to mainly whole, natural foods rather than processed stuff- I eat any poultry, beef, pork, seafood etc that I want, nuts, dairy, fruits, veggies and so on. It works really well. And yes it's hard in the first week or two but you do get used to it and break that cycle of addiction. Read the South Beach Diet book if you never have. It explains it really well. It was my doctor who told me my insulin levels were high and that my body couldn't handle all the carbs and the sugars in the carbs that I was eating and that I needed a lower carb diet like South Beach or Sugar Busters rather than WW. So I read SBD, followed it for like two weeks, and then just morphed into doing my own thing that included no grains.
  16. OK I am hoping THIS advice will do the trick because I tested about 7:20 AM (about 30-35 minutes ago) and I did see a line show up again within 2 min, but it was still SO faint. It's possible it wasn't even as dark as the one I took yesterday evening. Which freaks me out a little because last time, with the ectopic, my tests kept getting lighter instead of darker, which was one of the signs something was wrong. Of course, with that one, I also had brown spotting, and so far this time, no spotting of any kind. The pee DID look a bit on the pale side this morning, not extremely dark and concentrated, so I'm going to wait a few hours without peeing or drinking anything and then try again to see if I can get a darker line with more concentrated pee. Ugh, this waiting and wondering is killing me! P.S. I'm also going to call the dr when they open at 9 and request a blood test/HCG levels check. :lol: :lol:
  17. LOL you guys. I physically have at least 5 more tests already in my possession but it seemed pointless to test again tonight! I will hold off til AM and hope like heck for a darker line! Thanks for "keeping me company" through this! :D
  18. I don't know, I think a positive test wouldn't show up until a day or two AFTER implantation, but I did read a lot of people and sites say that light period-like cramping is common as your body gets ready for pregnancy etc. Something about the uterus expanding to make room. Hopefully it's just that!
  19. I'm also kind of freaking out because I have had mild/minor crampiness on and off for a lot of today. I thought it was a sign I'd be getting my period tonight or tomorrow. It could still be that, or I guess it could be a pg symptom as I've read a lot of women have some crampiness in very early pregnancy and that it is pretty common. Hopefully it doesn't mean something is wrong. I hope I can sleep tonight lol.
  20. I'm pretty sure this is going to be the longest night of my life! :P Thanks for the feedback! I will update in the morning and hope for the best!
  21. The first one was taken right at the 3 minute mark pretty much. The other one maybe a minute after. I don't even know if I should say anything to my husband tonight or wait for confirmation in the morning. He won't be home til probably 8:30 or so (another hour or more).
  22. OMG I hope so! I'm going to retest in the morning (tonight is going to last forever) and if I still see a line or it's even remotely darker, I'm going to call dr and ask them to confirm w/a blood test and start monitoring my hcg levels since the last one was an ectopic (and I turned 39 yesterday). It's from this evening, like 6:30 PM or so. This morning there was no line. I hope I can see it better in the AM!
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