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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. Today is 10 dpo. Tested this morning- negative. Got an irresistable urge to test again this evening just a little while ago, and I could swear a faint line showed up within two minutes (on a dollar tree test that tells you to read results within 3 minutes and not after). DH is at work, I'm freaking out. Last summer I had that ectopic after five months of trying, put trying again on hold while I lost almost 60 lbs, started TTC again this cycle...and could this really be a positive on my first try? If so holy %^&*!!! Can you see the line?? It's really faint but seems to show up a little better on my cell phone (took the pic w/my cell phone camera) than it is on the computer.
  2. Thanks again everyone! Sewingmama, I'm sorry to hear that. :( I hope that it happens for you soon! I tested this morning and negative. Period likely due today or tomorrow. Will try again tomorrow if I don't get it by the morning.
  3. Thanks so much, all. DH brought home some pg tests today and I will take one in the morning. We will see what happens! Like I said it will be 10 dpo. Last time (with the ectopic) I got my positive at 11 dpo. Trying to be realistic and not spend every moment obsessing over it and not get my hopes up too much; still, it's hard not to be hopeful now that I'm within a day or two of a period or a positive!
  4. Thanks, all! emski, fingers crossed for you, too! I love Lucy, I lost it by basically giving up all grains and white potatoes and eating whole natural foods most of the time and drinking mainly water. Walking for exercise!
  5. OK the Black Swan/homosexuality issue is a whole 'nuther kettle of fish. But all I have to say to the "Juicy" thread and the "What Prisoners said" thread is: see picture, attached. :D
  6. By tomorrow or the next day I should know if my first official month of TTC again after my ectopic last summer, followed by a lot of weight loss/getting healthy, worked on the first try. (Okay probably not but it sure would be a nice b-day present). :D (Tomorrow is 10 dpo and day 28 of my cycle, I have been getting my period by day 28 or 29 for the past five months, except for one month like two or three months ago where it randomly appeared on day 32). Keep your fingers crossed for me that it happens quick or already happened, it would be nice to have that last baby BEFORE I turn 40! (I'm on 2000 mg/day of Metformin now so hopefully that helps). P.S. I haven't quite made my -60 lbs weight loss goal yet, I'm down 57.8 lbs, having gone from 247.6 lbs to 189.8 lbs, but I figured that was close enough to start TTC this cycle. If it happens I'll be thrilled and if it doesn't happen this time around, I'll just keep trying to lose more weight while I continue TTC! Anyway. Yeah. Wish me luck. :)
  7. Well, if someone can link the thread in question I would look at it. I have no idea what it was!
  8. :iagree: I can always find answers, support, advice, encouragement, ideas, and humor here, whether related to homeschooling or not!
  9. ROFLMAO!! :lol::lol::lol: Hey, it could've been worse. You might have said: "I don't want to eat, drive or have sex with any of those offers, but I'll have sex with YOU later!"
  10. I grew up reciting it every day in school and it was just kind of second nature. Now, thinking about it as an adult, it IS kind of creepy! My kids have heard it but we do not recite it as part of our homeschool day and I don't "feel" anything when I hear it (nor did I ever), it's just kind of a rote memory thing that now feels sort of cultish.
  11. I would never spend money on a PE program. I'm sure they're good salespeople and very good at letting you know why you "need" one, but, really? Just give your kids plenty of opportunities to be active! PE is a "required subject" here in PA and when I write my summary to go with my portfolio I let them know that she takes Judo classes weekly, plays kickball with our homeschool group in nice weather, has plenty of opportunities to run, play, and ride her bike and scooter outdoors, that we go for walks and hikes together, and so on and so forth. My kids get plenty of physical activity and they're healthy kids, so I just can't see spending money for a "PE curriculum!"
  12. Well thanks for letting me know about them! I've added both series to my (long) list of books to read! :D
  13. No, no, and no! Did I mention NO? Do NOT let someone like that guilt trip or pressure you into doing something bad for YOUR mental, emotional, or physical health, and more importantly bad for your CHILD'S mental, emotional, or physical health. You have no obligation to someone like that. Let her go put herself into (or get put into) a group home or whatever. Shrug.
  14. I've been a member here for several years now. Over the course of that time, I've made no secret of the fact that I was raised Jewish, homeschool secularly, and am personally agnostic leaning toward atheist. And that I am pro-choice, anti-spanking, and support gay rights. And that I homeschool in a very relaxed eclectic manner rather than in the classical/WTM way. And yet, for the most part, I've made nothing but friends here (even a couple that I exchange private emails and texts with are Christian and still great friends despite our inherent differences in beliefs and lifestyle). And, for the most part, I've seen nothing but accepting posts here. Okay have I seen a few where people did make anti-inclusive, anti-gay, pro-Pearl type comments that really put me off? Sure. But honestly those have been way more few and far between than all the friendly, welcoming, inclusive, accepting posts where people who might never be great friends in real life can still chat about the things we do have in common (parenting, homeschooling) in a friendly, adult way. And can still joke around with each other. And can still celebrate many of our differences rather than hating them. And I've found plenty of like-minded people, too, not just people nothing like me who accept me anyway. We're a more diverse group and a more inclusive group than we are given credit for, apparently! I don't know what thread SmrtLrnin's (sp?) post was referring to. I didn't realize she ever left and wrote a post like that. I liked her. The other one I've seen before and laughed off. But in my experience, as a whole, and speaking as someone who spends most of her time on the general board and should be one of those hated and different outsiders, it's just not like that here. And the ones that are "like that" are easy enough to disassociate yourself with. Just my two cents! (Now, did any of you NOT know that stuff about me and want to commence hating me now?) :lol:
  15. Actually, it's the first book I've ever read by her and didn't realize there was a series with that character! I picked this book up at a used book sale at the library because it sounded interesting. I'm a little more than halfway through it so far and I do like it! I guess I'll have to check my library to see if they have more books by her. :)
  16. :lol: I'm spending way too much time thinking about this haha. This morning I'm thinking if all else fails, maybe you should carry one of those old boom boxes from the 80's or 90's on your shoulder with a cassette tape that when you hit play plays "All we are sayyyying, is give peace a chance." Or when you see her, just run towards her with arms raised screaming like a lunatic like you're going to charge right into her. Scare the heck out of her so SHE veers out of the way! (Of course, I can't wait to hear what REALLY happens)! :lol:
  17. Thanks for the heads up! I have to arrive by 8 AM for registration and photos and stuff, so hopefully that won't be too nuts that early! It ends at 3 but not sure how long clean up will take...hopefully I'll make it out of there without getting caught up in tons of traffic!
  18. You could also get the most obnoxious bike horn you can find, or a loud whistle, and as soon as she starts to veer toward you, start blowing it at her. :lol: Oh! Or show up carrying a huge Super Soaker water gun and when she starts to veer toward you, point it at her and go "Don't even think about it!"
  19. Whew! I got a quick response which said: "Nance, No problem. I'll put you on Clean Up. Thanks for sharing." To which I replied: "Thanks for understanding and working with me, and thanks for all your efforts with this event, I'm sure it's not easy juggling everyone's needs!" Glad that worked out so easily! :)
  20. I'd be hurt by being excluded, too, and irritated that the kids were left out. If you have to leave it up, leave it where it is. I would not move it to a central viewing position just for her visits. If she asks about why it is in a back room, your HUSBAND should tell her "It's beautiful, but I didn't feel right putting it out in the main room when my wife and kids weren't included." Maybe she'll then volunteer to "fix it" or redo it. If not, there it stays. If she doesn't like it, too bad. It's not her house and hers aren't the only feelings that count.
  21. OK, I wrote: "Hi, I apologize for being "difficult," but I am not comfortable leaving my six year old alone for any length of time. I feel he is too young to be left out of my sight at a big outdoor event such as this, with people I don't know and he doesn't know. He's also the type of kid who if he decided he wanted me or something else would just walk away to go find me/it/etc. and I am not comfortable assuming that a couple of busy parents who never even met him and have a whole group to supervise would pay enough attention to that kind of thing. I would be happy to volunteer with the six year old group so that I can supervise my younger, rather than my older child (who has a cell phone and more knowledge and impulse control than her brother!), or to return to the assignment I originally volunteered for, which was cleaning up after the event. Thanks, Nance" I will see what she says to that. If she changes my assignment, great. If she doesn't, I will have to decide whether to let her know I will be keeping my 6 y/o with me or backing out of attending. I'd probably do the latter (despite the $15.00 registration fee I'd probably lose) because it was worth the three hour round trip if they could BOTH participate, not if he had to be bored just watching his sister. This is a six hour event by the way. So even if she meant I only had to do it for the morning OR the afternoon (3 hours) and could leave part of that time, we're talking at least a couple of hours with him unattended by me. I don't know why they'd put a parent with a pre-teen instead of their Kindergartener if they were going to take it upon themselves to change volunteer assignments like that! They also should at least ask people what their second choice is for volunteering in case there were too many volunteers for their initial choice!
  22. I signed up to attend a huge field day thing for homeschoolers here in PA. It will be our first year going, and it's like an hour and a half away from home. My 6 y/o and my 11 y/o will be participating. Apparently they split the kids into different age groups for events. Every parent had to sign up for some aspect of volunteering to help with the event. I volunteered to help clean up afterward when I signed up. Today I received an email saying that due to the number of volunteers and where people were needed, they changed some peoples' assignments and tried to do it based on number of kids, kids' ages, etc. I saw that my assignment was changed to spend time helping with the 11 y/o group. I emailed and asked what that meant in regard to where I would be and what I would be doing and if that meant I wouldn't be with my 6 y/o during the events, because I felt he was kind of young to be without my supervision during the day. The response I got was: "Your assigned to spend some time helping with the 11 yr. olds. As I've stated you will have plenty of time to see your 6 yr. old. A group of 4 parents at a time will assist with the 11's. There will be an a.m. and a p.m. group of 4 parents. This will allow 2 parents at any time to leave to watch or tend to their other children and return to help with the group." But I have no idea how big this place is, or who the people are who would be with my 6 y/o, whether I'd be able to see him the whole time, etc. If he decided he wanted me, he'd probably just walk off looking for me, I have no idea how closely other people I don't even know would be watching him. I'd rather leave my 11 1/2 y/o unattended for parts of the day (with her cell phone so she can call me if need be). What would you say/do in response to this latest email? ETA: Resolved! Updates in Posts 10 and 13. :)
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