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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. I think you handled it beautifully. You stuck up for your kids when needed, you cut things short when it got too out of hand, you didn't start a big confrontation in front of your kids, but did discuss things with them, and then you followed through by seeing to it that a higher up got notified. Sorry you guys had such a bad experience!
  2. In November, I weighed 247.6 lbs, the highest I'd ever been in my life (and I've struggled with my weight all of my adult life, too). I also found out I had high insulin levels. My doctor put me on metformin and suggested instead of doing something like Weight Watchers, which was the only diet I'd ever followed in my life because I considered it realistic and healthy, that I look into South Beach or Sugar Busters and do a low carb diet instead. After getting started with South Beach and then doing reading and research I just sort of morphed into eating a grain-free diet. No grains, no white potatoes. Other than that, I ate what I wanted- although I tried to keep to whole/natural foods, I ate as much fat as I wanted, I didn't count a single calorie, point, or bite, I didn't weigh and measure my food, I just stopped when I wasn't hungry anymore. And I lost almost 60 lbs in just a few months without feeling starving all the time. Yes the first few days to a week or so of that can be hard but you adjust, you break the cycle of addiction to all those carbs, and then you start to feel great! So, that's my recommendation. :) Good luck! Oh, and check out the Weight Loss Challenge social group here. It's great for support, fun challenges, motivation, etc. :)
  3. Thanks for sharing your experience! My younger son is only 6 and takes it at face value if I just say I'm tired or not feeling well, he's kind of oblivious, so I wouldn't tell him, and I don't think that will be awkward.
  4. Ok, heard back from my husband. He said that she is still relatively young and he had hoped not to make her have to deal with stuff like this, and he feels when he was young he had too much adult emotional stuff to deal with and wished he hadn't had to. But he understands that she already knows something is up and that it may be better to just tell her, so he's leaving it up to me. But he said if I want to tell her, he would like us to tell her together, so going to wait until later when he comes home. Or the morning if she ends up sleeping at her friend's house tonight, which she might. But we will tell her soon. Thanks for the advice!
  5. This is a really good point. My 6 y/o is young enough to "shield" but my 11 1/2 year old, not so much. She's more aware in general. She will probably be a help to me but like you said this may also help her in a way, to know she can be important in that way, and to know that I am honest with her, and also probably by not fully shielding her from every bad thing in her pre-teens and teens, she may learn better to cope and handle things as she gets older. I don't know. Just waiting to hear back from hubby who may be in the middle of an appointment, I don't want to do it without his approval, but hopefully he will see my point and agree to it.
  6. What you tell him now will set a precedent for the future. If you want to encourage him to be "gentlemanly" he should probably pay for his date. I realize this may really mean YOU paying for his date as a just turned 16 y/o prob isn't working lol. But it's sort of part of teaching him how he should treat a girl he is in a relationship with! :)
  7. Thank you. You all are right, I think I need to just tell her. It's better than her potentially worrying I'm hiding some life threatening illness from her or something. I just wanted to make sure some unbiased people felt the same way, because I'm already going to feel a little guilty for having to put sad news like that on her shoulders, even though she's not what you'd think of as overly sensitive in general. I just texted my husband to explain this to him and will wait for his thoughts before I talk to her, but I do think I need to.
  8. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to see a proud grandma "bragging" about her grandkids. Then again, it never bothers me to see proud parents "bragging" about their children's accomplishments, either! We SHOULD be proud of our children and show them that we are proud and recognize their achievements! I don't do it often on Facebook but once in a while I do, and my kids love when I talk about them on Facebook lol. (In fact, every time my 6 y/o son asks me to take a picture of him doing something, he asks me to put him on Facebook haha).
  9. My kids did not know we were trying to have another baby. They never knew about the ectopic I had last summer. I did not plan to tell them I was pregnant either time until I was out of the first trimester just so I didn't have to risk getting their hopes up and giving them bad news. I think my 11 1/2 y/o daughter knows something is up. In early pregnancy I've been tired and dozing off most afternoons. She knows I lie down a lot. I coincidentally got sick and just got over a double ear infection and really bad sore throat so she was just kind of told I didn't feel well. But she also saw me going to a lot of "appointments" that I don't usually do- all the HCG blood tests where I'd come back with a bandaid, the doctor's appointment, running to the hospital to get results, and so on. Yesterday she asked why my husband was going with me to the doctor. Later she said, "I want to know why you went to the doctor this morning." I said "For a checkup." She said, "I don't believe you." Now I expect to be kind of emotional and off for a while due to currently miscarrying. We had also planned to go to the lake Monday but not sure I'll feel up to it, and even if I do go I can't swim as dr suggested not using tampax, and she'll be disappointed if we don't go. I'm kind of torn. Part of me thinks just keep coasting along, that she doesn't need to know this sad news (nor do I want a million "are you pregnant again yet?" questions in the future) and that it'll all blow over. But part of me thinks that it might be better to just have a talk with her and tell her the truth, because even though it will be sad for her, at least she won't be worrying that something bad is going on that I'm keeping from her. Who knows what is going through her head already. So I could use some advice. What would you do?
  10. All of you- no matter how much or how little I normally interact with you or what our similarities or differences are- have meant so much to me through all of these ups and downs. I really can't thank you enough for all the support. Unfortunately my husband couldn't stay home today- he has appointments and the one other guy who works with him is on vacation. But he's going to try to come home early, and he set up a little pool before he went, so the kids are enjoying that and it gives me some space. If things get too bad I can call my mom to either hang out with me or take the kids, but I'm hanging in. Going back and forth between feeling really sad and matter of fact about everything. Going to grab a good book and periodically check in on the boards with my phone and just try to distract myself.
  11. My daughter started out in public school and was the youngest in her class with a birthday right on the 10/1 cutoff date. If she had been born a day later, she would have had to wait a year. The following year they moved the cutoff date to 9/1. She'd have missed it by a month. While she did well academically I was subsequently sorry I had put her in the classroom so young. Maturity wise she had a little trouble staying still and quiet all day and spent too many K and 1st grade days losing recess as a punishment for talking too much. I pulled her out of school toward the end of third grade and homeschooled her the rest of that year, all of 4th and all of 5th. This year as we started 6th, I decided I was going to stretch it out over a two year period and get her back to where she would have been if I had waited the extra year, to where most other kids her age are. Not because she struggles academically, but because I think she would get more out of the reading, research, and writing she is expected to do in upper middle school and high school. And because I think if she graduates at 18 instead of 17, she will be more mentally and socially and emotionally prepared for the next stage of her life. This year doing sixth grade materials at half pace with some supplementing to keep it interesting/varied/busy enough has gone well. In the fall we will do the same thing with the second half of our sixth grade materials. So far I am not second guessing this decision at all and can't see anything but good coming out of it. As for her friends, they are of all ages and couldn't care less what grade my daughter is deemed to be in. I think you should go for it.
  12. Thanks everyone. Cramping getting worse now. Just took a pain killer. I've never had a m/c on my own at home before. :( Had a D&C for a blighted ovum before I conceived dd11, and last summer's ectopic was even earlier than this and they gave me a shot of methotrexate. This time I just don't know everything to expect. Hopefully it doesn't get too bad physically.
  13. Sorry to be gross/for the tmi but now passing kind of large clots so I really think that's that. :( Will go for scan to confirm Tuesday though. So sad to have two pregnancies in a row end so badly, especially when I'm 39 and already feel like I'm running out of time. My husband says he is sad, but glad this time it happened in a way that was early and prob needs no medical intervention that would stop us from trying again right away. And I want to but it's also so exhausting to think of all the trying and waiting and testing and waiting and worrying and waiting all over again... :(
  14. Bleeding now. :( It was just pinkish spotting when I wiped since after the scan yesterday, now it's red bleeding that requires a pad. Doctor says there's really no sense in spending hours at the ER as there is nothing they can do either way. She said just wait it out at home and if I'm miscarrying, which I am pretty sure I am, there probably wouldn't be very heavy bleeding as it was early and very small and should be kinda like a period. She said if it does get really bad to call back, but otherwise I can call the office first thing Tuesday morning and get seen that day for a scan just to get a definitive answer about what happened. But I think I am losing it. :( This sucks.
  15. :iagree: On summer days or late spring weekends when the sun lasts longer and it isn't a "school night" my kids often play in each other's backyards or right in front of our houses until 9 PM or so. And I don't think I ever in my life managed to get my kids to bed by 8 PM lol.
  16. I have to be honest. I'm not feeling very hopeful about this. I found some small scale studies/research online with regard to a too-small sac. The studies indicated that if you take the size of the sac, and minus the size of the baby, the number that is left (how much bigger the sac is than the baby) is an indication of the outcome of the pregnancy. Two small studies indicated that anything under 5 mm had between an 80-something and 90-something percent chance of ending in miscarriage, that 5 to 7.9 mm had a 26 1/2 percent chance, and 8 and over only a 10 point something percent chance. I called my doctor to ask them for the measurements of the sac and there is only a THREE mm difference between the baby and the sac in my case. That does not sound at all promising. It would take a miracle for this gestational sac to suddenly start growing at a faster rate than the baby to give it enough room to grow. (According to my dr the sac is supposed to grow 1 mm a day, I don't know how fast the baby is supposed to grow at this stage). Meanwhile, I know the spotting after the u/s was normal, but it has continued into this morning and I don't know if that is so normal. My husband just wants to keep thinking positive because there was a heartbeat, and either I just don't want to have my hopes up too much or I'm a much bigger pessimist than he is, but I just don't feel good about it. :(
  17. Hey all, Well, I had my u/s and have very mixed emotions right now. Going by LMP, I should be 7w1d today. When they did the u/s, there was a baby measuring 0.40 cm crown to rump and there was a heartbeat with a rate of 102. The doctor said those measurements and that heart rate are what would be expected if I were a week behind and was 6w1d pregnant. When we talked about how I ovulated late (probably cd18 going by opk's), she said that might explain it, although seems to me it's still a few days behind what it should be. Of greater concern to me is the fact that she said the gestational sac is very small. She said that could be a problem or it could be nothing and will eventually "catch up," she's seen this happen where the baby didn't develop very far and the woman miscarried, and she's seen situations like this turn out to be fine. There is just no way to tell. She said that everything is where it should be and there is a heartbeat and she's more optimistic than pessimistic, but it is hard not to worry when the baby measured a week behind AND the sac is too small. I have to go back a week from Monday- in ten days- to do another u/s. Another agonizing wait. On top of that after I got home a couple of times I used the bathroom, wiped, and there was a pinkish tinge. They say this is normal after a pap and an internal ultrasound (which was a bit uncomfortable, they pushed, poked, and prodded quite a bit trying to find what they wanted), but it's hard not to worry about everything at this point. Please keep praying, crossing your fingers, etc. Thanks!
  18. About three hours to go! I am so excited and nervous all at once! Please send good vibes, cross your fingers, say a quick prayer, or whatever it is you do in these situations that everything looks healthy and normal and that I don't get any worrying news today! Thank you!!! ETA: Just two hours to go, now! I've already showered, shaved my legs, got dressed, I'm sipping my morning cup of decaf...this is going to be a slow two hours lol.
  19. It's TOMORROW! :hurray: It's at 9:20 AM EST so around 25 hours from now, I'll be heading in for my ultrasound! Getting more nervous and excited all at once! I just REALLY hope everything measures how it should, and there's a heartbeat and so on! Fortunately, I will be able to stay busy and distracted today. I am leaving around 9:30 this morning for a field trip- we're touring an alpaca farm an hour away from home with our homeschool group. I won't get home from that until probably 2-2:30, and at 6 PM, my son has a teeball game. In between, I'll do a little schoolwork with my daughter, watch some of those "Baby Story" shows I recorded to DVR, read my book, and count down the hours... Nance, (who made it to 7 weeks today with no known problems)!
  20. I'm reading the Black Jewel series by Anne Bishop. In a way, it reminds me of the Game of Thrones series with some of the plots and characters and happenings, but it focuses more on paranormal and magical characters. It says it's a trilogy but then I saw there were actually more books that came out surrounding the world and characters in the trilogy. So far I've read the first two and have the third and fourth on request through ILL.
  21. Ooh, I never heard of that one but it looks like something I would like! It's going on my list! :D COMPLETE 1. Envy, by J.R. Ward (Fallen Angels series) 2. Kiss of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 3. The Ramayana, A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic, by R.K. Narayan (with my daughter for school reading) 4. Dark Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 5. The Immortal Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 6. Spell of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 7. 11/22/63, by Stephen King 8. The Traveler, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 1) 9. Into the Dreaming, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 10. A Judgement In Stone, by Ruth Rendel 11. The Dark River, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 2) 12. The Golden City, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 3) 13. Forbidden Pleasure, by Lora Leigh 14. Relic, by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child 15. House Rules, by Jodi Picoult 16. Midwives, by Chris Bohjalian 17. Wind Through the Keyhole, by Stephen King (Dark Tower series) 18. The High Flyer, by Susan Howatch. 19. Daughter of the Blood, by Anne Bishop (The Black Jewels series, Book 1) 20. Heir to the Shadows, by Anne Bishop (The Black Jewels series, Book 2) 21. The Host, by Stephenie Meyer CURRENT 22. Ahab's Wife, by Sena Jeter Naslund
  22. lol I wish I could bring you all with me! Your support has been phenomenal! Plus it'd be funny lol. Whoever asked about the manicure- my husband did my nails for me later that day after I got the pedicure! He's good at stuff like that. He would have done my toes, too, but I wanted all the trappings of a salon pedicure. :D Anyway... Only two more days, so I can now say my u/s is "the day after tomorrow!" That sounds so close!!!
  23. Wow, so sorry you are dealing with all of this!! Forget homeschooling! It is so not important OR necessary right now. This won't last forever so just focus on your health, relaxing, and give the kids extra cuddles and stories, that's all! I hope everything works out and you get the appropriate treatment for you and baby!
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