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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. 52 Books In 52 Weeks 2012 COMPLETE 1. Envy, by J.R. Ward (Fallen Angels series) 2. Kiss of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 3. The Ramayana, A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic, by R.K. Narayan (with my daughter for school reading) 4. Dark Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 5. The Immortal Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 6. Spell of the Highlander, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 7. 11/22/63, by Stephen King 8. The Traveler, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 1) 9. Into the Dreaming, by Karen Marie Moning (Highlander series) 10. A Judgement In Stone, by Ruth Rendel 11. The Dark River, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 2) 12. The Golden City, by John Twelve Hawks (Fourth Realm Trilogy, Book 3) 13. Forbidden Pleasure, by Lora Leigh 14. Relic, by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child 15. House Rules, by Jodi Picoult 16. Midwives, by Chris Bohjalian 17. Wind Through the Keyhole, by Stephen King (newest in Dark Tower series) 18. The High Flyer, by Susan Howatch. CURRENT 19. Ahab's Wife, by Sena Jeter Naslund "A magnificent, vast, and enthralling saga, Sena Jeter Naslund's Ahab's Wife is a remarkable epic spanning a rich, eventful, and dramatic life. Inspired by a brief passage in Moby Dick, it is the story of Una, exiled as a child to live in a lighthouse, removed from the physical and emotional abuse of a religion-mad father. It is the romantic adventure of a young woman setting sail in a cabin boy's disguise to encounter darkness, wonder, and catastrophe; the story of a devoted wife who witnesses her husband's destruction by obsession and madness. Ultimately it is the powerful and moving story of a woman's triumph over tragedy and loss through her courage, creativity, and intelligence." (I know, I'm probably the last of us to read that book)! :)
  2. Thanks for the reassurance everyone! I suppose it is in the "normal" range, I just wish it would have doubled because then I'd feel more sure! But if I can get one more test that has doubled or very close to it, I'll feel better about things, I think! Hopefully the doctor will agree to fax over a script for one more blood test tomorrow and we'll see what happens! The event today was fun and successful and it was nice socializing with a bunch of people and it was a good distraction that made today fly by. Now I'll be going up to bed to relax (and rest my feet, shoulda worn flats lol), and see what tomorrow brings! I didn't. I didn't take one last night and I didn't take any today. I figured I was just driving myself nuts with them and that since I was getting the blood test results today, that would be more definitive than what my line looked like. Unfortunately, I'm still driving myself nuts based on the blood test results lol. Trying to be positive about it though, and if I take another faint line test I'll just get myself all paranoid and worried all over again. Probably, if this works out, I'll just be paranoid and worried through the whole first trimester anyway. :P
  3. I am not sure what to think. It went from 34.28 to 56.49 in about 46 hours. It didn't double. But it didn't rise as little as it did when I had my last ectopic. I am thinking of this as kind of inconclusive and I'm going to call dr again in AM and ask them to repeat it again tomorrow.
  4. Ugh stomach in knots. I should know in a half hour or so. Leaving here in five min to drop kids off at sitter then heading to hospital before I go to dh's shop.
  5. Made it through the night. And in two hours or less I should know what's going on! And right after I find out I have to go to my husband's shop to help with a big promotional event that's been planned for the last two months. Well over 100 people supposed to be there. I will either be ecstatic during this or very depressed and needing to suck it up during the event. Hopefully it will be the former. And if the latter I hope all those people end up being a good distraction rather than hard to deal with. I am soo nervous.
  6. Well, we had a great day at the amusement park and didn't get home til after 8 PM. Watched a show, put the kids to bed, and now I'm relaxing in bed. I'm going to watch another show from my DVR, read a few pages of my book and fall asleep, and when I wake up, I'll just be a few short hours away from getting my results! I plan to show up at the hospital in Med Records around 10:15 AM, 24 hours after I called! No-one ever called me back like I requested to confirm they got my voicemail, but I'm showing up anyway. So, any praying, finger crossing, good vibes, positive thoughts and what have you that you want to send my way over the next 13 hours will certainly be appreciated!
  7. Semi good news. Was driving to amusement park and it suddenly occurred to me that if Medical Records is open Saturday, maybe they'd be open Sunday. So I called the hospital to ask- and they are! So I got transferred to them and had to leave a voicemail but gave my info and that I was providing mtmy 24 hour notice that I wanted to pick up my results tomorrow. So, I only have to wait and agonize for one more day instead of two! Ok kids going bonkers, need to get out of the car and go into the amusement park now!
  8. Maybe it's time to start practicing your boxing and kickboxing techniques as you walk. Make sure your arms and legs punch and kick in all directions. Sing "The Eye Of the Tiger" to yourself as you walk, kick, and punch. Look her in the eye while you do all this. She'll probably give you plenty of space. Or you could go to the pet store and do some shopping. Put a snake around your neck. A rat in your pocket. A tarantula in your hand. When she gets close go, "Hey, lady! Wanna see my pets? Can the baby pet my spider?" Figure out which one freaks her out the most and then make sure you bring that one with you each day. Of course, this only works if you aren't scared of these things! (And I still think you should cough on her while acting really sick, as many times as possible).
  9. Got home and tested. If anything the line looks a little lighter. I don't have a good feeling about this. :(
  10. At the lab now. Will test when I get home. Know what stinks? My doctor's office has no weekend hours, like I said. But know who does? Medical Records- until 3. I could have showed up there this afternoon and guilt-tripped or wheedled Dragon Lady into giving me my results without 24 hours notice and possibly found out today. But I can't. :( I promised my kids, before any of this ever happened, that I would take them to an amusement park today (my daughter's girl scouts group is going but aren't supervising the kids per se so a parent has to go if you're not willing to let them be on their own there, which of course I'm not)! So I said I'd go with her and that I'd bring my son, too. So I can't show up at Medical Records, dh will be working, and I have to wait til Monday after all. Arggh. Two more days. I can survive it, right? Maybe that test will look a little darker today and give me a glimmer of reassurance!
  11. You all have made me feel like there's a bunch of people keeping me company and supporting me while I wait this out, which I really appreciate! :) I decided not to test again today/tonight but will in the AM again. I'll be going to the lab around 7:30 for my second blood test and we will see what happens from there! Going to bed now so one more day of waiting under my belt and about to be over with!
  12. I was touched inappropriately by a custodian in 5th or 6th grade (I've grown a bit fuzzy on which). It was a public school. Nothing else with teachers or students.
  13. Ok, whoever talked about jumping back and forth looking all crazy and yelling You don't know what lane I'm going to be in, do you? That was freakin hilarious!!! Printing this thread out and handing it to her is a good idea, too. At the bottom you can handwrite "now are you going to cut the cr@p? Circle one: Yes or No" haha. If you just go with carrying a big bag on your left side, make sure it has long needles or spikes sticking out of the far side! Ooh.. You could also get Halloween or theater make up and make yourself look as sick as possible and start coughing in her direction. Veer toward her and cough loudly and enthusiastically without covering your mouth and moan "I don't feel good."
  14. While I can't technically condone tricking him, his stance just might be a deal breaker for me. His ridiculous ultimatum followed by an adamant refusal for ttc again when it's obvious that it's important to her (and it's not like he was opposed to more kids in general) would be SO aggravating and hurtful to me that I don't know that I could ever be happy in that relationship. Maybe she should issue an ultimatum of her own! :P
  15. Oh, I know you are right, it's just that not obsessing is easier said than done lol.
  16. Tested again around 6:20 AM. To me the line looks no different (no darker and no lighter) on the morning of 12 dpo than it did the evening of 10 dpo. I've read a bunch of stories of it ending up being a chemical pregnancy / miscarriage / ectopic or whatever when women had tests that never got darker, or got subsequently lighter. And I've read a bunch of stories of it ending up getting darker later, around 15 dpo, or never getting much darker and still turning out fine... it's enough to drive someone crazy. I sort of wish I could just stay away from the tests at this point but they seem like my only "diagnostic tool" until I can get my second quantitative HCG results on Monday. So for the next three days of waiting I have to go with "Does the test look darker? If so, that's a good sign. Does it look the same? If so, that's ambiguous and could go either way. Does it look like it's fading away? If so, I'm probably in trouble." Blah.
  17. That's good to know! I've never examined lines on a pregnancy test until my ectopic last summer and this pregnancy now so I don't have much to compare with other than bad news! It's good to know it might not be anything to worry about but still hard not to worry til I get some definitive numbers!
  18. 5 weeks from LMP. A little over really, it's 11 days from now and I'm 4 weeks from LMP today, so it'd be like 5w4d, I think! Which would be 22 dpo I believe.
  19. Thanks for sharing your story and congrats on your pregnancy!! Good luck with your appointment! I have my fingers crossed for both of us!
  20. LMP was 4/5/12. I think I ovulated cycle day 18 (4/22/12) because I got a positive opk on cd17 (4/21/12). So that would make me 11 dpo today. Got my first pos hpt yesterday evening but after 3 tests today (morning, later morning, and evening) (way too obsessive, I know)! the lines still look sooo faint, I think all of them today were fainter than the one from yesterday evening. I hope it looks more noticeable tomorrow!
  21. Congrats!! :) I took another test a few min ago and it's still ridiculously light. I really hope tomorrow's looks better! Yeah, nothing would show up yet. They plan to do one on the 14th when I'm just past 5 weeks, not even sure how much they will be able to see then!
  22. Ooh that was nice of her! I don't know if it would matter for me though because no-one will be at my doctor's office to receive a fax over the weekend, so I won't hear anything until Monday anyway. And since the lab is only open til 12 on Saturdays I'm not even sure if they'll deliver the results before Monday, but we'll see! I will be on the phone to the doctor's office first thing Monday morning to see if they got my results, and if they didn't, I'll be showing up at the Medical Records office again and hoping to finagle myself a copy from dragon lady again without 24 hours notice haha. But seriously by Saturday if my levels do double, my home test should show a darker line, right?? So maybe that will be an indication to not worry too much before Saturday. It'll help anyway. Thanks everyone for all of the support, encouragement, prayers, good vibes, etc!
  23. Thanks for posting that! That and a bunch of the anecdotal stories I've been reading are somewhat reassuring. But I guess I'm just not going to be 100% "ok" until I get verification that they're doubling from here. The wait is so hard!
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