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Everything posted by sleepymommy

  1. The Hanes brand at Walmart have them in 2T. They are elastic so they should fit an 18 month old just fine.
  2. Honestly, I just keep drawing a blank. The creative side of my brain is not functioning these days! If it doesn't have to do with schooling, cooking, or unpacking my brain goes wonky! I love the 80s workout idea! Dh would surely balk at it though, especially being Richard Simmons. I don't mind looking silly, but dh wouldn't do it. :lol: Hmm, I wonder if I could whip together some sort of yellow and black combo to make this work. The wings would be tricky though. I should add that the race is this weekend, so I don't have too much time for putting something together. It would need to be kinda simple for this non-creative mama:o
  3. Ds6 was came 10 days after my due date, he had to be induced due to low amniotic fluid. They admitted me but waited to induce hoping that I would go into labor. I started having small regular contractions, but about 1am I puttered out. I was induced the next day with Pitocin, when the contractions got to be unbearable for me ds's heart rate started to drop. I got an epidural (an awful one btw) and he was fine. There were no problems pushing him out and he came out very calm and alert. Eyes wide open looking around and not a peep of noise. Apgar was 9/9.
  4. It's cute but it can get expensive. My SIL took my boys there (I always tried to avoid going in that store's direction at the mall:tongue_smilie:) and they loved it. I got a good deal on Groupon for it and took them there for a present before. We didn't do the voice box and stuck with the cheapest bear ($10). I did let them buy an outfit for the bear, but not any extra accesories (shoes, etc). The total wasn't really too costly compared to some of the other fancy stuffed bears on the market. I think ours were just a bit over $20 each with the tax.
  5. Thank you for that info! I'm going to have dig through my boxes. We are not doing Latin though, but I do plan on working on root words later. I've seen The Homeschooler's Book of Lists at B&N before, but never actually looked in it. It sounds like it would be a great resource. I'm going to have to add that to my ever growing Wish List!
  6. Ha, okay I know it's not October! We're going to do The Great Urban Race (kind of like the Amazing Race, but much smaller and local) and most contestants dress in some sort of costume. At first I was hesitant, but I think it could be pretty fun. So, can the hive help me out? We need something that is still comfortable to run around in, that won't inhibit any of the special challenges, etc. What do you think? Here is the website: http://www.greaturbanrace.com/
  7. My thoughts are that your the mom/educator so you get to call the shots. If you feel the need for a change than you should do it! Do you school year round? If so, than I don't see how it would be different from changing any curriculum "mid year". If you plan on stopping for summer, it may be less worth it but at the same time you can decide that. I'm planning on schooling through the summer and have just added a couple more subjects to our day. I start things or change things as I see necessary regardless of the date. It's more important for me to find things that I feel would be a good fit for ds whenever that is. I started WWE in November rather than the start of our school year because I just didn't think he was ready yet. I just started him on grammar because I know the concept would have been over his head any earlier. I changed math programs last year at an odd time, but it just wasn't working for us so we did what we had to do. As an added plus, for me, starting a new program during this "spring fever" time helps me stay motivated to push through the daily grind.:D
  8. You could try MEP, it's free so you wouldn't be out much if it didn't work for you. It is more teacher led and is a solid program. Otherwise, I would recommend Singapore. I would take a break (1-2 weeks), enjoy the beautiful spring weather, reconnect with your kids at just the "mom" level, then pick back up. You can have talks with your older children about why their education is so important and try to come up with a plan that helps them earn extra time to do things they want to do once their schoolwork is complete. If you pulled them out of public/private, they sometimes need some time to decompress and in some ways "de-school" themselves. :grouphug:
  9. That's about the same amount that ds6 does using WWE, so seems like a good amount to me.
  10. Rightstart B--Great program, just not for me or ds. I still have it though just in case it's a better fit for ds4 later. FLL-- Didn't work for us. Ds6 doesn't seem to like anything that involves a lot of talking. Artistic Pursuits- Maybe one day I'll get my rear in gear and actually pull it off of the shelf. Miquon--- I loved the concept, but ds6 was not interested at all. History Pockets, Literature Pockets and anything else that involves making copies, cutting and pasting--I'm just not cut out for that sort of stuff.
  11. Math Mammoth Writing With Ease These get done consistently, so they are the winners.
  12. Thanks everyone! I'll try to incorporate some memory work. Halcyon, is there a particular section of Living Memory you use? I know I have that book somewhere, but I haven't unpacked all of our boxes from our move yet, so I can't flip through it. I didn't know I should have started with GWG 2, oh well ds ususally needs a lot of review anyhow. :lol:
  13. FLL did not work for us, but I love WWE. It's been working out great here. There are some samples on the Peace Hill Press store website, you could take a look and see if it might be a good fit.
  14. My boys are young, so I don't know where you would start at 5th grade, but here's a BUMP for ya!
  15. I chop of the binding of many of our books and spiral bound across the top. Other things I have in the file folders so they are 3 hole punched and put into a binder once complete.
  16. Halcyon"We love Growing with Grammar here. I think it definitely is meaty enough, assuming you incorporate grammar memory work and create your own reviews once in a while (we do this about once every two months: I'll create a test based on EVERYTHING my son has learned and see how he does. So far, so good)." Forgive me, I don't know how to quote something from another thread onto a new thread.:blush: Thank you Halcyon, for sharing your teaching method with GWG. I'd like to know if anyone else using this can elaborate how you teach it? Do you just do it as is? Do the tests? Incorporate memory work like Halcyon? Incorporate anything else to it? We just started GWG and would love to learn how you make it work for your kid!
  17. I was about to say that you could email them, this is what I did when I had questions but I can't find their email link anymore.:confused: They do have a phone number listed at the bottom of the page, but it would be an overseas call. Does the invoice that came with it have any contact info? FWIW, I never use the flashcards with ds6. I had some homemade index card ones from when we were learning digraphs and such and just used those as needed. I only pull them out maybe once a month or so though.
  18. Oh I'm so sorry for you and your dc.:grouphug::grouphug:
  19. Thank you Sis! Yes this. There were numerous attempts/possibilities at apprehending/killing OBL by other administrations that FAILED. ( Clinton attempted at least 3 times but failed at each attempt. Towards the end of his presidency he was probably too busy trying not to get thrown out of office for his personal affairs or maybe too busy enjoying them.) (Bush completely botched at Tora Bora) Since his campaign, Pres. Obama wanted to end the detour in Iraq and move the direction of the war toward Afghanistan and Pakistan. He also narrowed down the overly broad term "War on Terror" and brought it into some focus. The focus was more on Al-Queda and OBL. (Not Suddam Hussain, Iraq, and all terror) I mean really how does one go about ridding the WORLD of something that has always been. Terrorism is not some new phenomenon. The Taliban and Al-Queda got jumbled into one organization with the other administration, they are two SEPARATE organizations. Yes they worked together, yes they sometimes shared some intelligence, but there needed to be more FOCUS. This does not mean we should not fight against the Taliban, but a clear differentiation is necessary so we can get the intelligence straight. He's been working on this for at least 8 months and meanwhile half of America is busy calling him UN-American, socialist, etc, while others that did vote for him are saying he's not pulling out of the war fast enough and not doing other things fast enough. I'm very impressed at his judgement and direction. Does this mean I agree with all of his policies? Heck no. But I do think he has been doing a fabulous job despite it all. Maybe you could say he was doing what any President would do, but he did it RIGHT.
  20. I don't know much about Kansas, but any Nordstrom department store will fit you and so does Victoria's Secret (but the selection is much better at Nordy's). Smaller, local upscale lingerie stores usually do custom fittings.
  21. :iagree: You said this way better than I could have. EXACTLY. So our brave soldiers that risked their lives are all just making it up? YES! YES! YES! Thank you! OBL is dead, that doesn't mean we are not still at WAR.
  22. :iagree: I proper fitting makes a world of difference. Glad you got some great fitting and pretty b00kshelves!
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