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Everything posted by Vernal

  1. You should start a never mind or don't post thread. That would take you through the day.
  2. Good morning! The list for today: School SAMs club Lunch with my dad Clean out and vacuum my truck (how do things just get left in there so long?) Prepare for a work tomorrow. Oh and I have to pay a ridiculous traffic ticket to the tune of $300. Be back later.
  3. Right now I have 2 kids using the same workbooks. I bought 2 sets of math and handwriting. It was cheaper to buy 2 sets than copy them even using a laser copier. But the LA workbook and EM geography I copy. Not for resell, but just because I didn't want to buy 2 sets.
  4. Good morning ! DD has a dance thing today 10-2 visit my grandmother Clean kitchen That's all the must happen things for now.
  5. Maybe I should trade my Diet Coke for Dr Pepper.
  6. DH is back to work today. ( ! Lol) Done with breakfast phonics/reading with DS. He is waiting patiently for me to do math while DD is entertained elsewhere. On the list today: Wash bedding Plant fruit trees Take kiddos fishing Gather stuff from work. One more day on Friday and I'm done with this job until June. Play outside Make something yummy for supper. But don't know what yet. Be back later.
  7. Wow. Thanks for this! I love the idea of project life, but I'm lacking in the actual doing part. This is so easy. Prints are reasonably priced too.
  8. We had a good day. Church this morning. Then we went to to buy supplies for work this week. My grandmother went with us. That was a treat for everyone. We went out to eat lunch at a restaurant she chose. It was SO loud in there. We couldn't hear each other talking. Then a group of younger people sat behind us that were even louder and talking about things that were totally inappropriate for my kids and my grandmother to hear. So we changed tables. We moved to the bar. It was nice and quiet in there. Lol. No alcohol sales on Sunday was a good thing for us today. We did our shopping and got doughnuts in the way home. Then hung out at my grandmothers for a while. Now we are home and getting ready for bed.
  9. Happy Friday! Busy day here. Be back later.
  10. The only way educational neglect was averted here today is that we listened to SOTW audio on the way to town. Jim Weiss was actually funny today. And went over math facts in Walmart.
  11. Good morning. My kiddos ares still asleep! It's after 9 am here! This is unheard of for my two. DS is usually up by 6:30 and dd by 7:30. I guess they are tired. Today is the same as the rest of my week. I don't really know why I thought I had something to add to this thread! Lol. DH is off work today but is with his dad who is having surgery this morning. Whenever the kiddos get up, breakfast is ready. School Run to town for animal food Work 2-8 (last day this week) I had some productive time after DH left. Folded and started another load of clothes. Picked up living room. Unloaded dishwasher. Browsed the forums and Facebook of course. Ahh I hear little voices. Time to get this party started today! I hop e every one has a good day.
  12. We paid for DD's recital costumes in installments added to tution for the past 3 months. The total was $200 for 3 costumes. Plus dance jewelry, plus new tights, plus the fees for the program etc. I do think its a little much. But I do know compared to other dance studios, it's not as bad as it could be.
  13. Morning all. I'm hoping today is more organized and productive than yesterday. At least I'm awake before 9 am today. To do: School DS Breakfast school DD Make a cake for work Clean house Fold clothes Work 2-8 Crash! Today is DH's last day at work this week. So no worrying about lunch and uniforms. He'll be home with us for the next 7 days.
  14. I have essentially 2 first graders. Ds6 and DD5. Our "official" schedule is: With DS Phonics/reading with 30-45 minutes Math - 20 minutes or so Handwriting 10-15 minutes Breakfast Morning time together with DD - 45 minutes or as long as DD's attention holds out This includes: Hymns, Catechism, memory verse, Bible story, MP K recitations, read aloud. This is also where we do history. Read a chapter of SOTW 1, do an activity, do the map work. Etc. Break. 15-20 minutes. My DD calls it recess lol. I don't even know how she knows about recess. With DD I do essentially the same lessons again with her. I use the same resources for both of them for now. DD would be better served with another, more conceptual, math curriculum. But we are using what we have now. Which is CLE 100. She is a few lessons behind DS with LA and a few ahead of him in handwriting. Break for lunch and outside time. In the afternoons, we read science books aloud. I don't use a curriculum. I started out with the WTM way, but it's evolved into to more interest led choices. So this takes about 4 hours a day with the breaks. I want to add art, music, and poetry in morning time But DD's attention span is already maxed with what we are doing now.
  15. Checking in late today. So far: Up and dressed To buy a few groceries for home and work this afternoon Ate lunch at Subway while in town Dropped of something to neighbor Left to do Keep working on laundry ( I'm trying to get it caught up. Insanely behind ) < I will actually fold the laundry tomorrow Work 2-8 < was good. We're going to read and have a math lesson today and call it done as far as school is concerned. < math was the best part of the day! Find something for DH to take in his lunch for Wednesday. < don't care. Figure it out in the morning. I slept too late this morning. It's a bad habit I really need to get out of. I usually go back to bed when DH leaves for work. I should just stay up. I'm discouraged today. Done for the day! Everybody is sleeping. [ deep breath ]
  16. I love these threads, so I'm going to jump in with you. To Do: Trash to the end of the road -didn't do raining too hard Breakfast - check School - check DS check DD Work on the mountain of laundry ( not just the putting in the washing machine part. The putting away! That's what I have trouble with) - got 3 loads done. Work from 2-8ish The kiddos will go with me-Checj Baths - half check. Only one kiddo had a bath Bed for kiddos Fix DH lunch and get work clothes ready for tomorrow. - umm well, his clothes are clean. DS woke up with a stomach ache and vomited. So who knows what I'll actually get done. - felt ok most of the day.
  17. We just replaced an 03 Ford Expedition with 300,000+ miles on it. We bought it used in 05 with 50,000 ish miles on it. We hardly had any repairs and just routine maintenances. But when it died, it died completely and unexpectedly. I'm still grieving a little bit. We replaced it with an older than I wanted suburban, but it has lower mileage and we were able to pay cash for it.
  18. We found our sons cardiac surgeon by Google easily.
  19. My two are only 12 months apart. I had lovely visions of us sitting together at the table doing our work together. HA! Even though they are only 5 and 6, this does not work for these two particular children. DD is a little "advanced" and DS is pretty much right on "grade level". But Dd5 has to move. All the time. She has to hum while she forms letters. She has to sound out word loudly. DS6 is the absolute opposite of this. So K/1st grade level work seems like it takes forever because I have to do pretty much the same lesson twice. However that it also a plus. I only have to plan one lesson for the both of them. What has worked for us is for DS to do phonics/reading and math before DD gets up because he is my early riser. After breakfast we have circle time that includes Bible and usually history or science. Then DS is done and its time for DD to do her phonics and math. This schedule has made our school time so much more peaceful and productive. It only took me a year (!) to figure this out. I can't see how I'll ever be able to combine them for math or LA even if they are doing the exact same lesson.
  20. I love the MP enrichment guide. It's really good. The literature selections are great. The actual lesson plans spell out when to teach what. One enrichment is at the end of every day, IIRC. So you really don't need the lesson plan if you aren't using the whole program. I ordered the whole k curriculum last year because it was our first year and I really didn't trust myself to piece it together. I didn't like the phonics, I really didn't like R&S math, and the handwriting made my DS cry. So I was was left with an awesome enrichment program. Lol.
  21. After fighting with DH over the what color is the dress thread, I had a ham and Swiss sandwich, a cupcake, and the last 2 chocolate chips cookies. And a glass of diet coke. Blah. Now I can't sleep.
  22. I do a big grocery shop once a month at Sam's Club. Then when DD is at dance, I replace fresh veggies, fruit, milk, bread, and whatever we happen to need weekly. We live in a rural area so there is no "stopping" by the store. Sams is just over an hour away and we travel about 30 minutes to dance. I improvise a lot and try to keep what we use stocked up. I use a rotating menu plan. One day is chicken of some kind, one day is pork, etc. This plan has really helped actually have the food in the house to cook. Less stress actually coming up with what to cook also. We really don't eat out that much so it doesn't factor into my meal planning.
  23. My Ford Expedition had both. I got a Suburban a couple of weeks ago and it has just the lighted vanity mirror.
  24. I have DS6 and DD5. We just started morning time in January. Prayer Hymn Catechism Books of the Bible Bible Story MP K recitation (love) Read aloud Sometimes we read our history or science read aloud last. Depends on how DD attention is holding out. I really like how this is working for us. I want to add music, poetry, and art at some point, but this has been our starting point.
  25. You guys are stressing me out! I can't see the end of the first grade work. Will they ever read?
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