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Everything posted by Vernal

  1. Melissa and Doug costumes have held up very well here. They have gotten lots of use. They fit my kids best in sizes 3-6. DS is still squeezing into the policeman costume at a size 8. Etsy has a ton of handmade costumes that are beautiful, but most of them are a little pricey. But if I had younger kids that could use them, I wouldn't mind spending more.
  2. Tuesday already? I'm still wrapping up Monday. On task for today: Some house cleaning. I was just injured by a 3 inch tyrantasaur that was in my bedroom floor. Keep kitchen clean! It's really amazing what a difference this makes in my day. School with the kiddos of course. It rained most of the day today, so we just had school all day. DD's dance class Grocery shopping while she's in class. That's it so far.
  3. We had cookies here. Hasn't helped much but at least it's almost time for bed. Hugs.
  4. They wrote Mr Smarty Pants on my DH's cup once after a particularly bad drive through experience. He did not think it was as funny as I did.
  5. Good morning all! I'm moving slow this morning. I went back to sleep after DH left. On the list for today: Get school started Lunch with my dad Finish school Go outside because it's a beautiful cool sunshiney day Find something for supper? Make up some soap for the farmers market in town Saturday Have a good day everyone.
  6. Good morning. It's my busy day of the month. The third Tursday is always hectic. Work until 2 Kids go too so I have to find entertainment. Dd to dance Women's meeting at church. I usually don't go if DH is at work, but we have some things coming up. Off to get started. Hope everyone had a great day.
  7. Happy Sunday! Jean: I hope you feel better fast. Kidney stones are horrible. Done so far today: Church Lunch at our favorite Mexican place. Yum! Left to do: Rest and read paper Clean kitchen Cook supper Work on a few things for a job on Tuesday. That's it I think. The kiddos and I are tired. They are lying on my bed watching a movie for rest time. Then we are going outside for a while. The first day of sunshine in more than a week. I have to do something about DD's bike this week. It's broken and DH can't get the petals to turn. She can't be without a bike. Or rather her mama can't be without it. Bike riding is one of the only things she does happily by herself and she needs the exercise. So I don't know if we will end up buying a new one or what.
  8. Oh my gosh! I JUST realized when I read this thread title that I will be a great aunt in 6 weeks! And I'm going to the baby shower tomorrow. Wow. Just wow.
  9. I'm glad someone ( or everyone) is having day like mine! Makes me feels less slothful. :) I got up - check Kiddos tired from a late night and didn't sleep in. So there's General unhappiness here. I did actually make a cake for a bereaved family in our church. I didn't actually deliver it though. I took it to my grandmother and she delivered for me along with her food. Fed my kids. Just once so far. They did eat veggies for lunch. I just didn't have to do anything to facilitate that. Some school did happen. Reading and math. That the most important right? I have to do some work related things tonight. But I'll wait until DH is home to help. I think I'll go clean the kitchen. My list is pitiful today.
  10. Sorry about the sick kiddos SKL. Hope you are able to stay well. So my aggravating business for the day: take BIL home. On the way he needs to stop at the grocery store. Sure no problem. The first grocery store didn't have all he needed. Ok whatever. So we go to another grocery store and he takes FOREVER in there. Drop him off and visit my in laws for a minute since we did drive right by their house. Of course We leave later than planned. So we rush to do the errands I needed to do and got stuck with the worst cashier of all time. Really the worst. Still rushing because we need to be at dance on time an hour away. We ate hot dogs and chicken sandwiches from the deli at sams club in the car because we were all starving. On the way to dance I text the instructor to let her know DD is going to be late. Guess what? No dance today. WHAT?!? I almost lost my mind. Lol. Sounds silly when I type it all out, but what an aggravating day. Hoping tomorrow is better!!
  11. My latest rabbits name was Roger.
  12. I have two pair I recently bought at Walmart that I really like. I don't want to send you to a gross Walmart, but I like the ones I got there. They are danskin brand. One pair is fitted (tight like leggings) which I would never wear in public, but I love the way they fit. The other pair is more relaxed and not as tight in the legs. Those tops of yoga pants usually slide down on me, but these don't have that really tall fold over top some yoga pants have. Try Walmart.com if you don't want to actually go there. HTH
  13. Good morning all. Take BIL home and visit in laws Grocery shopping School lots of school Take care of all the new plants we put in the ground while DH was off work. It's rained everyday for a week, but the day we planted it didn't rain. Even with a 70% chance :). New biddies still hatching. Pure chirpy sweetness. 8 so far. Find something for supper. Chicken something? Hope everyone's Thursday is great.
  14. I don't use mine very much. It gets the most use during canning season for salsa, pickle relish, jams, etc. it's handy enough for those recipes for me to keep it. If I didn't use it for canning, I wouldn't use it enough to keep it around.
  15. I have a first grader! She's basically doing the same work as DS6 now, but she's very wiggly. OPGTR - finish up this FLL AAS CLE Math and MEP - finish this up. For next year I am either going to add Miquon for her or switch her to Singapore. She's great at math and rolls her eyes at me when we do CLE. But i want her to have a good solid foundation. I'd rather go wide with her rather push ahead in one curriculum. SOTW 2 + activities and read a louds HWOT cursive Science - ? We have just been reading books. I thinking of getting BFSU to go along. MP recitation and enrichment. Read lots of great books. Others: Dance Children's church activities May start piano lessons. Did I leave anything out?
  16. Monday's are hard! Hugs go out to everyone. Trash day. It's gone. Rearranged chickens because we had 5 biddies hatch yesterday. DH off to pick up BIL to stay with us a couple of days DMom off on errands School. It's done. With little patience this morning, but it's done Laundry going Now I need a few minutes before everyone comes home. I'm going to watch tv while the Kiddos are watching The Magic School Bus because it's raining yet again Later: Clean kitchen More laundry Pick up living room. Make supper
  17. I can remember strings of numbers. Phone numbers, social security numbers, addresses, etc. I have almost no contacts saved in my phone because it's simpler for me to just dial the number rather than go through me contact list. It was also very useful when I worked as an emergency services dispatcher.
  18. I second Walmart. In mine it's on the bottom shelf below the aluminum foil. It's reynolds brand.
  19. Easter may be tackling me this year!! It's 1:30am and family just left. Good times but sooo much to do. Set up outside sound equipment at church - this is usually DH's duty but he has to work. I'm nervous. Kitchen duties for breakfast at church Sunrise service at church Pack up Come home and get kiddos clothes ready for church Make a couple of EASY dishes for lunch Regular service at 11 Go to dads for lunch Come home and crash.
  20. Good morning all. Yesterday I declared a spring break. So we played outside all day with DH. I'm feeling it today though. Got DH off to work with some lunch. Animals are fed and let out Breakfast snack fed to kiddos (this is what DS calls a breakfast that isn't up to his expectations lol) No book work because spring break continues. I have suffered through a few read alouds Lunch with my dad Home to do a few things: Laundry Pick up my bedroom Find something for supper. No ideas yet though
  21. My first post got lost somewhere. Idk. Today has been pretty productive. I took garbage to the end of the road first thing. This is such a ordeal every week it deserves special recognition on Mondays list. I made breakfast. We had school. DH did some maintenance on the lawn mower and mowed the grass while the kiddos and I pick up sticks and tidied up the yard. DH took the kids fishing and I came to the laundry mat to wash our blankets and comforters by myself. I had a pint of pistachio ice as a reward. ( the while pint ) bleck We are putting some kind of meat in the grill for supper. Pretty good day so far. Melissa-I hope your bus ride goes ok. That doesn't sound fun with 2 little ones. Jean-I hope the plumber gets your troubles fixed easily.
  22. Glad you had a good day Jean. Tess that really sucks about your bank. I hope you get it sorted out soon.
  23. Good afternoon. So far today I sent DH and DMom ( my mom lives with us) off to a church meeting, had breakfast, school, and lunch. These kids get hungry so often ;). Doing laundry now. I contemplated taking our comforters, blankets, and rugs to the laundry mat, but it's raining and I don't want to leave the house when everybody else is gone. I savor the days just me and the kiddos are home. School work was great today. DS is over whatever was holding up progress with reading/phonics. We flew through 3 lessons in OPGTR. DD can do whatever I ask her of her easily But her attention span is short. And she's only 5. They are both doing great. >insert happy dance emoji< I'm off to do what I want for a while before the time suckers get back. Lol.
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