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Everything posted by Moonhawk

  1. So, my mom sent another article to "help me understand how silly this all is." https://jamesfetzer.org/2020/06/swiss-research-report-facts-about-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR058L2QMI0D37BiZh2nvw3fvVNO1rIAiSk8xO5WQz_ZFYAX0typ3qnhdRc I read up through point 5 (out of 30) and just got brain fatigue. This is better laid out and has a lot of fancy links and I don't have the time or the energy or mental fortitude to go through it all. [Assuming that there has to be a response,] How would you respond to this? Generally, or point by point? Any advice or wording appreciated. Also, coffee, chocolate and alcohol will be accepted. 😉
  2. We have removable windows for our screened porch. The "windows" are just a thick plastic thing put into a wood frame cut to the size to insert into the screen part, and then there are little pieces of wood to hold it in from falling out. Ours are not not nicely finished or high-tech, but it could be 🙂 Let me know if it makes sense or if a photo would help
  3. I screenshot everything I post. I think I did one link to a gif but the site gave a link to use. I would have thought just opening the image in your web browser and then selecting the location would work, hmm.
  4. I've bought from Etsy (couple different sellers), have never had an issue. the plant sellers package everything well to withstand the shipping and the temps without drying out. Have always received happy and alive plants. What happens to them afterwards is completely on me 😄
  5. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." - Dr. Ian Malcolm, one of the great prophets of our time
  6. Agree, if he is trying to avoid indoor places like museums, most outdoor activities need to be done before 11-12 depending on his adaptability. If he's coming from a high-humid environment he may not feel the heat as hot as it is, and not drink enough water. Traveling to a more mountainy area is also a good idea for outdoor activity, but if your parents need/want to stay close to the house not too much to be done.
  7. Braids work but I don't like them because my hair is really fine so the braids look anemic. My hair is waist length so a spindly braid that long looks weird, and coiling it into a bun fools no one, lol I swear by the Pony-O hair ties, they don't fall out or get loose during the day and they don't pull out hair. Hella expensive to me but I only need one and am careful where I put it. Also, I use one of those clips with a bunch of teeth, I think an alligator clip?, where I make just a pile of hair and then clamp it up on top of my head.
  8. Nothing in the crib except baby I didn't know jogging strollers are out, in the suburbs I see them out and about still Bright colors for toys are still in, grey for decor is popular Diaper bags need to be fashion statements. or backpacks. Baby wearing is super big, tons of different wraps and carriers Teething jewelry worn by moms seems fashionable still I think Carseats are too complicated for me to understand in terms of age/position, all I know is my kids don't fit in whatever they are supposed to the drape-style blankets over carseats are popular, during the winter at least. keeps baby warm, helps them stay asleep, strangers don't touch baby as much. eta: if you are doing bottles, glass bottles are in (at least in my area) cloth diapering keeps going in and out of vogue too quickly for me to know what's current. but there are tons of different "easier" styles.
  9. While I agree yes, the brothers should talk, I don't like the idea of logicking him into doing it, at least like this. I am a fairly logical person who tries to follow fairly logical actions, but I am not Spock and "Why wouldn't you have already..." triggers a defensive reaction to me. I know this is just example wording, etc, but yeah. I had a "You're right" reaction but felt less moved to do an action. I would feel bullied by this. There is a difference between getting the response "You're right" and "That's right." "You're right"s don't necessarily lead to actual action -- the person is acknowledging the logic of the words but is not internalizing it or taking on action, and any action promised from this type of approach is either done reluctantly or not at all. It is forced on them. "That's right" means the person is bringing in the information and seeing that, completely separate from where the information comes from, it is a valid and true statement. They see the value and agree with IT, and it isn't a part of "you" anymore. Asking a question like "Are you avoiding bring this up with your brother for a particular reason?" or "Are you concerned your brother is going to disagree on what needs to be done?" or "What do you think you and your brother can both agree on?" and then listening to what the block is -- not to fix it, but to understand and empathize with them -- will help him process any reluctance and help you both see more clearly what issues may come up. I'm sure there are better questions, too. This isn't treating them with kid gloves, it's treating them with respect and concern about something that is difficult no matter the family background, and particularly more difficult when coming from a background with dysfunction. And it's acknowledging that they are autonomous individuals that can make their own decisions. It is easier to "man up" when you are the one doing it, not being forced by someone else's logic.
  10. I can't vouch for these books so perhaps not as helpful, but if you are a "browser" type of person: Lee &b Low Publishers have a teen section that may fit some of the "well done young adult" category and hopefully be clean also. https://www.leeandlow.com/high-school/diversity
  11. Okay I need to stop now! eta: Thought of better wording: We have hunted the Clorox wipes into extinction. We are the virus"
  12. I liked your version! This is my take on a "nature is healing"
  13. ..... [ 50 posts later] : ".....and so that's PROOF that the mothership is the ark, the lighthouse is a beacon built by the Illuminati (Lighthouse = ILLUM-inati!, who else would be so brazen?!), NOT the aliens themselves, as a trap for the Romulans, and the "monsoons" is code for the beginning of the uprising of the lizard people! QED"
  14. The mothership, originally: "Only light the beacon in the direst of emergencies. We want this study of human civilization to be thorough and expect it to last years. Don't even finish assembly unless you think it's the end of the world." Neighbor: "I am the greatest Ubarlistkajaban scientist to have ever lived. I will not fail in my mission." Narrator: "Then, 2020 happened."
  15. Tried to add the font like a regular meme
  16. On a semi-related note, this movie is now banned at my house because I can't stand the Shiny song anymore. A casualty of quarantine, you could say.
  17. Makes sense. I actually use both a cloth mask and the face shield most times. But on occasion will only use one or the other depending on situation/availability. Also, I like your either for eye protective glasses. I guess this is kind of my version since I wear weird clunky glasses that don't work under lab-like protection. And, if I may say so myself, I look fabulously styled with different prints 😉 I've never coordinated my outfits so much! lol (kinda joking but not really,,,,)
  18. https://mypowis.com/blog/portfolio/myshield/ I know the ones I have come with an option for a tighter/closed fit at the forehead for better protection, if you opt to wear it that way. For me it does go around to just about my ears, and it's adjustable so that it could probably go back a bit further with less gap between me and the plastic if I wanted. Main thing is I wear glasses so have it up a bit farther so I can turn my head without touching (I wear on neck mostly, this wouldn't be an issue if I wore around the forehead instead). And, right, that's why I think these make most sense in close quarters where you're having close interactions. I think clerks and salespeople working in retail would benefit most from these, and would be better than just the plastic guards they put up between the cashier and shopper at the grocery markets, for example. Still, I like to use it too and at the very least it keeps me from touching my face, which is apparently something I do a lot even when I'm trying not to 🙂 I'll add link to my original post, too, just so it's easier.
  19. Okay, I have a few. I am biased on this subject: I LOVE face shields. The ones I have are comfortable, super easy to see through, and can be worn multiple ways (around the neck or on the forehead). They are light and after I put it on after a few minutes I forget I have it on. Re interacting with people: I get a lot of surprised looks, but it is significantly easier to talk with people and express yourself (if you aren't wearing a cloth mask as well of course). Your voice is still muffled a bit for them to hear because of the plastic but no more than the cloth, perhaps a bit less if you wear on the forehead instead of the neck (but I haven't really tested that). Agree they seem to make most sense in close interactions or where you may be closely interacting with people. I live in an area where few people are masking or following the guidelines for distance (maybe 20-30%? I've been laughed at for wearing a mask) so I prefer it over just a cloth mask. For people who cannot wear a mask [like my mom] or are overly concerned about their makeup [like my mom] or don't really "believe in masks" [like my mom] this has been the best compromise product ever. With the ones I have I have no idea how the clerk in @Bootsie's story was able to touch her face. The couple times I've wanted to push my glasses up I've bonked the mask instead, lol. But it could be a different style. I can give the link to the brand I got if people are interested, they come in tons of different prints and are reusable. eta: https://mypowis.com/blog/portfolio/myshield/
  20. My nana, may she rest in peace, refused to listen to people and give up her car. She wouldn't drive very far -- the church 5 miles away was out of her range -- but wanted to go to the bank and to the grocery store. Now, the grocery store was literally across the street: she had to pass two houses, then cross a highway (so 5 lanes but in a rural area so not much traffic) as a straight shot into the Safeway parking lot. Less than a quarter mile from garage to parking spot. She said it was such a short drive, what could happen? Finally, one time when she was driving to the market and crossing the highway, a man literally pulled over, got out of his car, and stopped traffic so she could do a slow cross of the highway into the Safeway parking lot. Like, she was going so slow, he had time to do all of that. (I think the guy stayed with her and drove her/her car back home as well.) She was so embarrassed and it pointed it out to her better than we ever could that she could not drive anymore. And we were just glad that the eye opener wasn't a lot worse than embarrassing.
  21. In this scenario, I would say that kids can only play outside or inside your house. I wouldn't involve other parents unless kids reach close friend status. eta: And if/when other parents get involved, I would make it about your particular son, not about video games. "We have found set screen times work best for son" "He does better when we take video games out of his daily routine" "We're allowing video games on a probationary status right now and are seeing how he does, so we'd appreciate it if the boys did other things." The beauty of neighbor kids playing together is it's less work for the parents (don't have to drive to a playdate or organize anything or necessarily supervise) but once the role becomes more involved on the parents' side, they may reevaluate if your kid can come in at all, or if they are encouraged their kids to play with yours.
  22. I only have 14 under my belt. And, you see, I don't see my reaction getting "better" with more time, lol. As it is, I've gone no contact before year 15. If I keep this up, Year 26 will involve a lunar landing, or something. Or, maybe just Antarctica. Can people still judge you if you live in Antarctica? Asking for a friend...
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