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Everything posted by Dana

  1. And that's why we stopped at the civil war and then started ancients :) The distance of time makes the topics and concepts a bit easier. Again, you know your son. If he's the one pushing and can handle the books without issue, go for it.
  2. :grouphug: Don't try to get through the next 10 minutes. Get through the next minute. :grouphug: And after being sure it is okay with your lawyer (get one), you can talk with your doctor and get something to help with the panic (Xanax works nicely for me but does nothing for dh). And :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  3. Yes, I'd think you're asking too much to have every problem worked out. Writing solutions out takes time. Formatting for printing takes even more. If enough people are willing to pay for worked solutions, then they'll likely be available. College math texts often have solution manuals with odd numbered problems worked out - but these are often extra to purchase.
  4. You know your son. You know what he's capable of handling - both with reading and emotionally. I'd likely wait until middle school, with the possible exception of Mockingbird. But I stopped with modern history after the civil war and went back to ancient history. I don't want to get into more recent material (WWI, II, Holocaust, etc.) until he's a bit older. Those are heavy topics for a child to grapple with. I see how you want to pull in literature to discuss history, which is great. I don't think my son would have been ready at 9 for these topics.
  5. I'd say a hive... ;) Welcome to the boards! And I have seen AP classes that are useless. A friend had a really bad experience the last time he taught AB Calc where administration made him keep a student in his class who would never pass the AP exam & didn't have the prior knowledge. I believe he also had to pass her, even though she didn't know the material. I think the exams do have value. Our state - looks like all school districts now - won't assign students grades under 50, so they don't get discouraged. So if you turn in a blank sheet of paper, you get a 50 on the assignment. Makes me sick. Then they get to my classes at the cc and expect that showing up for class is enough to pass. I hold the line and students will not pass my class if they aren't prepared for the next class. The majority of teachers at our cc do that as well. But there are a few... I intend to have my son take as many APs as he is willing to take. I may have him do some CLEPs as well. I'll have him take some courses at our cc (I'm thinking mainly lab science or general ed) and try to have him take some at the university here. I figure testing (he tests well) will be good to verify my grades. If he can get some good experiences with other instructors and with being responsible for his own deadlines, that's great. There isn't one right way (and we'll see what my son wants at high school age as well).
  6. There are a number of old threads with the tag "grade level" that discuss this. It may be worth reading some of them for a bunch of viewpoints! My son is in 5th grade right now. Cutoff in our state (and it looks like in many others) is Sept 1. His birthday is Aug 29. We started him in K at 5 because I didn't know about redshirting at that point. Our plan now is to repeat 5th next year and basically give him an unschooling year. He is academically advanced. He's even fairly mature. He also has severe food allergies and I think an extra year to navigate those with more freedom will be good before sending him off to college. I also prefer him going away at 18 turning 19 rather than at 17 turning 18. We can let him skip a year later if he really wants out earlier. So that's our current plan...and you're not alone with the decision!
  7. Yes and I'd ask the manager to kick them out. My husband is highly allergic to dogs and cats. He had hives from playing with our godchildren at our house and opening gifts from them. They have 5 cats. I don't want him exposed in a place of business.
  8. Having taught Calc 1 at a cc, I strongly disagree. I think someone passing the AB Calc exam with a 4 or a 5 will likely know the material better than someone who has passed my class with a B or a C. It's really going to vary based on the school. AP exams at least are consistent. It also really varies according to the instructor. There's one at our cc who passes anyone with a pulse, gives take home exams, and cancels class more often than he's there. I'm just waiting for a lawsuit against him and the college. And his RMP evaluations are shining, so when I hear people suggest using RMP as a resource, I really cringe. I can see having my son do some dual enrollment credit at our cc, but I will be viewing every course he takes there as just for high school credit and encouraging him to retake everything at his 4 year (with some possible exceptions). I'm hoping he can take some courses at the university here, but even there you'll have the issues of lower-division courses taught by grad students.
  9. My cousin named her daughter something very similar to my son's name. She was very kind and asked me if we'd have a problem with them using the name. I don't know if they'd have thought of a different name if we were offended, so that would be something to consider if you ask the parents of the child with the name you'd like to use.
  10. The online InterAct software, particularly the "help me solve it" feature may be helpful. This is the free version of MyMathLab and so doesn't save work. But the practice can be good. Don't have link handy, but maybe someone else will post it...or a search should provide it...
  11. AAS has helped here a lot. DS was not an "early" reader (self-taught at age 6 after resisting strongly any direct instruction), but he's an incredibly strong reader. His spelling is not good :) The bits of phonics he gets from AAS has helped. The rules in AAS are great at giving some explanation. I also have The ABCs and All Their Tricks for reference and it's helpful too. Spelling Workout was NOT a good fit here.
  12. From some things I've read, it's likely that your child would still be considered your dependent for the purposes of financial aid. I don't think emancipation would help with bills at all. Sorry.
  13. DS (10) - Lego MineCraft set (funniest part of presents was when he got the same book from two different people: Cartoon Guide to Chemistry :) ) I got a camera! (And dh wrapped the latest Colbert book that we bought a month ago but hadn't unwrapped from amazon when we had all the boxes for Christmas. I didn't have a clue until I unwrapped it :) )
  14. So sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: As an additional FYI, check with your allergist. Here, the itchy throat was the only sign before anaphylaxis. We were already on the way to the ER, just in case, when I had to give the Epi-pen. Very very glad you didn't need the Epi, but just an itchy throat here would be Epi & 911 if we'd had a known exposure. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  15. If you later choose to accelerate, you may find the textbook helpful. It has samples of each major change in each level. We did WWE 2 and 3 fully, then did the textbook version of WWE 4 before moving to WWS.
  16. My 10yo son is currently playing Call of Duty (one of those very violent first person shooters) with his grandfather. They don't play with other people online, but this let's them play together. My parents live 4 hours away. My son will sometimes play Marble Ultra Blast with his grandmother. It's neat that he's able to spend time with his grandparents via video games. He'll also spend a lot of free time playing MineCraft with my husband. This weekend they've also played Age of Mythology together. Ds can beat dh as often as not. Kind of tough for dh :) We've been gamers as long as there have been video game systems. Dh used to load games from the tape player. I had a better system and had the 5.25 floppies. I'm just frustrated that games have left me behind. I can't do 3D games since I get motion sick from them. I'm debating getting the reissue of Baldurs Gate, but I haven't decided yet. So it's a strong yes to gaming here. We do monitor when it gets to be too much, but my son has been playing for over an hour now and it doesn't feel like a long time. He knows the difference between reality and fantasy and has fun playing alone or with others. It is also very rare to get a game here that gets under 100 hours of game play, especially if it's got multiplayer capability, so it does get more bang for the buck than a video, movie, or even many books!
  17. I think there's still a big thread on WWS in the 5-8 subboard. I wouldn't jump from WWE1 to WWS, but if you did other stuff in years between, you don't need WWE to do WWS. If you want, you could use the WWE textbook to get the overview of 2-4 and a week from each main section. We did WWE 2, 3, and then did the text for 4 before starting WWS. I do think WWS can be used on its own, but you do need to be in logic stage, I think.
  18. Check out the speakers and see if there are ones you'd like to see. We went two years ago and really enjoyed it, but that was the year SWB spoke. We're going this year but mainly for the exhibit hall. I don't know if we'll go overnight or just drive up for a day.
  19. MPH science is changing. They update science curriculum every couple of years. I posted asking on the boards at singaporemath.com and Jenny said that change was happening. I think there has been a change with the upper level math but I don't remember...but the boards there should have the answer.
  20. I haven't played with the cloud. I've used the cable when I move files to my kindle. If I have bought a book or borrowed it from amazon, I select which account to send it to (iPad, kindle, etc). I don't know if that may be an issue with the cloud...
  21. I agree with Jane, There also seem to be more discussions about homeschooling in general on that board and they aren't getting lost quickly.
  22. My husband had one after a seizure. I was able to be there with him and could have my hand on his leg. He couldn't hear anything over the noise.
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