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Everything posted by staceyobu

  1. Maybe Ma was of the "better late than early" philosophy?
  2. I don't know if she'd be ready or not! Is there any way to look at samples from the book somewhere? I guess I could buy one to do in the future to look through and shelve it until I think she's ready...
  3. Just wondering as I continue to try to figure out our kindergarten curriculum!
  4. My four year old taught herself to read off of starfall and is now writing me short notes. However, when she writes, she forms her letters in crazy ways (she makes an "x" by drawing four lines to meet the center). Should I start a handwriting program with her so she will learn "correctly"? Or should I correct her with the way I would write them? Or do I just not worry about it at all until next fall when we'll start kindergarten?
  5. I have used a mai tai (one that I made from an online pattern) and love it! I like ring slings when baby is super tiny... but then I like the mai tai because it distributes the weight over both shoulders. I have an ergo on the way. I wanted one since my last one was a baby and finally broke down and bought one I'd go with a ring sling for the new baby phase... then a mai tai or ssc (like an ergo). What I don't like about hotslings... they are a sized pouch so they can't be adjusted. If you gain or lose weight, they don't fit anymore (just like a pair of jeans). It worked for me while baby was small... but then she grew and grew and didn't fit good in it anymore. I'd rather use a ring sling that is adjustable.
  6. I wondered this too. I hate figuring out who to invite to things like birthday parties. I don't want anyone to feel they were left out, but I don't want anyone to feel like I'm just inviting them for a gift, either. I requested "no gifts" for DD's four year old party. Everyone still brought a gift, though. Losers! :tongue_smilie: We never put on a big show for anyone, though. Mostly just time for everyone to hang out and play!
  7. I could totally buy them and not be grossed out at all. I'm generally not grossed out by things like that, though...
  8. I want to start saving money now for what I'll need to purchase for next year (and I want to buy it in plenty of time to look over anything). So, I'm still asking early, but... What will I need for LA for a kindergartner? She can read cvc words and words with blends... we're getting stuck on silent e's and that sort of thing. Should I get a phonics program? Which one? Then do I start a grammar program in k? I'm just confused by what we'll need.
  9. Our sonlight p4/5 books arrived a few days ago and I have been spending some time "planning". I'm so super excited to start preschool with DD... we'll probably start next Monday. Here's what I'm planning on doing. The sonlight books will probably take 20 minutes to read. Then, I've planned a craft or project based on one of the books. For example... one of the readings is about winter so I'm going to have them (DD and her 2 y/o brother) dress up in hats/scarves for the reading. Then, another of the reading selections is a tiger... so I thought they could paint paper plates orange and draw stripes on them to make tigers. On a different day, we might have a correlating snack (fall of man... apple for a snack) and then stomp around the house loudly because a character in a story did that. Does this sound on target? I'm wanting her to enjoy the reading and some projects. DD and her brother love anything crafty. She already knows how to read CVC words so I wasn't really planning on spending time working on letter sounds or anything like that. I also thought about getting a big wall calender and we could do days of the week and maybe count up to what day it is each day. I'm hoping to be done with school each day in an hour. I figure my two year old will do most all of it with her. Is that okay? If he wants to run off and play, I'll let him... but he tends to enjoy being in the middle of things. We'll also have all our regular weekly stuff... story time at the library, playdates with friends, etc.
  10. I believe that studies have shown that children who are exposed to responsible drinking and are allowed to responsibly drink have less trouble with alcoholism than children who grow up in homes where it is banned completely. I have no sources, but I believe I learned that in developmental psych in college?
  11. I'm still debating if sonlight p4/5 is worth the money. I have a $25 off coupon if I order by Monday... so I'm trying to make the decision. My kids are book lovers... so money for books always seems like money well spent! A few questions... 1) Should I talk myself out of ordering this and just continue doing library runs for another year? (Well... we'll do library runs either way...) 2) If I do decide to order it, should I get some easy math to go with it? If so, what kind of math do you recommend? I'm thinking I want to use singapore and miquon when we get to kindergarten and up. 3) I think DD reads on about a 1st grade level. Would it be beneficial to order some readers with the p4/5 so we have some books around that don't frustrate her? Or should I hold back on that? Right now we have bob books and I just let her pick them up as she pleases. I don't really suggest for her to read aloud. Thanks for any advice. I know nothing!
  12. I wouldn't worry at all. I felt really miserable the last month of this past pregnancy and still went to over 39 weeks. I called my husband home from work at 35 and a half weeks because of contractions/nausea/etc. However, nothing came of it. You'll be full term in a week and even if you did have the baby now, things would probably be fine at this point.
  13. I used to drink it all the time. Too much regular milk gives me stomach issues. Raw milk doesn't. :)
  14. I've played a game where you tear off toilet paper for how big around you think the mama is. Then you measure the toilet paper around her and the closest person wins.
  15. I've never been able to cut myself with a venus. They're great!
  16. I do think calvinism has changed my view of nonbelievers. I used to have a very much "their blood is on my hands" attitude... constantly feeling guilty because maybe I should be witnessing and people are going to hell because I didn't share with them. However, I think in many ways it has made me a bolder witness instead of making me witness less. I can freely share and not worry if I say exactly the right words to convince someone to become a Christian. Since God does the work anyways, if I mess up, it doesn't matter. God has commanded us to share the Gospel... so we should continue to share it. But again, it's an attitude of sharing out of obedience to God rather than out of guilt.
  17. I decided I wanted to homeschool a year ago when DD was 3.5. I'm glad I decided then because I think I need a full two years before she is in kindergarten to research all my curriculum options. Anyways, it all looks so much fun! I can't wait to someday order curriculum and make lesson plans and buy some maps to hang on the walls and maybe even a cheesy calender. I almost wanted to be a teacher... and now I'll get the opportunity. I'm excited. So, do you enjoy homeschooling for the most part? Or is it like changing diapers and cleaning house? Not horrible but just a task that has to be done? Does the fun wear off after the first couple of weeks? Just wondering what it's like... And I don't know how I'll ever make final decisions on what to order, lol!
  18. Yep... there are reformed missionaries. We're actually hoping someday we will get to be reformed missionaries. You go out of obedience to God. Not because you will "save" anyone. God can use rocks to tell of himself... but how awesome that he could use me instead and allow me to be part of his plan in bringing someone to salvation. I agree with the other person that stated this is an example of total depravity. We're all depraved, all drawn to sin. I think irresistable grace is that you can't not become a Christian if God is calling you. So, the fact that you were saved at age 8 is an example of irresistable grace. That you came back to God is an example of perseverance of the saints. You can sin and screw up your life, but you will always be saved. No, you cannot lose your salvation. Reformed theology is very God centered. You cannot save yourself, you cannot resist being saved, and you cannot screw up so much as to lose your salvation. Thank goodness. Otherwise I would be doomed because I am an expert at screwing up. I don't really know how to respond to the "false salvation" idea. I would think if you are claiming God's grace, that you would be part of the elect. At the same time, I know of a lot of people who claim to be saved but I see no evidence whatsoever in their life. Of course, only God knows if they are or aren't... I just think some people may claim christianity because they want to look good or feel like it's something they "should" do... but it has nothing to do with trusting in God's grace... does that make any sense? RC Sproul is good. I read one of his books in college, but I can't remember the title of it now. There are lots of reformed baptists (John Piper being the most famous... Voddie Bauchum is another). There are reformed baptist churches and baptist pastors. However, I would say most baptists aren't reformed and most baptist churches aren't open about being reformed even if they are (more like you think whatever you want to about the issue). We left the baptist church to be PCA (Presbyterian) where everyone is reformed. It's been a better fit for us.
  19. I used it while pregnant. I liked step a lot. I don't do the yoga/ strength moves much... but I didn't find any of the other stuff too hard to do.
  20. Does anyone know what "studies" dr phil is referencing about homeschooling not being best for jr high age kids on up? FWIW, that was one of the crappiest interviews I've seen. I can't believe that you would do a show about homeschooling and not know the difference between unschoolers and homeschoolers. Heck, I know the difference and I don't even have a school age kid yet. The show was really about unschooling, not homeschooling. He should have done his homework before doing the show.
  21. I think IKEA is worth a three hour road trip. It is a super fun place to shop (and I typically hate shoping). When DH and I moved to Houston for a couple of years, we went to IKEA every weekend for about the first ten weeks we were there just to look, lol! We have a dresser and a desk. The desk still looks new after several years. The dresser is showing a little wear after three years, but it could be from assembly issues. However, we couldn't afford a "real" wood dresser when we bought it and I think we'll get several more years out of it. Definitely worth the money. IKEA is cheap... but also super fun and trendy stuff.
  22. I agree with the previous poster. She could be right. I don't know if it varies from state to state, but you do have rights as a tenant even if you don't pay rent. If someone lets you establish yourself as a resident of their home, they have to give you an eviction notice before kicking you out. But, if you give notice and she's not paying, you'll win if it were to go to court. However, if you throw her stuff on the street and change the locks... she could call the police and they might tell you to let her back in until proper notice, etc, is given. Or, they might tell her to take a hike. You never know. Good luck.
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