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Everything posted by staceyobu

  1. I think the problems were with kids closer to the cut off weight? We love our marathon as well...
  2. I've been reading about the crash testing done in Canada that was very concerning. However, I am bogged down in technicalities. I'm reading that a britax marathon is not a good choice for a bigger forward facing child? I'm also reading that some people think infant bucket seats are a terrible idea based on the outcomes of the crash testing? I need a new carseat anyways. Could someone chime in with thoughts and specific recs for the following: 5 month old. Currently in Graco Snugride. She needs a new seat yesterday. She is getting too long in this one. Considering passing older sister's britax marathon to her. 2.5 year old. 28lbs. Currently rfing in Evenflo Triumph. This seat is old. Has been puked on, skittles eaten it, etc for years now. I don't know that I can afford two new seats today... but I might replace this one for fun next month. 4.5 year old (Will be 5 in January.) 36lbs. Currently ffing in britax marathon. Love the seat... nervous about the crash test reviews. Considering passing her seat to baby. Should I get her a ffing only seat? Should I move her back to rearfacing and get a seat that goes up to 40lbs rearfacing? She's pretty tall... I don't know exactly how tall. Do you think she's "outgrown" rearfacing by now? We just turned her at almost four years old.
  3. Great thread. I had a girl stalk me in college. Slept outside of my dorm room, threatened to kill herself if I wouldn't hang out with her, wrote me "secret admirer" notes... that weren't so secret. It was awful. I used to attract people like her ALL the time... but not so much now. The incident in college was so bad that I learned to basically not be as nice to people. Don't look at them, ignore them if they talk to me, etc. I kinda hate that I act like that now... but I think I used to be *too* nice to everyone and it just invited trouble. I still have my share of weird incidents. Guy who had a seizure in the car in front of me and ran off the road... I stopped to help. Girl I found wandering around in the freezing cold at night in a hospital gown because she'd just been released from the hospital and her boyfriend kicked her out of the car. DH is the one who typically gets asked for money now, though.
  4. I believe English for the Thoughtful Child is the book FLL is based on.
  5. I'm shocked to read the side effects of tubals here. I had never heard of these before. It also makes me angry. The ob I saw for my recent pregnancy (my third) spent almost every appointment trying to convince me to have my tubes tied. There was no medical reasons... three easy peasy vag deliveries. I guess he just thought three kids was more than enough. I'm even more irritated now hearing the side effects. :glare:
  6. pandas sneeze... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krluc-wXbOQ
  7. I definitely think a six year old could hide that well for that long. However, I was convinced this was a hoax from the moment I heard "wife swap". Really, what are the chances?
  8. I'd go unless you have a preemie baby or some other health reason that you shouldn't be exposed to germs. I would venture to guess that you are probably more likely to catch swine flu from church or a playgroup than at the hospital. Most people in the hospital aren't there for flu...in fact, most people in the hospital aren't there for "catchy" things. I'd go see your mom.
  9. AHHH! I so want to see it! We ditched cable in a money saving effort. I wonder what happened with the OB she was seeing? I watched some clips on tlc of them getting their first ultrasound with Michelle's ob. Did she have shadow care? Or did they have a change of plans? I'm glad to hear a normal homebirth made tv! That's always exciting!
  10. How are you liking AAS? I'm planning that for next year! I figured it would cover our bases but not make us backtrack with phonics...
  11. I would guess irritation to the stomach/esophagus is causing it. If he has taken advil for fever, that can be irritating to the stomach as well...
  12. I can't believe this thread is still going! Ha!
  13. Oh. my. I'd be freaked. I'd probably get a gun. Controversial or not... I don't know what else I'd do... Ugh. This thread may keep me up tonight. :grouphug:
  14. Funny... I was just talking to my mom about this. She is working on her doctorate in reading. My 4.5 year old is reading well. She has done starfall and some ETC. So, she has had some phonics. However, she knows all kinds of crazy words that I don't know how she has figured out. My mom said most people can intuitively pick up on phonics. You read cool, tool, drool... you get that "oo" makes an "oo" sound. Even if you can't explain why. She said the problem is with people who can't intuitively pick up on phonics (dyslexics for instance). They must learn the rules and apply them because they aren't going to intuitively "know" them. So, I believe in teaching phonics. But, I've decided I'm not going to start from scratch and make DD go back and memorize phonics rules she may have missed. I'm just gonna let her read. FWIW, I read well and I learned mostly a whole word approach. I think for *most* kids if you expose them to books and language, they will learn to read without much effort. "Reading is easy" remember. ;) It's just when you have a child that needs the extra help that you have to diligently provide it.
  15. Could you maybe only give her rides on Sunday mornings? Not agree to take her to any events? Then, you're still taking her for church... but if she wants to do anything fun with the group, she has to find her own ride and won't be seen as being glued to your DD? I agree with others... this is a super tough situation.
  16. That sounds fun! Why no more flipping?
  17. You know this thread will get like 50,000 views now. You've made us all VERY curious!
  18. Ha! Yeah... I'll lay off her next time. I just couldn't figure out why she suddenly thought hill would be pronounced heel. Funny about one syllable words as two... she doesn't exactly say "heel"... more like "heee-uhl". Poor girl can't help it. She was born here! I also said "say pill... will... till... hill". She says "pill... will... till... heee-uhl".
  19. I'm actually out in West Texas. Funny thing... when I moved here years ago, everyone sounded like they had such a drawl. Now I don't seem to meet anyone who talks with a drawl anymore. :lol: On a funny side note... I grew up in Dallas area. My roommate from California told my dad he had the wrong number when he called our room and asked for "sty-see" (stacey). She had no idea he was saying my name.
  20. I tried to find reviews... but all I find is singapore math!
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