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Everything posted by Alicia64

  1. I just wanted to suggest that he might want to take classes at the local two-year technical college. Some of the technical degrees might appeal to him. And thank you! Now I know why ds hates it when I touch his back. Thanks again!
  2. (((Dawn))) Just coming in to say I'm so sorry. It's so hard. And you are absolutely not alone. My shepherd just turned ten and I'd be thrilled if he made it to fourteen. You should be very proud.
  3. @pinball@Catwoman @ktgrok I'm not sure this is what you're looking for, but here goes: First click on your "clock" app that's on your home page. Then click on the timer -- at bottom right on the ipod -- then scroll to the very bottom and you'll see, "When Timer Ends Stop Playing." I usually set my timer to stop after 25 minutes or so. I'm usually asleep within 15 or 20 minutes. It doesn't actually mark your place, but it gets you in the general vicinity. I don't know how to go from a podcast to a white noise, but it's an awesome idea! 😊 I've used this on audio books too. Apologizing in advance if I've totally misunderstood!
  4. I'm sending hugs too. Please remember: this is about him, it's not about you. Also, I wanted to suggest that you keep daily notes on the laptop of what comes up each day: your feelings, stuff with the kids, appointments, dates, his move-out, everything. What would you use it for? I'm not quite sure, but I have a feeling you'll be really glad you kept a daily journal. And I agree that you sound like a great mom because you're thinking of everyone in your family. ❤️❤️❤️ Hang in there.
  5. The very little I know about ticks: Be sure the entire tick was removed. Watch your leg for a bulls-eye which is a sign of possible infection. I've put this flea/tick collar on my dog for the last few years, and it is awesome. No fleas. No ticks. On Amazon. Sending you positive vibes for a great health outcome. I've had tough health things and saying "I can do hard things" over and over to myself really helped. ❤️❤️❤️
  6. For years my poor kid played on a Casio. He was on it from age seven to fifteen. Now it's in his bedroom and I hear him playing it a lot. https://www.amazon.com/Casio-CTK4400-Keyboard-Behringer-Headphones/dp/B01MY9B25R/ref=pd_day0_267_7?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01MY9B25R&pd_rd_r=1N2SW8VP37HQ6PNTHGXM&pd_rd_w=833jJ&pd_rd_wg=2asbY&psc=1&refRID=1N2SW8VP37HQ6PNTHGXM. A little over two years ago, we finally bought him a standard -- 88 key -- keyboard at Costco. The brand is Yamaha. He loves it. And his piano teacher who he's had for six years now is fine with it. To me, it sounds like a piano. Plus it has a very small footprint. I think it's this one here. It has what @Tanaquiis talking about: weighted keys that are *pressure sensitive*, that is, that play louder or softer depending on how hard you press the key. Thank you @Tanaqui I know mostly nothing re: pianos. I hope this helps!
  7. Sounds like I need to watch this. I've never heard of it. Just googled: oh, it's on Hulu? I actually have Hulu. Thank you!
  8. Sounds really fun and a perfect starter-experience to see if you like it. And then there's the money. Always good. Have fun!
  9. You are describing exactly what happened to me when I yawned. But I didn't have the pain. I'm sorry about the EDS. I know that's not fun. ♥
  10. LOL. I haven't gone within a mile of gum in the last eight or so years!! I'm trying the technique you describe. Did the dentist say to do this two times a day? Ten? And for how long? And thank you!
  11. Don't you guys live in a suburb of Atlanta? I'm in Suwanee. Where did you daughter get dx? And thanks! You're probably right. How much was yours out of pocket. I remember a bill being like $500 but maybe our dental ins. wasn't good back then. I can't remember.
  12. My mouth isn't soft enough to chew. But my dog one time thought it was wonderful. Had to buy a new one. I'll keep in mind that you had the surgery in case it comes to that. Thanks Laura! My symptoms are that there's a major click when I chew or open my mouth at all. It used to be a minor click, now it's major. No pain though. I am trying this as I type. And it does seem to help. Thank you! Thank you Carol. This is great info. I don't have pain, just major clicking. I'm so sorry you went through that. How awful. I'll try it! I'll definitely watch these! Thank you!
  13. I have a custom mouth guard. Now, the one I currently have was made easily seven or eight years ago. Do you think it would help if I got a new one? They're not cheap either. Although maybe they've come down in price? No swelling, no joint pain. I can try ice packs.
  14. Hi Everyone, I've had TMJ for at least ten years. It was mild and never really bothered me (fyi caution: caused by my chewing bubble gum every afternoon to deal w/ my sweet tooth). Then one day about a month ago, I yawned too wide -- and my jaw locked for a second, it hurt -- and my TMJ went from mild to really, really annoying. I tried to calm it down by only eating liquid-like foods for a little over two weeks. That helped a bit. I'm starting to think I need to go to the same oral surgeon who removed my boys wisdom teeth. Adding: I've worn a mouth guard at night for decades now. I would love any and all advice. I'll try anything! TIA! Wendy
  15. I'm so happy for you!! What a gift. ❤️
  16. I'm so sorry. I know. Three years is nothing when you're grieving. I had one go in 2000 and I still can't think of him without tearing up.
  17. I'm a small-time family travel writer, and Hampton Inn and Suites is my favorite brand. (And I've stayed in many a five-star.) I love them for having clean rooms and rolling these amenities into one easy-to-understand price: Free parking Free Wifi Free breakfast Obviously, they're not free -- the amenities are rolled into the room price. But that's why I like nice three-stars: no surprises on the bill at the end of the stay (like at five-stars that have resort fees etc.) When you book, ask if the parking is free (it's not a given). Ask if there is a mini-fridge in the room too. I like to book with hotels directly and here's why: if you book w/ the hotel you're the hotel's customer. If you book through Expedia or something like it, Expedia is the customer, not you, as far the hotel is concerned. At the end of the article it talks about B & Bs in Nashville too. One more tip: we often go into Publix or Walmart, get what we want and have a car-picnic. Kids never complained. They also really like the $1 cones at McD. and Burger King. Maybe you can tell that I miss travel writing? 😅 Let me know if I can send anymore ideas.
  18. I'm sending my Nashville article again. It talks about hotels and which ones we liked: Kidding Around in Nashville. I included places to eat too.
  19. On the plus side, your dog is adorable!!
  20. Okay, I bugged my other son. Long story, short: one of my sons (they're 18) studied the SAT black book, took the SAT in mid-May, and we haven't received his score back yet. He's planning on taking it again w/ his brother in early June. This son said: "The book is written in a casual voice so it was not boring at all. Very easy to understand." The author did a really good job of summarizing the information. In the book there are three to four pages that say, "Every single one of these math concepts will be on the test." Another SAT book I bought was -- according to this son -- "too dry." I hope that helps!
  21. This is the most I could get out of one: the black SAT prep book "is very comprehensive. It's divided into sections that are easy to use. It just has everything." And a friend who's taken the SAT agrees that it has everything.) I hope this helps! Edited to add: I spoke w/ my other son and he gave a much better summary of the book. 🙂
  22. I think you're seriously on the ball! My two -- 18 now -- both really loved The Kahn Academy for their official practice tests and just studying for the SAT in general. They also both raved about this prep book. I'd bought another book too that they didn't think much of. We haven't gotten their scores back yet, but they seemed very confident that the SAT was totally doable. I hope that helps!
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