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Everything posted by Alicia64

  1. Scary. We're newish to Atlanta, and still getting used to hurricane season.
  2. My parents never made a big deal of certain birthdays. No Sweet Sixteen, nothing special for our 18th, certainly not for our 21st. It never occurred to me either until I saw friends doing special birthdays. My teens turn 18 soon and I want to make it special. At the same time, they have laptops, cell phones, ability to play remote videogames w/ friends from our former state. Both are set in the vehicle department. We were doing an Alaska cruise last summer that of course was cancelled. Not sure if that will be possible this summer. But that would be a cool gift if travel opens up. Any ideas would be awesome!
  3. Okay, I get it now. You are a great teacher. ♥♥♥
  4. Okay, I get "file" now. Can you tell me how to pin the file? I don't see that. Seriously, thank you so much.
  5. What would you call a lot of info? In the info I list ways to deal w/ doctors. I list ten meds. Ten sports. Good podcasts. A great book. And maybe give a one sentence description of each. Do you think I should do a file?
  6. Oh, I don't mind just directing them to the pinned post or file. When people are newly diagnosed they're a little freaked out and aren't always thinking. Now I can't decide: should I do a pinned post or a file?
  7. I agree with this one hundred percent!! When dh was out of work, I completely forgot about food banks and pantries. Never even occurred to me. If I had to go through it again, I wouldn't hesitate. ♥♥♥
  8. It's a group. (How do I know the difference?) I think I need a file. Thank you so much! You're like the Facebook whisperer!!
  9. Thank you! I've always wondered. What's funny is that I have a friend who speaks Chinese, but it never occurred to me to ask him. Thank you again.
  10. I'm a moderator on a Facebook page that addresses a disease. Another moderator was complaining -- okay, it was me -- that when new folks join our FB page, they ask the same newbie questions. Which makes total sense. They're new, of course they have newbie questions. But I'd like to write up the many things that newbies ask . . . and then somehow get the info to them. I told dh, "I think I might have to create a website for this info." And dh gets all mad and says, "You don't need a website!! There's got to be a FB page that you can direct people to." He knows nothing about FB. He's never been on it even once. When I'm on the disease site, I see to the left the word "pages." But when I try to set up a page, it feels like I'm making an entirely new Facebook group. Is that what I should do? I wanted something stagnant. Meaning the info. stays put -- it doesn't move around based on who has visited. Is there a way I can connect a pdf to the disease page? I hope I'm making sense. Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance!!
  11. ((((Egao_gakari)))) We went through this when our twins were two years old. I totally panicked. You need time to adjust. You might not want to tell the kids right away. People would often tell me that the Chinese symbol for crisis is opportunity. (I don't even think this is true, but at the time I thought, "What if 'crisis' in this case is really crisis??) It was several months of being scared. Dh had worked for himself (down to one main client) and so he couldn't apply for unemployment. Eventually we made lemonade out of lemons. I know it's scary beyond belief, but give yourself time to adjust, time to right your ship. Take hot baths, read a comforting book, only talk to positive people -- you don't need the-sky-is-falling folks at this point. At all. Try to remember: human beings are incredibly resilient. A song was my mantra back then: One Way or Another. It's yours now. You're going to build a beautiful new life together. Start by giving yourself time to adjust to the new normal (I know it's a tired phrase, but it really helped a friend who went through this too.) Hugs.
  12. I'm so sorry I missed the "series" part of your question!!
  13. These books are so good specifically on audio: Is This Anything? By Jerry Seinfeld (he narrates the audio. So funny). Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. This one is so good that I've listened three times. The narrator rocks at doing southern accents. Based on a true story in Savannah, Georgia. The Color of Water by James McBride. It's a really good memoir. Narrated by two people. So good. Atomic Habits by James Clear I've heard is awesome on audio. I've read the book twice so haven't heard it yet. The book is phenomenal. Let me know if you want more!
  14. I know the story!! I still think that. . . well. Yeah, that's what I think. Your puppy is so cute!!
  15. So you just return to the post office. I sure could use some help in the wardrobe department, Do you get credit if I say that you referred me?
  16. Everyone, don't shoot! But I think the DNA would say James Hewitt. (Diana's bodyguard.) Ow! Ow! Ow! You're shooting!! I said don't shoot!!
  17. How do you do the return? To a UPS store?
  18. I haven't read the entire conversation, but it looks like you're talking about Harry. I've always loved Harry. My thought is that the powers-that-be never had a DNA test because they didn't need to. They knew what the test would say.
  19. Adding: really good shovels. Not the plastic kind of toddlers, but the kind you get at Home Depot. My teens loved building sand castles and holes (the safe kind). I also agree w/ "kites." My teens love kites too! Have fun!
  20. Huge congratulations!! Losing after 50 is no day at the beach. ♥♥♥ Such a great idea. Thank you. I'd sure love to hear more about Stitch Fix. It's just so hard to imagine that it would work, but I hear raves. Can you share the cost?
  21. I can never read what you're saying because I always just lovingly gaze at your puppy's picture. Sho cute.
  22. One thing about homeschool parents: not stupid, always on-their-game. 😊
  23. Poor babies. I have a GSD. They're berry sensitive.
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